Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Damn luck ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Readers, thank DamnBlackHeart (and Raysha too, but she helps all the time =P)!! Without her, this chapter would have taken a lot longer to write and it would have been one of two ideas... But now, it's a combination of both! ^-^ I'm so happy!!! ... Too hyper, sorry. *cough*
And I apologize for the delay! Harry Potter night was... awesome yet tiring and long. I got off work at 3 A.M. and went to bed at 6 for I had to start reading it... Then I had to work again the next day and came home and finished the book. ^^;; Then I was cozily sitting at home, working on chapter 13 and a manager calls me and—crap I had to be at work! ... So then I was running and didn't have time to update. =( Hopefully you'll forgive me?
Also! I'm amazed at the number of reviews this story is getting! o_o Reviewers, thou art awesome!
Disclaimer: For an accurate disclaimer, refer to chapter one. Otherwise, I own the OC's and the plot.
Chapter 11: Damn luck
Huffing and puffing, Ray tried to discern where this shortcut was leading and somehow, realized that she was only getting further away from the town than anywhere close to it.
“Stop—bullshitting me!” she finally yelled, yanking her hand free once again.
Kurama stopped abruptly, short of breath, his flushed face staring at Ray over his shoulder. “We can't stop now.” he said in between breaths, “It's not safe.”
“Oh please. What isn't safe? The fact there's no one around to make sure we stay alive? Or do you just want me for yourself?” replied a shivering Ray, realization hitting her like a rock. She could see Shuichi looking at her dubiously. “You thought I wouldn't notice?”
“What are you talking abou—”
“I've been pretty gullible.” cut in Ray, her cheeks red from the cold wind. “Oh I really did think you meant everything.” she nodded to herself, trying to contain her seething anger.
Kurama frowned, what the bloody hell was she talking about?
“I have to say, you were always there in the nick of time. The accident, the—lockers, even here, in the freezing blizzard.” She looked around and raised her arms to either side of her as if heaving the falling snow. “There's no one here. It's very convenient.” She let her arms fall to her sides in a loud slapping noise. “You've been in on this from the very beginning, just to gain my trust.”
Now Kurama's eyes were wide in bewilderment. “What!?” he breathed out, anger replacing surprise.
Ray nodded, turning on her heels, “There's no one here!” she repeated, keeping her back turned to him. “What danger could we possibly be in!?” she screamed, almost staring at him over her shoulder, her fists tightly clenched.
He couldn't tell her, he really couldn't... Even if she doubted him for being a perverted bastard, he couldn't tell her the real reason he stranded them from the town. Koenma would kill him, but Ray would probably call the asylum.
Just as he was about to answer, a loud growl made him freeze in his tracks. Looking to his right, he frowned; unlike Ray who's eyes instantly widened. As if choking, Ray seemed to cough her next sentence. “You've got to be kidding me.”
Kurama looked at her from the corner of his eyes and saw her sigh, “Goddamn, freakin' luck!” she swore under her breath. Regardless, the fox still heard.
'I didn't think she even knew curse words...' nearly chuckled Kurama before realizing this situation had nothing funny about it.
Standing six feet away was a—strange mountain lion. 'White eyes? This one's not normal.' Apart from the abnormal eye color, the mountain lion had a tiny head and the eyes sure weren't proportionate. Not only the head, but the legs were too long, large and strong. Besides, the fur was a mix of dark brown and black. No mountain lion had this kind of fur.
Glancing one more time at Ray, Kurama realized she was petrified.
Crunch. Turning his stare back to the hungry mountain lion who had taken an impatient step forward, Kurama could only do one thing. “Run!” he yelled, snapping Ray out of her scared trance at the same time the freakishly big mountain lion lunched forward.
Ray only took two sideway steps. Her gray eyes fixed the surreal battle scene, her head barely shaking from side to side as it trying to convince herself this wasn't happening. Instantly, all her doubts about Shuichi were gone. Washed away by instinct. What a fool she had been to doubt him and his honesty.
All her life she had seen him exhibit pure truth, almost like an honesty policy. Except for the glitches regarding the fan club, that at least, Ray was understanding of. If he was blatantly honest to them, he would be the most hated guy on the planet and many girls would shed tears for all eternity without finding another true love the rest of their lives.
