Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Dreaded day ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

All these reviews are so encouraging, I'm writing after I updated o.o That rarely happens anymore (unless I have a chapter already started). It's good news for you! I really really intend to finish this story before the end of August. Tears of joy and sadness, I know... But Ray can't wait! (My friend, not the OC ;P) I'm sure all of you can't either, at least, that's the vibe I get from the reviews... =D
I'm glad more people are enjoying this, and I can't wait to see your reactions as I keep on twisting and twisting the plot all the while wrapping it all up together. You may now proceed to the actual update. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: My drawing skills are pitiful, if I could have conjured up Kurama from the depths of nowhere, don't you think I'd claim him as mine? Sadly, none of them belong to me! ;-;
Chapter 19: Dreaded day
Tomorrow was now today. The happy fluttering in Ray's stomach had given way to the dead weight of anxiety and uncertainty. Could she really call Shuichi and pretend nothing had happened on that day? Might as well start the groveling with a courteous 'hello;' perhaps that will break the ice she had established between them. Ray took a slow, deep breath while her hand reached for the telephone—the instrument of truce.

She saw her fingers dial the number without actually trying to remember what the number was. As her gray eyes stared at the moving fingers, she could only tell her hands were moist. Oh, when had she stopped breathing? She took a quick breath and instantly found herself trying to calm her breathing. Better not start off out of breath, it wouldn't bode well...

Surprisingly, Shuichi's cell phone was off. “The number you have dialed is not available--” Ray hung up the phone, the weight in her heart doubling. Did he change cell phones to avoid her calls? 'No, no, stop being paranoid... His battery might have died...' Truly, her warped brain did nothing to help the insecurity she had been feeling even before the unneeded thoughts.

Might as well try the home number. Again, she could only stare at her fingers as they expertly dialed the number, as if they'd been waiting two long weeks only to trace this path—and the other—on the keypad. Just as it started ringing though, her father's voice distracted her from the beeping tone: “Ray, you're going to be late. Come down here for breakfast.”

She heard a click and a distant voice answering “Hello?” but she slammed the receiver down. It was early, what was she thinking!? Grabbing her school bag, she hurried down the stairs, grabbed the toast on her plate and slipped on her shoes by the door.

