Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Wrath ❯ Persuit ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I no own Yu Yu Hakusho. though, I would love to get it for a birthday present!! 'cuz gues what its in a month!! if there really are big gigantic corporate people reading my fanfiction please don't sue me. I just write this stuff to get my head in order and so I don't have to do my homework.
A.N- umm I would love to thank my sole reviewer: asian princess 61 __ don't worry Kurama will be a regular guy.

and to all my future reviewers and the reviewers of my other fic Unshed Tears, thank you so much. anywho, on with the fic.
Winter's Wrath

by Luraia Soul

ch. 1 Pursuit

The streets were frigid but Kurama didn't care. He felt the new spring air behind the cold and was extremely content. *Finally,* he thought to himself with an audible sigh. *Now all I have to do is get through this snow ball fight.* His slight smile made him think of each of his ningenkai friends. They had helped him in so many ways. Most of the time he was just trying to pass as a normal teenager and they helped him with that, as well as helping with the bigger problem of everyonce in a while going back to Makai to defeat some indestructible foe. For some reason, he preferred living in the human world rather than living in the demon one. Except, of course, when winter came around.


Trinity ran. Ran for her life. They were chasing her again and she wouldn't let them win. She had no idea why they came after her, day after day, month after month, and year after year, but come they did. That was when she had to run. Her life had come to this one little word: Run. For as long as she could remember she had loved to run. Her track teacher had told her that she had a natural talent for running. One time, she had run the 100 meter dash in just under five seconds. It had freaked out most of the team but she hadn't cared. No one existed to her when she had been running for the track team but now, she had no choice but to think on her feet when it came to out running her pursuers.

She ducked into an alley and came to a dead end. *Shit!* she thought as she frankically looked for an escape route. The footsteps she heard were getting ever nearer. Her tightly wound braid flew to her front when her head turned to find a way out. A high fence was blocking her way. She took a second to gage the height of it. Eight feet. At around the height of six feet she saw a protruding board as if it were meant to hold pots of some kind. A small, clever smile came to her face then as she turned to face her capturers. *They won't catch me this time,* she thought with a laugh. The men stopped as they spotted her. The few precious seconds she needed in order to get up to speed were right then and there. Turning her back on the men she ran towards the fence. In about a second she leapt into the air and as gracefully as a cat landed lightly on the four inch ledge. Balancing there, she looked over her shoulder and saw the bewildered faces of her hunters. She went with a whim and sent a little wave their way as she jumped over to the other side. Trinity would have been fine had it not been for a few passers by.

The group gasped as they was her flying through the air. She landed on her feet. For some reason, a few began to applaud, and, as she looked to find who it was, felt a familiar presence near. It may have been familiar but it certainly wasn't friendly. She didn't need to look at him to know who he was. Again the pursuit let on. She snow latched onto her shoes as she ran and made her feet numb. *I won't be able to out run them for much longer.* Through a thatch of trees she saw the park. Relief washed through her. She knew quite a few good hiding places there where she could get away from Him. She chanced a glance behind her, but she saw no one. She stopped at the edge of the park and searched for signs of Him. Nothing.

Slowly, she backed up into the park but was stopped as she ran into something. Trinity bolted forward and whirled around to see who she'd run into. It was Suuichi. She knew him from school, had rarely spoken to him, but had known him nonetheless. Her breath sighed out quickly as relief flooded into her viens.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.

"Shuuichi, yes... I'm fine... for the time being," she added the last part to remind herself and hadn't thought that he could hear it.

But hear it he did. Kurama noticed her shortness of breath and the startled look in her eyes. She looked familiar and tried to place her. It seemed that she knew him so he tried to think back to before the whole "stealing of the Forelorn Hope" thing and finally remembered. She was Trinity Constelence. A track star at his school. She had moved here with her foster family about two years ago from Spain. He had heard many things about how she ran and who she was but had never really kept track of who she was, until now. Her shortness of breath wasn't due to training because he saw that she wasn't dressed for it. (you know, the whole outfit. Wind breaker pants, tank top, etc.) He finally came to the conclusion that she had been running from something.
"Are you sure you're alright? You seem a bit winded."

"I'm fine," she assured him. "I'm just heading..."

"Oh, Trin-i-ty," a sing song voice rang out. Kurama watched as Trinity's eyes grew wider with recognition. "Why are you running, Trio? We just want to see what you can really do."

Her braid flew from side to side as she looked for Him. Her breath quickened as she knew that she had to start running again and get away from Shuuichi. She looked at him and saw him looking for her pursuer. He asked her who it was but she didn't answer. Instead, she answered with a question of her own. "Do you know a place where we could get away from those guys?"

He nodded and took off running farther into the park.
&%^End chapter 1&%^

A.N. -- sooooo? what do you think? review review review. hey you, you see the funny little button down there , go press it and review!! no flames if at all possible. arigatou see you next time.