A scream snapped Ray back to reality once again. Gasping, she stumbled backwards and landed on her butt. Shuichi was wrestling with a humongous mountain lion that had sunken its teeth into Shuichi's flesh who was now losing liquid as red as his hair.
Cringing, Kurama weakly brought his leg up under the mountain lion and kicked the starved animal off him. Meowing loudly, the demented animal flew sideways, its clawed paws trying to hang onto its prey and thus ripping Kurama's clothing and skin from his left shoulder down onto his stomach.
Turning on his wounded stomach, Kurama held his bleeding right shoulder and attempted to stand up. Clenching his teeth, his brain was already racking up all strategies to get rid of this—thing. He still wasn't sure what it was. It wasn't a normal animal, it had a certain energy signature but it emanated a feeling of revenge.
The mountain lion turned his—face!? His growl somehow sounded like a laugh, and his paws now had fingers. “Dinner puts up a fight.” he licked his lips before chuckling, his voice distorted between a high pitched voice and a low one. Creepy, his skin looked like fur! Wait—it was still half fur! Furry dark brown and black skin. Ew.
Ray stared at the—person with claws incredulously. “The—mountain lion... is a per...son?” she muttered to no one in particular, her hands clutching the snow beneath her fingers.
White eyes turned to her, a wide smirk plastered on an ugly face. “You're dessert.” it snickered and returned its hungry stare to the bleeding, appetizing Kurama.
Kurama was bewildered; if that thing was a demon, why didn't he sense him before!? And since when did demons live in mountains in Ningenkai? He had no choice, if he was to fight a demon, he'd have to be one to defeat him, regardless of consequences. Letting go of his bleeding shoulder, Kurama reached inside his hair and froze, his eyes widening.
Ray looked at him, confused. What was he doing? This was no time to make sure his hair looked good! He was about to become something's dinner!
'My rose!' Why wasn't he able to summon it!?
The demon in front of him snickered and let his freakishly, abnormally long tongue hang from his mouth like a dog salivating. “What's the matter? Powerless?” the demon laughed like a hyena before lunging forward again, wanting to sink his long fangs into Kurama.
Rolling sideways, Kurama barely dodged his attacker, letting his foot slam into the demon's face, before standing up hurriedly, leaving red stains everywhere. Breathing heavily, Shuichi stood in front of Ray protectively.
“Shuichi—” whispered Ray, still not completely registering the fact that something not human stood in front of them and that, even injured, he still protected her.
The demon shook his hairy head and stood, crooked, on his two legs. “You taste good... demon.” sneered the real demon.
Kurama frowned, this certainly wasn't the way he expected to tell Ray, if he ever intended to tell her anything. “How did you know?”
“That boy's hatred for you heightened my senses.” replied the demon, crouching slightly.
'Boy? Who is he talki—' “Yukio.” he finished quietly, clenching his fists.
The demon cackled, “I don't give a shit about that rat. I'm just glad his anger brought me dinner.” And without giving Kurama any time, he sprung from the ground and was onto Kurama before the latter had any chance to move.
Pinned to the ground once more, Kurama blocked the demon's mouth with his arms, very well aware that the sharp teeth tore through the sweater as easily as through his skin. Trying to summon his spirit energy one more time, the fox demon yelled when his enemy's jaw clamped tightly around his right arm.
Without spirit energy, this fight's winner was clear. Somehow, that second scream of pain seemed to have opened something new in Ray. “Shuichi!” she yelled, standing up abruptly, her legs now fully functional and alert, adrenaline rushing through her body.
Glancing up at the frightened girl, the demon smirked, which only sank his fangs deeper into Kurama's arm. “Damnit—” whispered the latter, wanting to punch his enemy's lights out, but knowing that pulling his arm out of the mouth would probably be the same as chopping it off.
Aw, a human wanted to fight for the one she cared about? How sweet. Just that thought made the shape shifter want to puke. What a disastrous idea! Wanting to save someone from certain death was like—defying fate! No one can escape destiny, especially when you're on a date with her. It wouldn't be right at all to dump her.
