Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Warmth ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part Two

Disclaimer: still own nothing

A/N: Ok hope this makes up for the lack of participation and for um…you know * glances around nervously* killing Keiko off on the fist half or rather intending to but being chastised by Rose not to. Sorries but the mood I was in when I wrote it was glum so the fic turned out sad too. But I fixed it along with some other things. Also as an added bonus! ( Sounds like I'm selling something, hm…maybe I should…) I also have posted another one shot along with a few little pics.



Slowly she opened her eyes only to find she was surrounded by darkness and an overwhelming sense of emptiness engulfing her. She was floating in a dark void surrounded by a bitter cold that touched her very soul. Her whole body felt as if it were made of lead, any movement she made only caused her more pain and exhaustion.

`So this is what being dead is like? I thought it would have been more…maybe I didn't go to heaven.'

Snapping out of her musings she cast her gaze around her, her neck prickling with awareness. Someone or something was watching her. Trying not to panic she stood her ground, even though she wasn't entirely sure if she was even standing let alone in her body.


`Who said that?'

Confused and a little scared she moved towards the voice, her eyes scanning the darkness around her. She could hear the faint voice growing in volume but still unable to find its source. Frustrated now she began to move towards the voice faster, something about it seemed familiar to her. It seemed to take away some of the bitterness yet it would come back worse than before.


Angry because she couldn't find the voice and that she couldn't understand the rest of what it was saying she gave a small yell, the noise echoing through out the empty space around her.

`Kuso! Why can't I find that voice and how come I'm going nowhere?!'

After a few more minutes of self pity she turned her gaze back to the blackness around her searching for anything to help her. A spark of light caught her attention; it seemed to be blinking off in the distance, though how far that distance was she didn't know. Not giving it anymore thought she raced towards the light, hoping that it would not go out or fade.

After going only a few minutes and in her opinion, not that far. The light seemed to grow bright and the air around her seemed to grow considerable warm. Relief washed over her and she reached out towards it, her finger tips grazing the soft warm glow before tipping forwards and falling into it.

Blinded momentarily she let the warm radiating around her soak into her cold body. Sighing she tired to move closer to the heat source another happy sound escaping her lips when the heat source seemed to wrap itself around her body. Struggling against the feeling of fatigue she willed her eyes to open so she could take in her new surroundings.

Her eyes opened up painfully slow and a blurry image came into view. Flashes of blue and pale ice swirled in her vision right before she let the sleep that had been pulling at her conscious claim her.

Cool blue eyes watched the young girl as she struggled for her life. After a few moments her lashes fluttered open to reveal a pair of drowsy and daze brown eyes. When they slid around the room then back to him before closing a small smile graced his lips.

She would be fine.

Wrapping his arms tighter around the fragile creature in his care he buried his face in her neck, inhaling her sweet scent that he had tried so hard to forget. His blood heated just at the memories her smell produced and he laid soft feather light kiss across her collarbone and up to her face. Before pulling back and brushing the silken strands away from her face.



Keiko awoke to the soft sound of someone else breathing. Confused she tried to open her eyes only to find it harder than she thought. Not one to quit she took a small breath before trying to open them more slowly. The room around her came into a bleary focus of color and images. Waiting a few moments the images and colors shifted and became clearer giving her some idea of where she was.

`It looks like…a…cave?'

Letting her eyes trail around the room she could see she noticed it was very well kept for the lack of furniture. It seemed to have its essentials one of them being a large fire burning brightly in a pit a few meters away. Keeping her gaze on the red and orange flames she let her mind wander.

So deep in thought that she didn't notice when the person behind her awoke, or that there was even someone behind her for that matter. Only when she tried to shift did the feeling of arms around her mind section register in her mind.

Glancing down she noted that the arms were lean and muscular, there were tiny nicks scattered along their pale skin. Skin that was soft and cool to the touch. A feeling of anticipation rippled through out her body as confusion and unease swirled in her mind.

Watching in silent fascination as the arm on top unwrapped and moved along the expanse of her stomach to the curve of her hip before gliding down her thigh and coming back up again to rest on her hip bone. The other sliding down to slip under the heavy blanket cloaking them.

A tiny gasp escaped her mouth when his cool fingers touched her warm flesh. She could feel them glide down her abdomen stopping to hover above her curls. When she didn't protest the hand descended, causing another gasp to pass through her lips just as a pair of soft lips began to caress the nape of her neck.


Touya had felt the moment she woke up and after waiting a few minutes for her to adjust he shifted his arms and let his hands run across her body. The feel of how her body responded to his urging him to awake the same responses now.

When the temptation to taste her became too great he gave in, letting his mouth move across her petal soft skin. His fangs grazing gently over her neck before lightly nipping on the skin. Moving his fingers at a leisurely pace he kissed his way up her neck to her ear, licking the shell lightly before gently blowing on the damp skin causing the girl to shudder for a moment.

Keeping a slowly torturous pace with his fingers he shifted them around, placing her on the silken fur below them. Her lips were parted as her breath came out in shallow pants, eyes closed as a pink tint dusted the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Moving down so they were a millimeter apart he let his breath tickle her heated flesh as he moved down her face to come to a stop above her full lips.

Keeping with the slow pace he gently kissed the edge of her mouth, moving across to take her lower lip in a soft caress before taking her lips with his own in a sensually lazy kiss. He could feel her slick walls tighten sporadically around his digits as her body twisted under his trying to get closer to his own body.

Ghosting his unoccupied hand up her body he let it grace her skin every so often in feather light touches before moving on to come to a stop under her chin. Tilting it up just the slightest he tipped his head to the side to deepen the kiss. His tongue snaking out to reacquaint itself with her.

