Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderful Dreams ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Wonderful Dreams
a fanfic by: Tori Singer
Disclaimers: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of it's stuff.
Warnings: This is yaoi, male male stuff. Kurama/Hiei. This is a lemon, sex people! If you're underage, I don't mind, but others will. Read at your own risk. You've been warned.

This is a one-shot lemon I've had in my mind for quite a while now. Just wanted to get it out.
Another Warning: Sap and romance and passionate love making ahead. Turn back now if you DON'T want to read. There, now you have no excuse as to whose fault it is if you read this.
Onto the story!!!

"Mmmmm..." a soft moan is heard from a certain red headed fox. Said fox was lying in bed, curled up in someone's arms. Kurama stirred awake, trying to figure out where he was. 'Oh yeah...I'm in our house....Hiei.....' The red head cracked open an emerald eye and took in his surroundings. The first thing he saw was a purple silky blanket, then he saw a tan elbow under his chin. Following the elbow, he saw a bronze shoulder. He grinned and sat up slowly. His grin never faultered as he took in the sight before him. Hiei was laying on his back, arms twitching, looking for the warm body they'd been holding all night. Kurama was sitting next to Hiei's side, watching the beautiful creature slowly stir to the waking world. Ruby eyes opened slowly to be greeted by a smiling face. The darkheaded one's mouth twitched into a small smile. Kurama's grin intensified. He placed his hand on Hiei's cheek and kissed him gently on the mouth. He pulled away, and sat back up.
"Good morning koibito, what would you like for breakfast?" Kurama softly said. Hiei seemed to consider this and then smiled.
"Horny fox." Kurama was taken aback by the naughty gleam in his lover's eyes. He then countered.
"That's not on the menu, is there anything else?" Kurama stated, his eyes promising something else later. Hiei yawned and stretched, looking like a little kitten who just woke up from it's nap. When he settled back down, he noticed Kurama was looking at him funny.
"What is it fox?" He said. Kurama shook his head and smiled.
"Nothing, I need to know what you want to eat." He put a firmer tone in his voice. Hiei, knowing the fox was serious, thought for a moment. His eyes lit up and he grinned. Kurama was surprised by this action.
"Can I please have some French Toast with lots of powdered sugar?" He asked as sweetly as possible, giving his lover a puppy look. Kurama felt his heart swell. 'How am I deserving of this? This innocence and love.' But nevertheless, he loved his koi with all his heart and soul, and he'd spend his life showing him that. He smiled lovingly at his koi.
"Anything for you baby fire." He pecked Hiei on the nose with his lips. Hiei looked indignant.
"I'm NOT a baby fire! And you call that a kiss?" Hiei crossed his arms and tried to look stern, but all he accomplished was showing Kurama how soft he'd gotten since they got together over a year ago. Kurama covered his mouth with his hand, stifling his giggles. He then leaned forward and grabbed his lover onto his lap. Hiei seemed ready to bolt but Kurama held onto him and started kissing his face. He kissed along Hiei's cheek, then his forehead, his nose, and then his lips. When he got to Hiei's lips, the fire demon had ceased all movements. The kiss got more passionate, Hiei wrapped his arms around Kurama's neck. This proved to be a mistake when Kurama showed his real intentions. He quickly subdued Hiei and started unmercifully tickling him to death. Hiei squeeked in surprise, then started laughing. He tried kicking and screaming, but the fox had a good hold on him. Kurama was laughing as well, enjoying Hiei's moment of helplessness. Hiei couldn't take it. He was breathing hard. Then Kurama did something that made Hiei turn different shades of red.
"Phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht." Kurama giggled when he came back up. Hiei looked shocked. Kurama had just blowed a raspberry on his belly. Seeing Hiei's look, Kurama grinned.
"MY baby fire...." He said tenderly. He leaned down and captured his koi's lips with his own. The kiss lasted only moments, but it was stashed away as precious moments. The fox rolled over and got off the bed, leaving a still embarrased youkai laying on the bed. Kurama walked by and slapped Hiei's hip playfully. Hiei yelped and jumped up.