“Ray—” panted Kurama, straining to keep the demon off him while somehow restraining him from chasing after his friend. “Get the hell away from here!” he finished, slightly out of breath. “Run back to the hotel!”
A strange fire lighted Ray's eyes, “No chance in hell.” she answered in a whisper and quickly bent down to grab a stone she had spotted earlier. “Get away from him!” she shouted to the—thing biting Shuichi.
The demon, always welcoming fresh meat, widened his smirk and let Kurama's arm slide out of his bloody mouth before his abnormal tongue licked most of the red liquid up. “Watcha gonna do, girly?” growled the demon, crouching slowly.
“I'll kick your ass.” affirmed Ray, readying her right hand with the rock. She had always been a good pitcher in baseball. This would be a good time to show off her athletic skills, ne? Even though she sounded confident, Ray had yet to think of a way to, somehow, defeat that horrid, putrid, smelly thing that looked like a ragged sock.
Hooray! I finished! Not... as spotless as I wanted it, but I think it underlined the basis. Please tell me if you didn't understand anything, that way I can clear things up in the next chapter (even though it's my original intention). Reviews always warmly welcomed! =D
Methos: Haha, yay for action. ;) The lemon's coming soon, so you're going to end up mighty jealous... >.> But just pretend you're Ray for the entire story. xP
inuyuyu_15: Ze update is now here... Ish... Oh wait, no I need to update again... and write more... I don't know about you, but this is one of my favorite chapters. :P But actually, I do like the entire story... ._. Um—
jen9: ^-^ Why thank you!! Welcome aboard, die hard fan ;D I need to write more and faster... Hehe, thanks for reviewing!
a_MikoS_heartache: Welcome aboard and thank you! I'm really really glad you like it. =D ^^;; As for your question... well... I was going to mention something eventually... but um... yeah... >.> Koenma depends on Yusuke, Hiei and Kuwabara while Kurama's on a short lived vacation? *cough* Thanks for reminding me to write something about it, but I have a feeling it won't be until a couple more chapters. :P Thanks for reviewing though! ^^
duskfate: ^^ Thank you! And here's another update... in a couple of minutes after you get this email... fanfiction's system is kinda weird, I have to speak in future tense. :P
Silver-arctos-star: Hahaha, Yukio's a creature? LOL! As for interrupting their good time... um... it was in the--script? Oh wait, I'm writing it... Um, good question. ^^;; I'll be sure to ask myself that next time. Thanks for reviewing! ;)
duckichan87: ^-^ Yay! Hopefully this chapter will be worth waiting for too... >.> Oh, the Aokigahara is the forest at the base of Mount Fuji, I looked it up on wikipedia, but I guess it showed up weird on this site because it doesn't allow links of any kind... So I had to--butcher it. ^^;;
kuramagurl: Haha, they all have hidden sides... But then again, this is a story rated M (or R) so... >.> Update coming soon! ^^ Thanks for reviewing!
Winter Moon Rose: ^^ Thank you! And welcome aboard (it's usually explorer, but I'm gonna go with...) Kurama fan! =) Thanks for reviewing!
Shy_Chan: ^^ I shall keep going, just because I might get killed by all the rabid fans. Meep! Hehe, thanks for reviewing and joining the addict club. :P
Leh Star: o_o Uh oh... I better start writing, otherwise, the world is doooooomed! *cough* Lol for video game. :P And thanks for reviewing again. ;)
Kurama_s_Girl_911: Haha, it is fun to read about... It's kinda hard to put on paper... Well, computers. ^^;; It depends, because usually I have this "perfect" uh--position or background in mind but no matter what I write I can't describe it without drawing... and I can't draw. ^^;; Thanks for reviewiiiing. =D
missy: Haha, first again! =D Thanks for reviewing ;)
midnight fox: ^-^ Hehe... don't kill me again? ^^;; I know I know, they got interrupted again... What can I say? *sweatdrop*
missy k: ^___^ So did I... *cough* I mean! Thanks! =D
Nekomi_Meow: ^^ Agreed, comma. =D
Meep_4ever: o.o Nooo! Don't be sad from neglect! Lol for Kurama reading the story. xP And thanks for reviewing!