Keiko gasped as his dexterous fingers continued to stroke her folds, knowing where to hit to cause a tremor to rack her lithe body. She was in ecstasy with each deliberate stroke his fingers made. She could feel his body hovering over her own their flesh just barely touching as she pushed against his hand trying to get him to quicken his skilled fingers.

She wasn't sure why she wasn't afraid or ashamed. It was as if her body knew who it was, so attuned to the person that it reacted of its will, eagerly anticipating the outcome of this agonizing but deliberate dance of desire.

When the familiar knot in her lower stomach began to tighten to the point of welcomed pain she let a low whimper escape her lips as she pushed her hips into his hand. The figure above her moved away from her swollen lips to leave a trail of tender kiss across her supple body. His mouth opening up to encase the harden nub of her breast, her tongue swirling around the nipple as his fangs carefully scraped across the dusky skin.

Pulling back to gently blow on it before going back to lay more kisses along the skin, leaving a small red mark on the under side of her left breast. When her small whimpers turned into deep moans he could feel his own need aching for release. Momentarily ignoring it he let his tongue slide sensually over her stomach, moving over the small dip in her stomach, tongue slipping inside before pulling out quickly to be replaced by cool air.

Moaning she shifted under him trying to convey what she wanted but unable to make any coherent thoughts let alone words. She could feel the knot being pulled to the breaking point, could feel herself teetering on the edge of sweet oblivion. Just one more stroke and she would fall into utopia.

A whine escaped her lips as the fingers suddenly left and the mouth moved away. Unable to stop the small cry as it spilled from her swollen lips she unconsciously moved towards the figure. She gave a sharp intake of breathe seconds later when a pair of lips began to move along the outside of her nether lips. The mouth nipping at the oversensitive flesh before soothing it with a cool kiss and lick.

Unable to stop the moans and mewls as the bubbled up from her throat she tried to get closer to him. Wanting his agile tongue to slip inside her to help tip her over the edge. Shortly after the thought flash through her clouded mind did she feel the ardent appendage slither into her dripping sex. Snaking its way through her moist folds to glide along her inner walls as a pair of small fangs brushed against the outside flesh.

Her hips bucking up to get him deeper inside, she arched her back in a silent scream as the knot snapped and a blinding array of colors danced before her eyes.

Touya greedily lapped up the juice as it spilled forth, his tongue cleaning away every trace of the deliciously sweet and tangy liquid. Climbing leisurely back up her body, he eagerly licked his lips in anticipation.

When her eyes fluttered open to reveal sated brown orbs he felt is heart swell at the picture she presented. Thoroughly kissed lips parted slightly on a pant as long honey brown hair cascaded around her like a golden hallo. The fire casting a warm pink glow to her creamy soft skin, skin that was still giving off the most delicious scent.

" Koishii…"

Keiko let her eyes drift upwards. To see a pair of pale blue eyes staring back down at her, cold fire burning in their endless depths. She felt her heart stop for a second before picking up at a radical pace. She had found him, the means not really mattering at the moment.

Reaching out she let her fingers brush against the milky white skin of his face, tracing the contour of his lips before cupping his cheek. A smile spreading across her red lips as he nuzzled her palm laying a tender kiss on the inside. Tugging lightly she pulled him down to her in for a kiss. Pulling away once more she smiled up at him before nuzzling the crook of his neck her lips ghosting across his sensitive ears, her warm breath eliciting a shudder from the figure above her.

"Let me love you…koishii…"

Not needing any other encouragement he crashed his lips to hers in a passion driven kiss. His tongue sweeping mercilessly over her own while his hands roamed freely over her creamy flesh. The time for remembrance and savoring had long since pasted, now was the time for wild abandon. A time to let the raging fire coursing through his veins to spill forth and swallow the goddess beneath him.

His once slowly arduous mouth was now moving over her body in fevered abandoned, covering everywhere at once. While his hands darted around her yielding flesh, tracing the contours of her body as he spread her legs open to accommodate his body. Leaning down to once again claim her lips in a needy kiss he poised his arousal at her entrance, her juices dripping out onto her thighs and his hardened length.

Not wasting anymore time he slammed into her ripping satisfied groans from the both of them. Not moving for a moment, the feel of her tight walls clamping and expanding around his girth causing shiver of delight to run down his spine as another low moan bubbled up from his throat.

Steadily at first they began to build a rhythm before picking up the speed as the tension began to get unbearable between them. Dropping his head to rest on her shoulder he, ran his hands up her arms interlacing their fingers as he slammed harder into her pliant body.

Unable to keep still Keiko rubbed her nose against his neck before nibbling on the taunt flesh, her small pink tongue soothing the bite marks she created. Shifting her body she moved her feet to the inside of his legs and arched her lower half off the ground causing him to going deeper. The new feelings making another wave of ecstasy wash over her as he angled himself to hit a certain spot repeatedly.

Touya felt her walls spasm and knew she was so close, one more good thrust and she would tumble over the edge and he was ready to follow her. Pulling out so only the tip of his arousal remained inside he slammed back into her hitting her core and causing her to spiral into her climax and clench down on him. Her muscles milking him for his seed causing his own climax to happen after a few more strokes. Crying out he pushed his mouth down onto her shoulder, his fangs piercing her flesh as he was consumed by the flames.

After coming down from his high, he gently pulled out of her skin his tongue laving the wound he had created while his sense were sated with the knowledge that his scent was the only one that still lingered on her. When the wound stopped bleeding her rolled them over still keeping joined at the waist.

"Forgive me kobito, I- "

"I have never hated you to begin with anata…"

"Aishiteru koishii…"

"Aishiteru my kokoro…"