"Get cleaned up and then come downstairs for breakfast." Kurama winked and left the room. Hiei sat there in the middle of the bed, trying to figure out what had happened. He shrugged and got up. He headed out the door into the hall. He could hear his lover on the stairs. He sighed and turned to his left, entering the upstairs bathroom. He turned the shower on and got in. He sighed in content. The water was that nice warm temperature, the soothing kind. He stood there with the water falling for a few minutes before reaching for the shampoo. It was strawberry scented. He loved it. It sat next to Kurama's. His was Cucumber Melon. Hiei enjoyed laying in bed at night, smelling his love's hair. He wasn't sure if the fox was aware of it but he still liked doing it. Hiei worked his hair into a lather before sticking his spikey head under the water's spray. Downstairs, Kurama was rummaging around in the kitchen, gathering the neccesary supplies for French Toast. He was dressed only in his silky red robe. He loved padding around the house in nothing but that. The silk felt luxurious(1) against his bare skin. Finding all his utensils, he set to work on making Hiei breakfast. He hummed a song as he flopped the first piece on the skillet. It sizzled and crackled as it started to cook. Kurama started digging out the syrup, butter, and powdered sugar. He knew Hiei loved all these things on his FT(2). He always got a warm feeling in his heart when he watched his lover eat the food HE prepared. He liked knowing Hiei loved his cooking. Turning the coffee pot on, he brought out the napkins and forks. He made the table look pretty, with his flowery decorations. He knew his baby fire enjoyed being surrounded by his flowers.
'Enough thinking, I need to get this finished.' With that resolved, he continued making breakfast, only a little faster. In mere minutes, he had a plate full of steaming FT. He set this plate down in the middle of the table. He padded to the refrigerator, pulling out the carton of Orange Juice. Hiei liked OJ with his breakfast. Opening the glass cabinet, he took out two identical glasses. They were part of a set they had recieved as a wedding present. Kurama smiled fondly at the memory. Hiei had been dressed in a black tux, and he in a white. It was a wonderful wedding, then Yukina and Kuwabara had given them this glass set. Coming out of his thoughts, the fox filled each glass with OJ. He replaced the carton back in the refrigerator, then cleaned up the counter and stove, putting things back where they were. By this time, the redhead heard footsteps on the stairs. He beamed as he realized Hiei was coming for his food. He quickly sat at his end of the table, awaiting the darkheaded figure at the bottom of the stairs. Hiei sauntered into the kitchen, clad in his black silk robe. The two robes were wedding gifts as well. They had been from Genkai. He let his eyes travel across the good-smelling food on the table, then to the grinning red head sitting at the far end of the table. Hiei smirked, and slowly walked up to Kurama. He placed his palm on the side of Kurama's neck, soothingly rubbing the flesh there. Kurama moaned and tilted his head to give Hiei better access. Hiei moved his hand until it was against the back of Kurama's neck. He then pulled the kitsune gently and pressed his lips to his lover's parted ones. The kiss lasted a few seconds, nothing passionate, just loving. Hiei pulled back and looked at the flushed fox.
"Oi, greeneyes, breakfast smells almost as good as you." Kurama's face twisted in amusement as he knew that Hiei was being honest. Hiei never really understood the concept of flattery. So he always said what he thought. Kurama blushed a little at being better smelling than FT. He smiled at Hiei, who was looking confused at Kurama's facial features. Kurama opened his arms in invitation. Hiei smiled. Kurama knew Hiei loved sitting on his lap.
"C'mere baby fire." That did it. Hiei's little face scrunched up in annoyance.
"I told you I'm NOT a baby!" He threw his little fists in the air and threw a tantrum. Kurama grinned, Hiei certainly looked and acted like a baby sometimes.
