Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes of a Young Boy ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mina: here's the next chapter enjoy.

About thirty-two water demons walked in with evil smirks on their faces. Kurama took out two with his whip. Hiei also took out three with his sword. Botan took out two and was swinging at her third. Yukina took out two. Yusuke and Kuwabara each took out at least four. Ana just stood there staring down one of the water demons. It smiled evilly, "Make your move girlie!" he said in a raspy voice. She smiled back at him, "Not until you make your move first" she said "Or are you to scared to attack a little girl?" she teased not noticing the one behind her. It grabbed her in a full nelson.

The first demon walked up, smiling evilly from ear to ear, "I'll be happy to make the first move!" he said punching her in the stomach. Ana winced in pain, and then kicked him in the face. Botan hit the other one on the head. It fell to the ground. "Thanks!" Ana said smiling happily. Botan smiled back, "No problem!" she said putting her hand on Ana's shoulder. Suddenly Botan fell to the floor. Knocked out. Ana turned to see two water demons right behind her. *I hate to do this move, but it's my only choice left!* she thought crossing the blades of her daggers. "ICE QUEEN!" she yelled as a bright blue beam shot out of her two daggers. The demons froze in place, every single one. Ana fell to her knees panting deeply.

Hiei smirked; "Well now they don't fight back!" he said taking out three more. Kurama nodded, "It makes it a lot easier now!" he said taking one out with his whip. Ana picked up Botan, moving her out of the way of Yusuke's shotgun. Which took four out. Kuwabara took out four also. She shook her lightly. "Botan…Botan wake up…please…" she whispered. Botan's slowly opened her eyes. Ana smiled, "Good you're awake!" she said helping Botan stand up. Ana decided to take out the one staring straight at her. Kurama took out another one out. Hiei took out the rest, smirking.

Ana looked at the door that the water demons had come through. The walls on the other side of the door were red, looked mostly like blood stains. *What in the world?* she wondered as she walked through the door to touch the wall. Kurama watched Ana closely as she inspected the walls. Her hand trembled slightly as she went to touch it. Wet. Ana quickly pulled her hand away. She stared at her hand for a while as the blood slowly dripped on to the floor. Her hand went to a clean part of the wall closer to the door. She wiped it across the wall leaving a small red smear. Kurama smiled to himself, not noticing Hiei's present.

Hiei followed Kurama's gaze frowning slightly as he watched her continue inspecting the other parts of the wall. Botan walked up behind them. "Now what are the two you doing?" she asked cheerfully. Kurama turned, "Just watching her inspect the wall." he said putting his hands in his pockets. Hiei kept his silence.

Ana felt a gust of cold wind on her back. She turned slightly to see nothing. Just Kurama and Botan talking. Hiei rested his head against the wall glancing at Ana out of the corner of his eye. She turned back to examine the wall, when she noticed a shadow moving in the corner. She swallowed hard and turned to face it. Hiei noticed her sudden change of emotion. Ana took this chance and ran in the room slamming the door behind her. Not paying any attention, she crashed right into Hiei, which sent them both tumbling to the ground.

Ana opened her eyes, slowly propped herself up. Hiei lay there underneath her, just staring at her. Ana let out a small gasp and quickly jumped up. "S-Sorry Hiei!" she said blushing lightly. Hiei said nothing and stood up. Everyone stared at the two waiting to see what Hiei would do. Hiei brushed him self off turning towards the door Ana had run through. She remembered the shadow in the other room. She swallowed hard again and followed behind the gang to the door. Without knowing she had grabbed hold of Kurama's hand, squeezing it tightly. Kurama smiled and squeezed her hand to reassure her. Ana glanced at her hand, she smiled to herself and took her hand out of Kurama's grip.

They walked through the door. Yukina and Botan paid no attention to the blood on the walls. Ana stayed close to Kurama. They looked around from wall to wall, but found no door. Ana was inspecting the wall to see if she could find a hidden switch or something. Everyone did the same, except Hiei. He leaned against the wall and thought about the recent event between him and Ana. *I could have killed her then and there, but for some reason I couldn't…why?* he thought to himself as he watched her examine the wall.

Kurama looked at his friend and smiled. "Hiei, it looks like you're interested in Ana!" he said. Hiei glared at him. "Hn. Kitsune, watch what you say if you value your voice box!" he said. Kurama shook his head. "The way you stared at her a few seconds ago…" he hit his fist against the wall. The part of the wall that he hit pushed in. The ground underneath him fell open. Hiei fell into the darkness. Kurama and the gang looked into the dark hole. "HIEI!" Kurama shouted. Ana cupped her hands to her mouth and yelled; "HIEI…ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" there was no reply.

Mina: I killed Hiei??

Hiei: you killed me?

Yusuke: who killed Hiei?

Mina: I did! ^..^

Hiei: baka onna I'm right here!

Mina: it's almost as if he were standing in this room at this very moment. ^..^

Yusuke and Hiei: lunatic…