Leaving with a muffled “Bye,” Ray shut the door behind her before her parents had the opportunity to say anything. The way to school was boring. Get on the subway, sit for fifteen minutes, get off, walk up the street, turn left, and tada, cross the school gates. Today, however, her not so interesting routine was thrown off balance by a somewhat strange occurrence on the subway.
She'd barely sat down and taken out a book to read when she felt-- watched. Ray pretended not to notice anything, but slowly, let her eyes slide up the page until they were peeking at surrounding passengers. The usual businessmen, various students and other workers. No one really stood ou-- him. That kid, standing by the doors, hands casually stuffed in his ripped jean pockets.
It wasn't his green hair, though it certainly didn't help the feeling, but everything about him seemed wrong and out of place. The way his back was slouched, a bit much for a normal person; the way his eyes darted nervously around, at a highly questionable speed, but especially the way he stood. With his hands in his pockets, he couldn't hold on to any metal bars or plastic straps, yet he just... stood there, passively. At least, it looked passive, but Ray felt it wasn't what it looked like.
Her gray eyes quickly darted back to her page before he could notice she'd been looking at him. Her heartbeat quickened, at first slowly, then increased steadily until she felt as if she was running a marathon. Why did she feel so threatened? Maybe it was all part of being pregnant, and she just felt extremely insecure in this train full of strangers that could possibly hurt her and her unborn child!
Calm down! Calm down, calm-- down....' Ray breathed in and out, slowly, trying to slow her erratic heartbeat. Why was she getting so paranoid? Perhaps she was just nervous about calling Shuichi, and-- now that she hadn't, everything else seemed... ominous. Yeah, that could be it.
After thirteen excruciatingly long minutes, she finally got off at her stop. Somewhat having succeeded in clearing her mind of what she could only guess was the equivalent of people phobia or claustrophobia—perhaps a dreary combination of both—Ray continued on the street, towards school. As she approached the street corner where she was supposed to turn, she thought she heard soft footsteps, matching hers.
Her heart beat spiked again. Did all pregnant women feel this threatened all the time? 'I'm just imagining things,' she told herself, yet slowed her walk just in case, 'no one behind me is actually following me.' Right, they couldn't be. Kobe, although much smaller than Tokyo, was still a city and numbered almost 1.5 million people who all lived here; she was bound to walk in the same direction as someone else, wasn't she?
She couldn't help herself though, she turned the left corner slower than she usually would and caught a glimpse of green in between the passersby. Her heat skipped a beat. Why? Why why why? She just told herself it was normal in a city! So why did it feel wrong to be 'followed' by that green haired guy!? Now Ray quickened her pace until she safely made it into the school grounds. As she walked towards the main building, she slowly turned her hair sideways, then turned her waist along to glance behind her.
Nothing. Or rather, no one was there but students entering the school. Eyes widening slightly in confusion, Ray forced herself back around and tried not to lose her mind. That last task proved especially difficult when all she wanted to do was frantically pick up her phone and hear Shuichi's soothing voice. Her heart sagged in her chest, like a heavy bag of potatoes. Just the thought of him brought on a whole new set of painful thoughts. Joyful school sure keeps a mind busy.
I found her,” drawled a semi baritone voice.
Exactly where you thought. Your information was accurate.” replied the young male, slouching forward even more.
Perfect,” replied the guy in the shadows. “We'll proceed as planned.”
The young male nodded, stretched his arms over his head, and left.
“-- urn in your assignment next week. That'll be all.” said the teacher before dismissing the class. Kurama was jolted out of one of his many daydreams as students hustled out of the classroom. With a soft sigh, he gathered his belongings in his school bag, cleaned his desk, and was on his way.
“Shuichi-kun, are you alright? You seem... fazed.” asked Kimori once he was in the hall.
Kurama blinked out of his torpor again and slightly smiled at his classmate. How could he? Just seeing her reminded him of the field trip to Mount Fuji, and the ultimate outcome of the multiple events. He'd finally made Ray realize the true color of her heart, only to have it wither black in his palm and disappear away from him.
“I'm alright,” he reassured her, not at all convincingly.
“You've been like this ever since she left...” muttered Kimori, though not out of jealousy. She'd learned since the field trip that her naughty and sassy attitude would never get her close to Shuichi, not even as friend. After Yukio got expelled from school, it was like a heavy, thick veil was lifted off her eyes. She couldn't believe she actually caused a classmate to fall off a mountain.
Kurama didn't reply, Kimori had a valid point. Ever since Ray left, he'd been feeling... morose, disheartened, and weak inside.
Classes were finally over for Ray and she couldn't wait to get out, grab her call phone, and try calling Shuichi again. The whole day that phone call had looming over her head, weighing her down like shackles. Now that school was over, she could find the key and let herself fly again—that is, if he picked up...
She must have gotten up too quickly, because as soon as she stood, Ray noticed her vision go black and felt her blood drain from her face and limbs. She barely had time to utter a soft groan while trying to grab the chair next to her, then everything went black.
“Shuichi-kun!” gasped Kimori, catching a stumbling Kurama. “You're not alright.” she almost reprimanded while helping him back on his feet.
“Sorry,” he apologized softly, “Just a black veil.” Although that was true, he couldn't really explain it, but it had felt-- strange, to say the least. “It'll pass in a few minutes,” he reassured Kimori, who seemed about to go get help.
She opened her mouth to say something, but he shook his head. “No need, I assure you. I'll be on my way home soon.”
Ray woke up to stare at a bland, boring white ceiling. She blinked twice before she remembered she'd fainted in the classroom. Lightheaded and somewhat groggy, she sat up and realized she was in the school's infirmary.
“Up, are you?” asked the school doctor, straightening up the room. “Gave your classmates quite a scare.” she smiled gently.
“Sorry...” mumbled Ray apologetically while swinging her legs off the edge.
“Do you have a history of anemia?” Ray shook her head. “Hypoglycemia?” Another shake of the head. “Vertigo?”
“No,” sighed Ray, getting tired of this questioning.
The doctor seemed to notice and held her clipboard at her side. “Any special circumstances?” she inquired with a motherly look. Ray nibbled on the inside of her bottom lip, which seemed as good as a 'yes' to the doctor. “Very well, you may go home if you feel up to it.”
