Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Wrath ❯ Tears fall Silent ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm BAAAACCCKKKK!!!!! (trumpet heralds) thank you thank you!

Nikolai - what in the hell???? (confused)

it is I, the authoress and I am here to finally update!!

Nikolai - took you long enough,...-_- What's it been? almost six months now???

I can't help it,....the disk I tried to save this chapter on wouldn't work and I lost it,....so I had to rewrite it. I hope you all like it!! ^______^

Nikolai - she owns nothing,....now read or omae wo karosu!!!

you like Heero from GW too much. Have fun everyone!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Winter's Wrath

ch. 6

Tears fall Silent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Gero looked around him at every one of the advancing demons and humans. He sneered at them trying to intimidate at least one but none wavered. His eyes narrowed as he realized he was no match for all of them. He would not give up without a fight however.

Hiei made the first move. His Jagan eye opened, ready for a fight, as soon as the bandana concealing it fell to the ground. The hand holding his sword trembled with hatred and anger. Pissed off didn't begin to discribe how Hiei felt at the moment. He'd been nearly killed by a HUMAN!!! To him, that was unacceptable and now that human had to die. Those were the only thoughts running through his mind as he charged at Gero.

A glancing blow struck Gero across his left arm. He'd been quicker than Hiei had expected and though his attack had missed his initial target, it left him open to attack from the rest of the Spirit Detectives. An all out war errupted as everyone went in for the kill. An explosion seperated them from Gero. Most of the team lay prone on the ground. Even Yusuke had been knocked flat from the blast that had seemed to come straight from Gero's energy. Only Kurama stayed standing. But just barely.

Trinity's voice rang out over the now silent forest. "Why are you doing this, Gero? What is it you want from me?!"

Gero smiled evilly. "I don't necessarily need you, Trio. You were just the best choice that's all."

"The best choice for what?"

"The best choice for my appetite," Gero explained simply.

"Your appetite?" Kurama questioned quietly, trying to give his friends some time to recuperate.

"Exactly! You see, I'm not all human as you now know," he said to Kurama. "I need to eat different foods than either demons or humans. I chose you, Trio, to be my sustenance so to speak."

Trinity looked revolted. Her stomach rolled as she thought of what might've happened if she hadn't run away. She shuddered as she reminded herself that it still might happen if Kurama didn't find a way to beat him. Her future was literally in his and his friend's hands.

"Human blood tastes much better when it flows through the heart of someone who's regularly active," Gero continued. "So I chose you, someone with a gift for running and being active in general. I fabricated a story for you hear. The whole trainer of Olympic Track and Field runners thing. You came to me asking for training and that's exactly what I wanted. You see, I only need to feed once every five or ten years or so. Its been easy these past few decades to find kids gullible enough to trust me."

"You're a monster!"

"I've heard enough as well," Kurama said in a deadly low voice. "Let's finish this."

*Mari, get Yukina and the other girls. They may be of help getting the guys up. But do it discreetly without letting Gero know what you're doing.*

*I understand.*

Assured that she would handle what he asked, Kurama attacked with his rose whip. Every attack he threw at Gero was always deflected, as if Gero knew his every move. Kurama's Kuwabara-like plan was not going to work. He needed to figure out something new and he had a plan. He just needed some back up.

