Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Warmth ❯ Freeze ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The snow glittered in beautiful hues of pink and lavender. It was a strange contrast to the darkly shadowed trees that surrounded the compound. Winter birds chirped and sang, and large groups of them flew off from the trees into the distance in search of the frozen berries and seeds that could be found beneath the snow.
Clouds rolled lazily slow across the skies, and snowflakes fell from the tree branches in a chill, swirling, fog. New snow probably wouldn't be falling that day. It actually might even melt a little beneath the bright flashes of tree-filtered sun light.
The rider cloaked in blue continued on his way, completely exhausted from the nights ride through the blizzard. It never ceased to amaze him how quickly the weather could change if Mother Nature was given the chance. For hours his visibility was limited to a few feet ahead of him, making avoiding the trees, rivers, and ditches very difficult. On more then one occasion was he sure that his reindeer would stumble, only have it carry him safely through to the next landmark to his masters training camp.
He had passed by many villages and towns, but never bothered to wait out the storm. He was far too anxious to learn his master's next technique, the “Shards of Winter”, to be willing to sit in some hotel all night and waste his precious time. Although, he would've liked a warm cup of tea now that he thought about it.
It was only then that he noticed that he was riding parallel to the path that led to the compound. Gently pulling back the reins, his steed came to a halt, holding still while his rider jumped down, boot covered feet sinking into the snow, finally stopping when his soles hit the perfectly cut rocks of the pathway. Pulling the reindeer along beside him, he began the final climb up the mountain.
The cooking pot was old, the bottom of it beginning to warp from being placed over burning fires for so many years. Miso soup began to gently boil inside, the smell of broth wafting about the entire lower level of the building. Rice was already finished and placed into three clay rice bowls and was topped with pickles.
Reaching behind her, Sumi grabbed a few more pieces of firewood and tossed them onto the smoldering coals, the flames leaping back to life. The wood snapped and cracked and a wave of warming heat rushed through the room and thawed her freezing hands.
A spark of youki pricked like a needle in the back of her mind and in obvious misery, she mentally cringed.
Seiryu, the Blue Dragon. She was able to sense him from miles away, the ice youkai who was her apprentice. Ugh, had he not been the only one capable of it, she never would've allowed him into her compound, let alone train him in the art of ice. He was fool with absolutely no sense as far as the importance of technique was concerned. All he cared about was the power it provided him. Still, training an arrogant, power-hungry idiot was better then allowing her art to die. After everything she had put her master, Suzu, through in training her, it was the least she could do to make sure that what he taught her didn't go to waste.
Still, it wasn't the least bit pleaseant.
He would be standing within the courtyard in at most ten minutes. Standing and setting the humble meal out onto the table in the living room, she made her way down the hall and quietly slid the door of her room open.
Sound asleep beneath the covers was Touya, or at least, what she assumed was Touya. To her it seemed to be no more then a ball of blue and white blankets with a few stray strands of blue hair at the top. The soft clattering of the door drew him slightly from his rest and he squirmed a little in his sleep.
Kneeling down beside the bed, Sumi gently put a hand to his shoulder and shook him.
“Touya, little snow-child, it's time for you to wake up,” she murmured. Groaning indignantly, he shrugged off her hand and rolled to his other side, facing away from her. “Little snow-child, I am afraid I cannot allow you to sleep any longer.”
Oh, that irritating voice wouldn't leave! Couldn't it see, that he wanted just a few more minutes of rest?
“Come now, little snow-child, there is someone I would like for you to meet. Shall we not go out to the courtyard and greet him?”
He may have been a child, but Touya could almost see the icy layer of sarcasm on her words. It intrigued him. Sumi had immediately given the impression of prefect composure the moment they met and now she was leaning before him in annoyed dread at the arriving person.
Pulling the blankets away from his head, he looked up at her drowsily, dull blue eyes half lidded and tired. Her expression, was…expressionless. Her eyes had clouded over with emotions that he couldn't read. Was this person so vexing, so utterly infuriating that she needed to hide her dislike so flawlessly?
Unceremoniously, his stomach growled loudly in the tense silence.
And to his surprise, the mask fell, and a smile spread across her face.
“Worry not, little snow-child.” She said giggling. “We will eat as soon as he arrives.”
The gates whined as they were pushed open, waves of snow rolled away in it's wake. The heavy wood was slicked with ice, and shimmered in the few beams of sunlight. Frozen hinges cracked, the metal nearly shattering as the deer was led inside.
Sumi-san stood quietly, her face set in a stern and dignified manner that demanded respect (though she wasn't going to get it). Her hands were laced together in front of her, and the long, white sleeping robes had been replaced with shorter blue ones. Armor made of demon shells covered her breasts and shoulders. And seemingly strapped to her side like a sword, her little snow-child, Touya.
Clutching to her kimono, he looked on in awe at this strange, tall figure. Taller then Sumi, though his billowing cape still dragged a bit on the ground, the fallen cloth revealed skin of a most unusual blue color. Black hair was neatly tied back with black leather cord, the ponytail hanging down to his waist. But what caught his attention most was his eyes. Golden like an owls, they were narrowed into threatening slits, a cold hearted smirk glistening in their depths,
He held tighter then before to Sumi-san, taking an almost unnoticeable step back. This was certainly not a man to be trusted.
“It took you longer then I had hoped for you to return Seiryu.” She began. “It seems that you have not mastered the Ice Dragon technique.”
“Master, I have mastered the technique!” he replied angrily. He breathed deeply, to regain his composure and continued. “A bird can fly at birth Master. Why don't you allow me to do the same?”
“Because apprentice, a bird you are not, and even if you were, broken wings do not allow one to fly. They must be tended to. The bird must learn to fly again.”
“Don't not address my skills as broken master, for broken they are not!”
It was then he saw another flinch at his remark. Blue hair, blue eyes, this most certainly was not Sumi's child. And he knew his master well enough to know that she did not allow others within the compound walls for no reason. Suspicion and anger flared. It had been decided: this child was not to be treated kindly.
“Who are you, wretched child? Speak!”