Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf Kill ❯ Surprise, Surprise the Vamps have arrived. ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Everyone woke up by my startle scream to see my arms above my head like if someone was going to smack me and just went back to sleep.
Sani-[Mom again, I get the same thing almost everyday.]
[so you do at least remember some things.]
Sani-[yeah got anything to eat?]
I get up from the floor and walk over the kitchen where the mini fridge is.
Sani-[so what we got?]
[unless you want outdated food we're ordering out, what time is it?]
Sani-[umm.... 5 a.m.]
[that late, oh shit I'm late!!]
I run into your bedroom and take out a black shirt, black chained TRIPP pants, and a TRIPP corset style trench coat. I brush my hair fast after I took a shower and quickly put on my clothes. I grabbed a switch blade from under my dresser and a cell phone.
[gotta go love ya Sani have a boring, shitty day in school, shit I sound like someone's mother.]
I race through the door and it slams on my way out waking up everyone again.
I take out my iPod from my small back pack and open a portal listening to Viva the Revolution by the Adicts. I walk out of the portal to be in Staten Island, NY in front of Tottenville High school.
[Here goes to another crap day to school.]
[I can agree with you on that wolf girl.]
I look behind me to see three portals open up behind me with three girls coming out from them in the regular rocker attire, one with black and red hair, and another with short purple hair, and one with blonde hair with black streaks.
[Ashley, Kat, Carmen, What are you three doing here?]
Ashley (black and red)-[Hey is that the way to treat old friends, plus wolfy its 6 a.m. school starts in two hours and we have credit cards, what to do, what to do.]
Kat (blonde)-[go back home and take a cat nap.]
[friggen neko.]
Carmen (purple)-[go to the bus, take a ferry to Manhattan?]
[her idea but without bus and ferry and add portals.]
Ashley-[exactly but first before we start going around the world in two hours, I need a drink.]
Kat & Carmen-[same here.]
They each reach inside their trench coat to take out a flask each and start to drink the red liquid inside slowly letting them savor the flavor.
[not in front of me guys.]
Kat-[we don't complain every time you start to feast on every deer or rabbit we pass by.]
[hey it's natural instinct.]
We all run into another portal leading into a demon café and sit down with them ordering blood and me ordering a glass of red wine.
Kat-[so how did she take the news?]
Ashley-[yeah she try to kill you?-laugh-]
Carmen-[if she did imagine what she would do if she finds out about your other secrets.]
[1. she did try to kill me, 2. I think she'll take the news pretty well.]
Ashley-[She pretty dumb then, do you know how important you are? You're the one who started the alliance if it wasn't for you we'd never have met and vampires and lycans would still be warring.]
[maybe, But you have to give credit to Joel for turning me into a lycan in the first place and coming up with the plans.]
Carmen-[Joel was one nice piece of as-]
I slam my glass on the table and glare at her.
[finish your sentence.]
Carmen-[I don't like getting into bitch fights.]
Kat-[-laugh- bitch fights.]
Ashley-[Imagine not even a half-breed, just a victim and you become head of the lycan council.]
[yeah, yeah like you're one to talk the only full breeds here are Carmen and Kat and they're vampires. You're a victim too, but you had to go on the vampire side. Must be nice not having to change forcefully every damn month.]
Carmen-[and we don't have to worry about periods either.]
[ok, that's too off topic let's get back on subject me and Sani.]
Ashley-[Ok, now about Sani, she'll take the info ok. You're half a shadow demon, but you're also lycan and that makes up completely for the demon thing and the human part. Council won't be happy, they still aren't happy about vampires and humans or the friendship between vampires and lycans. This is gonna be like a huge slap to the face for them. I mean a demon having a Lycan sister?]
Ashley-[you can't keep running away from your problems, its 7:59 time to go girls.]
[meet me at my house tonight. We'll continue this and other issues there.]
Kat-[I don't trust demons, especially spirit detectives well except you and a selected others, I'm bringing my guards just in case for all three of us.]
[fine just meet me there!!]
We all run into three different portals and run straight into the main offices of our schools to get in at exactly the time the bell rang.