Ray nodded, gathered her belongings and bowed to the doctor. “Thank you,” she said before she walked right out. Barely had she closed the door and started walking towards the school gates that Ray pulled out her cell phone. A lot sooner than she'd realized, she was off school grounds and on the street, buzzing with people walking to and fro.
Phone in hand, heart drumming both excitedly and anxiously, Ray started walking towards the subway. She was so absorbed in gathering the courage to press the “call” button on her phone that she barely noticed the green haired man walking towards her. The green from her periphery vision did catch her eye, however, and she noticed right before he walked almost right into her. Staring at him as he pretended not to notice she'd stopped walking, she hurried out of his way and continued down the street.
Now rushed, Ray called Shuichi's home number and pressed the phone against her ear, unaware that the green haired man had whirled around and was now walking closely behind her. After five rings, the answering machine clicked on and Ray hung up quickly. Only then did she notice the taller shadow hovering behind her. Her heart rate sped up and she started taking bigger steps.
Her fingers fumbled through her phone's contacts, stopped on Shuichi's name again but this time for the cell number. From where she was, she could see the station looming ahead of her. Rushing her steps, Ray glanced down to select the cell number when she walked right into someone. “I'm sorry!” she breathed out, barely glancing up to apologize.
The person she'd walked into, though, didn't budge. Ray found herself doing a double take. The person was huge, at least seven feet tall, and had almost no hair. The most frightening part about him was probably his eyes: cold and devoid of any feelings. Ray's mouth opened slightly as she took a small step back. Before she had the reflex to step sideways, the giant put a hand on her shoulder and forced her around.
Shocked and now almost petrified, Ray witnessed her own legs walking towards a deserted alley across the street. “W-what are you doing?” she heard herself mumble, trying to sound angry. The giant made no answer, and the green haired man now flanked her right side silently. “Let me go!” she spit out, anger now present in her voice.
It had no effect on them, except perhaps reaffirming his grip on her shoulder. The giant's hand squeezed her shoulder so hard she thought it would break. So much for wriggling out of that grip. Then she remembered and her thumb pressed a key on her cell phone. Her timing had to be near perfection...
Kurama was on his way back home, nearly there in fact, when his cell phone rang. He'd turned it on once he'd left the school grounds in case something happened since he barely had any battery left. His eyes somewhat widened when he noticed the caller, and his footsteps idled on the sidewalk.
Nervously, he flipped his phone open and pressed it to her ear. “Hello?”
Ray and her two 'kidnappers' were now a few feet away from the alley. Glancing down at her phone, she saw the seconds ticking by, keeping a count of how long her phone call was. Her heart almost leapt out of her chest when she heard the faint 'hello' uttered by her favorite voice in the world. It was now or never.
Ray dropped to the ground, squatting down quickly, bringing with her the giant's arm. She shot back up behind him and twisted until his grip faltered on her shoulder. Free at last, she slammed the phone to her ear, where she heard a second 'hello?' that warmed her heart.
“Shuichi!” almost cried Ray, somewhat out of breath.
Kurama's eyes widened more at the tone of her voice. “Ray? Ray are you alright!?” He could hear sniffing at the other end.
“I'm sorry!” she blurted out, glancing behind her all the while. “I'm-- sorryforeverythingIsaid!” she apologized way too fast.
Kurama was about to reply when he heard her gasp, then grunt loudly until her voice died away. “Ray!?” he shouted anxiously in the phone, his legs now running at top speed towards his home. He heard a beep and shot a quick glance at his screen: almost out of batteries. Shit.
Pressing the phone even harder against his ear, Kurama burst through the doors of the complex and rushed up the stairs. “Ray? Can you hear me?”
“Let me go! W-what are you doing?” He could hear Ray's distant voice. His heart squeezed painfully. What was happening!? “Give that back!” she yelled, obviously far from the phone.
What he heard next, he'd never forget. A familiar voice chuckled and he could hear the phone changing hands until a peaceful sigh sounded in his ear. “Dear oh dear, it's never as I want things to be, even with hired aid...” tsked the voice, as if disappointed.
Kurama felt his limbs tense up and his insides freeze at the same time. He couldn't believe this, what were the odds!? A frown creased his brow, “Yukio,” he snarled through gritted teeth.
The voice laughed lightly, “So good of you to remember me. I'm sorry to say you won't be needing this number any longer.” he said offhandedly. “Nor will you be seeing the phone's owner.” he added coldly before disconnecting the call.
“Wait!” Too late. At the same instant, his phone blanked out. Growling in anger, Kurama rushed to his apartment, nearly busted down the door and fumbled for his charger. Once his phone was plugged in, he tried calling Ray's phone again and again. Each time, he was met by the same computerized voice: “The number you have dialed is not available--” And each time, he would snap his phone shut in distress.
Thoughts were jumbled in his mind. How could Yukio know where Ray went? What did he mean by 'hired aid'? He had to go there-- but he wasn't sure were 'there' was! Even once he got there, his chances of finding Ray were slim at best. Kurama started pacing his room, anxious, nervous but worst of all full of remorse.
What could he do to get her back safe and sound?
... I noticed that, even though I have plans for what's supposed to happen, they always end up changing as I write it. Then I realize that, and try to go back and change it, but... I don't want to, because it fits, and then I'm not too sure how my original idea was supposed to happen. I hope you still enjoyed it!
KyutiHuni:Haha, shall I prepare a tissue for next time? =P Hope you enjoy(ed) the update! ;)
tricey7: You flatter me! Thank you! Hope you'll enjoy the update. I'll respond to your message in a bit (: In the meantime, thanks for reviewing!
A Last Kiss For Succubus: Oh drama, where would we be without you? Glad to know you enjoy this! ^.^ One more chapter to go before the epilogue~~ Thanks for reviewing!
Ayla The Librarian: Yes indeed, I'm quite alive! ^^; o.o You flatter me, I'm so glad you like this-- so much! Hope you enjoy the update and thanks for reviewing! XD
Kisune No Yume 89: Chapter 19 on its way *chuckles* It makes so happy so many of you seem to... love this story. Never expected it to be this popular ^^;; Thanks for reviewing!
lightlovebunny: Haha! Well, there are motives (even if well hidden). I'm afraid you'll have to wait another while for another update to get all your questions answered... *angelic smile* Thanks for reviewing!
White Alchemist Taya: Well-- I'm afraid you'll just have to read the update and decide for yourself... *whistles innocently* Thanks for reviewing~~