'And that's another reason I love him.' Kurama sighed and stared at Hiei, who was ranting about age and strengh. Hiei finally stopped when he saw Kurama wasn't really listening to him. He sighed in defeat, then padded over and raised himself onto the fox's lap. Kurama giggled, Hiei wasn't as heavy as he looked. Hiei scowled, but inside, he was enjoying sitting there, as always. Kurama wrapped his arms around Hiei's waist and buried his nose in wet hair. Hiei huffed in annoyance, but played along as he snuggled into Kurama's embrace. He loved his fox to death, but not when he was hungry. He turned around in his seat and kissed Kurama sweetly. Then he hopped down onto the floor. Kurama smiled and patted Hiei on the ass as he started toward his chair. Hiei growled and continued on his way.
'If the fox keeps this up, I'm gonna have him take me right on the table.' Hiei mused as he poured syrup on his FT. Kurama took a sip from his OJ and thought.
'If I keep this up, he'll have me take him on the table.' Kurama grinned at the thought. He decided to provoke Hiei some more.
"Hey koi, did you have a nice, warm, wet, shower?" He chuckled as Hiei halted his movements and flushed a bit. Hiei seemed to ponder a bit and then answered.
"Hn, yeah, it was nice and warm..." He stated and forked a piece of his FT. Kurama grinned, he was taking the bait.
"And, did you think of me?" He growled low in his throat when Hiei turned red and stammered.
"Uh...n-no.." Hiei was sure his hair roots were turning red too.
Kurama snickered.
"Oh? Why? I know, because no fantasy is better than the real thing ne, Hiei?" He added a point to his scoreboard when Hiei's hand started shaking with his fork. Kurama knew he had him now. He could already feel his lower regions twitching. He slowly got up from his seat and walked over to his lover, who was still shaking a bit. Hiei turned wide eyes on the fox when he brought Hiei's hand down and took the fork. Kurama inched the food toward Hiei's mouth. Hiei, understanding, opened his mouth and let the warm food go inside. He chewed and savored the sweet taste. Kurama picked up a napkin and gently wiped syrup off Hiei's lip. He lingered the napkin a little longer than neccesary. Hiei was losing control quickly. Kurama, knowing this, pressed his lips to Hiei's, tasting the sugary sweetness of the FT. He moaned against his koi's mouth. There was nothing he loved more than to make love to Hiei. The fire demon in question responded rather fast, pushing against the fox's lips, wanting closer contact. Kurama, sensing this, pulled Hiei out of his chair and into his arms. Hiei wrapped his small legs around Kurama's thin waist, wrapping his arms around strong shoulders. Hiei would never admit it, but he always felt safe in Kurama's hold. He liked not being the strong one. Kurama moved his free hand and swept things out of the way on the table, the butter hit the floor, and the table cloth rumpled. The fox gently set Hiei down on the edge. Never breaking the kiss, Kurama eased a hand into Hiei's robe, caressing his shoulder. Hiei made a pleased sound and started untying Kurama's robe. Kurama broke the kiss for air. They looked at eachother, they were both too aroused to stop now. Kurama quickly undid Hiei's robe and slid it over thin shoulders. Hiei's breath came out in little gasps, the material making contact with his sensitive skin. Kurama placed wet kisses down the smooth skin of Hiei's throat, causing the fire demon to whimper. He felt so vulnerable, sitting there on the table, Kurama getting ready to make love to him. By now the food was already forgotten. Kurama dropped the black robe to the floor, exposing Hiei to his eyes completely. Hiei felt green eyes on him and gazed at the desire filled look in Kurama's eyes.
"So beautiful, and you're mine, baby fire...." The sentence was whispering and seductive; causing Hiei to murmur an unintelligent response. Hiei hissed and arched his neck back when Kurama latched his mouth onto a nipple. He flicked the nub around with his tongue, caressing the fire demon's lower back. Hiei laced his fingers through Kurama's red tresses, gasping his lover's name. Kurama, hearing this, moaned in passion. He grazed his hands along Hiei's sensitive sides, causing a shiver. Hiei had enough teasing. He pushed Kurama away gently. Seeing the hurt look on the fox's face, he pointed to the floor where the butter still lay, forgotten. Kurama followed his finger and spotted the butter. His eyes widened.