_I have no idea who Yukina is but I HAVE to contact her_, Trinity thought. _I need to concentrate_. *Yukina?* her telepathic voice rang out.

~~~~with the girls~~~~

Yukina was startled out of her wits when a strong feminine voice went through her mind. She was hesitant to answer but the voice seemed urgent. Perhaps something had happened to Kazuma! She answered, *Who is this?*

*Don't worry. I'm a friend of Kurama's. We need your help! His friends have all been hurt. Please come find us! Kurama says you can help them.*

Yukina's indecision was blasted away as she heard that all of Kurama's friends had been hurt. _That means that Kazuma has been hurt!_.

"Hey! Yukina! You okay?" Shizuru asked. Yukina looked more pale than she usually did and it had started to concern her.

"We have to find Kazuma! Can you tell where he is, Shizuru?" Yukina pled with her.

"What's gotten into you, girl? Is something wrong?"

"Yes! Something's terribly wrong. Yusuke and the others have been hurt! Can you sense where they are?"

"I'll try. I'm not my idiot of a brother though. Okay, let's see," she said as she opened her six sense. She could only find Kurama's ki, she couldn't sense the others. "Kurama's the only one I can pick up. Yusuke and the others are either not in my range or unconscious. Kurama seems to be in a fight with something."

"They must be with him. They ran out of here so fast. Yusuke looked like he was ready to hit someone," Keiko pitched in. "We should go after them in case they really are hurt." She had gotten used to Yusuke's constant urge to clobber anyone who picked a fight with him, but sometimes it was just tiring.

*They really are hurt! Please come!* the voice now rang through all of their minds. *Come quickly!* As suddenly as it was there, it was gone.

"Something's going on! Let's go!" Shizuru led the way.

~~~~back with Kurama and Gero~~~

Gero had managed to disarm Kurama. _This is not good!_, Kurama thought. Gero had straight aim at Kurama's heart and he planned to use it.

_One blast through the heart and Mari's mine again!_, Gero silently exclaimed. "Are you ready to die, fox boy?! You have any final requests?"

"Just one. How did you discover Trinity's past life with me? How did you know when she'd forgotten?"

"That's a stupid question to ask when you're going to die, but I'll indulge you. I got a little call from an old friend of mine from Makai, she told me everything. That's all there is to it. Now DIE!!!" The bullet flew in what appeared to be slow motion before stiking its target.

"KURAMA!!!!" Trinity screamed.

Kurama fell to one knee holding his now throbbing shoulder. Pain hissed through his entire body leaving him immobile for a few seconds. _I should have dodged that quicker. It would have saved me a hell of a lot of pain. I must be getting old_.

Trinity sank to her knees as well, but with relief instead of pain. _Thank Kami-sama!_.

"Grrrr,...you're quick. Of course I should have expected that from a fox demon," Gero sneered.

*Mari, I need you to help Yukina when she comes. Wake Yusuke up first! I'll need him to execute my plan.* Kurama sent to her.

*She's already here. I'll tell her to get to Yusuke first.*

Gero sensed the presence of three new players in their little war. _Hmmm,...a little ice apperition and two humans. I wonder if killing the ice princess would inspire a little wake up call to one of these morons_.

Trinity ran to stop Yukina from healing Kuwabara first. "Yukina! Kurama needs Yusuke up first! He needs him if this plan is going to work. He says you can get to Kuwabara just after him."

Kurama saw Gero moved toward Trinity and Yukina and placed himself between him and them. "This ends now. With me!"

"I don't think so, fox. I'm having too much fun for it to end right yet and I have a little experiment I'd like to perform. Get out of my way!" Another explosion rent through the air. Kurama was slammed against a tree and pinned there. Motionless, he was forced to watch as Gero advanced on Trinity and Yukina.

"Mari! BEHIND YOU!" She turned to find Gero standing menacingly close.

"Yukina! RUN!" she yelled and dodged as a clawed fist came at her but Yukina didn't hear. She was too caught up in waking Kazuma.

Kuwabara's eyes opened to find Yukina looking down at him. Very slowly he became aware of her sad smile and the smell of blood. He looked her over only to find four claws going straight through her. "Kazuma,..." her small voice said drawing his eyes back to hers. Her's were glazed with the brink of death, his clear and focused only on her.

He watched as he breath caught and she fell to his chest. He held her to him as he watched her eyes close and her hand go limp in his. Tears fell silent on her cheek as her love mourned. Kurama and Trinity could only watch in horror as Gero strode toward Kuwabara as well,....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

AAHHHHHH!! I'm scaring myself! sorry this took so long again!

Nikolai - THAT'S IT??!!!!

yup! ^_^

Nikolai - you are soooo evil to your reviewers! and to me!! What's going to happen?! (cries at last scene)

you'll find out,....please review!!! arigatou! Ciao!! ^_________^