Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Wrath ❯ Mari's Memories ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: me no own,... anything. Really,... I don't. it all belongs to someone else. except for the these power beads I got for 50 cents in the vending machine in Best Buy. (I don't own Best Buy either) *sigh* oh well, though I would like to own Trowa, Wufei, and Duo from GW, and Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke from YYH, and Vash from Trigun, and Seto Kaiba and Duke Deblin from YGO!, and Kai and Tala from Beyblade, and Van Fanel from Escaflowne, and Shinomori Aoshi and Himura Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin, and Miroku and Sesshoumaru from Inuayasha and Roger from Big O (just so I can drive his car!) and Kiba and Toboe from Wolf's Rain and Sousuke from Full Metal Panic! I think that's all. ^.~. I would love anyone who can give me a few of these characters, whether in the flesh or someother way I don't care. I just WANT THEM ALL!!! MWUAHAHAHAHA!!

A.N.- sorry about what happened up there Nikolai doesn't like me all too much and he stole my body to write that (the laughing part). He's just a little on the sick side. gomen nasai to all those who thought that I just got even weirder than I already am. anywho, I got my first ever flame. It made me laugh. to that reviewer, I have no problem with Yaoi or its writers, I respect every aspect of writing and to each his own. In fact I like to read Yaoi, it's not as bad as some other writers think it is. trust me, you can ask AG if I have an open mind about that or not. I just don't like to write it 'cuz when I start, I get really ecchi thoughts about all of my fave characters in one big orgie session and its quite disturbing really. You see what Nikolai wrote up there? A little disturbing, ne? anywho, on with the ficy fic (A.N.- isn't this already the Author's Note? anywho, hehehhe. Hi CHIP if you're actually reading this, even though I don't think that you are)

Winter's Wrath

ch. 4

Mari's Memories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yusuke, Hiei, and Kuwabara ran through the woods, trying to reach where Kurama's ki was coming from. Something just didn't feel right to Kuwabara. There seemed to be two other demon presences coming through to his senses. One of them felt as if it wasn't a full demon but was still terrified, and the other seemed ungodly confident and smug. Kuwabara stopped to get a better idea as to who these two unknown demons were but he could only get a real fix on Kurama. His power was overwealming his senses.

"Uremeshi, do you feel as if there's something wrong?" asked Kuwabara.

Yusuke stopped next to him and opened his own senses. _What the hell is that?_ he asked himself. There was an undertone of two other auras that he couldn't identify beneath that of Kurama's. "As if there are two extra people that we don't know about?"

"Umm,... yeah."

"Sure do. Let's go introduce ourselves, shall we?" Yusuke said with a smirk.

"What the hell are you two doing? What are you just standing there for?" Hiei said through clenched teeth. If he had to wait for these morons one more minute, he'd have to kill something and it would most likely be one of them.

"Just hold your cloak on there, Shorty. We're trying to figure something out." (A.N.- do I *have* to tell you?)


The blinding flash receded and Trinity opened her eyes. A toga clad figure stood in front of her. Silver hair flowed down the figure's back and atop his head perched two silver ears. A tail had sprouted from his spine and brushed against her knees. '_Great Kami-sama, Suuichi just turned into,...Youko Kurama._ Memories of a life long since passed came slowly back to her.

~Flashback scene~

A dark figure moved quickly through the forests. The small dark ears swiveled as thunder crashed over head. _Oh great,... Just what I need. Those guys certainly picked a wonderful night to get caught. Now, not only do I have to get them both out, but I'll be doing it while I'm wet. Revolting! I'll kill Kuronue for this._ A large building came into view about a half a mile up a hill. That's where her two friends would be.

She snuck in the front door and made her way to the first guard that she saw. A well placed foot took care of that obstical. She didn't see any other guards in the entire building. That seemed odd to her considering that they had the great theif Youko Kurama locked in here. Maybe they just hadn't recognized him. Although that seemed farfetched. (A.N.- how can you miss him? he's a silver, shiny fox!!)

She picked up Kuronue's ki easily and walked straight to his cell without so much as a single guard in sight. Kuronue might not be the best of theives but he's certainly no slouch when it comes to being able to get out of bad situations. Of course, right now, he wasn't exactly *using* his talents.

He had appearantly fallen asleep on the job. Propped up against the bars of his cell, Kuronue snored away. It didn't even look like he'd attempted to get out. She kicked him awake through the bars.

As he jerked awake, she bent down to his level and, with tail high, asked, "Did you even try to escape?"

"What? Of course I did. What do you think I was doing on the floor?" he answered.

"Looked like you were sleeping to me."

"Fine. Just help me out of here, Mimi."

She gave him as glare as she got to work picking the lock on his cell door. She asked, "Where's Youko? And my name is Marimi, not Mimi."

"But Kurama's allowed to call you Mari, why can't I call you Mimi?"

"Because Kurama can. We've known eachother for a very long time. No one else is allowed to call me that either. It just the way it's always been. Now, answer me."

"I don't know. They took him somewhere. I haven't seen him in a while."

"Who is 'they', Kuronue? And did you see which direction they went?"

"A group of bounty hunters, I think. They took him down that corridor," he said while pointing down an even darker hallway.

"Damn it to Hell. They're going to kill him. We have to hurry."

"Why would they kill him? Isn't he more valuable alive?" he asked as he stepped out of his now open cell.

"Not any longer. That bounty's for him dead or alive, and I'm sure that a lot more people want him dead than alive," she explained. "Let's go."

The corridor didn't give them any surprises. Just like any old corridor, it lead to a door. This door was the problem. It was steel and had a combination lock rather than a pad lock like on the cells. Luckily for them, Kuronue had some experience with this kind of lock and they got it open.

Yet another long corridor gaped in front of them,...

~End Flashback~

Trinity was shocked back into reality as He pointed a gun at Youko. "Yes!! I finally get to kill you, Thief. All those years ago, you stole something I had. HER!" He finished pointing his free hand at Trinity.

"What?" she asked stupified.

"You stole Mari from me. I could have used her skills to my advantage, but no. YOU HAD TO STEAL HER AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!"

A single shot rang out,...


A .N.- please don't hurt me. Its my first big attempt at a really good cliff hanger. I'll try and get the next chapter out soon. That is if I get any reviews.

thanks for reading. please REVIEW!!! :)