'Butter? Hmmm...how kinky...' He grinned and bent down to retrieve it. When he stood back up, he saw that Hiei had laid back on the table, legs open in invitation. Hiei was looking at him with need. Kurama pulled his red robe the rest of the way off, and tossed it to the floor. Hiei groaned low and deep at the sight of the fox's rock hard erection. Kurama growled and stepped between the two bronze legs. Leaning down, he pressed his hot lips hungrily to a willing mouth. Without breaking the kiss, he opened the tub of butter and stuck a finger inside. When it was slick, he reached down to his lover's crevice. Hiei gasped against Kurama's mouth as the first finger pushed it's way inside. Kurama used his free hand to rub Hiei's hard erection. Hiei hissed and arched his back off the table. Kurama was slowly, teasingly caressing his member, just enough to drive him crazy. He did this to keep his lover's attention off the invading fingers. Hiei never noticed the secon finger making it's way inside to join the first. Kurama kissed along Hiei's jaw, slowing his movements on Hiei's throbbing member to a crawl. Hiei was writhing beneath him in pleasure, almost accross the line into agony. He was gonna lose his mind if Kurama didn't hurry up. Kurama added a third finger, stretching the opening. Hiei let his breath out in a big poof. His breathing became faster, he was being slowly tormented.
"K-kurama, I need you NOW!!" Hiei arched against Kurama's chest to prove his need. Kurama groaned when Hiei rubbed against him. He pulled his fingers out, too desire drugged to finish. He quickly lathered more butter on his member, being egged on by the aroused fire demon. Kurama placed his cock at the entrance to the tight heat. Hiei made a sound suspiciously girlish, and gripped the end of the table behind him. Kurama pushed the head in past the ring, groaning at the throbbing tunnel. Hiei howled and pushed down on his hips, trying to get more of Kurama inside of him. Throwing his self-control out the window, the fox pushed his way inside of Hiei. Fully sheathed, he ceased movements to revel in the sensation. His favorite place to be was inside his lover. Hiei held still, trying to get used to the intrusion. Feeling the need, Hiei wiggled his hips to signify his readiness. Kurama needed no more begging. He placed a hand on Hiei's hip, and the other next to Hiei's spikey head. He pulled out slowly until just the tip was in. Then he pushed back in, feeling Hiei's walls close around him, like a glove. Hiei gasped and brought his free hand up and clutched to Kurama's shoulder for balance. Kurama started shallowly thrusting, trying to find a rythm. Hiei moved his hips with Kurama, slowly getting a time down. Soon, they were moaning and grasping onto eachother as Kurama rocked in and out of Hiei. Hiei tossed his head back, he could feel his lower regions burning with a need. A need only Kurama could sate. Kurama was feeling similar sensations. He needed to fill his lover completely. He grabbed onto Hiei's leg, and tossed it over his shoulder, letting him go deeper inside and and a different angle. Both loudly groaned at this new development. Kurama tightened his grip on Hiei's hip, and thrust faster. Hiei was hanging on to the table for dear life. He felt that if he didn't, Kurama would drill him right into the earth. The table wasn't fairing very well during the boys' lovemaking. It was creaking and groaning. It rocked against the wall with every thrust. Hiei pressed a palm to his mouth, trying to stifle the sounds. Kurama tried to shake his head. Not able to do that properly, he brought a violently shaking hand and brought Hiei's hand away from his mouth.
"N-no H-hiei...uhh...nnn..! I want t-to he-hear your ple-pleasure." When he finally got that out, he felt he was getting dangerously close to the edge. Hiei understood and opened his mouth, letting his pleasure flow freely. He moaned and raised his body off the table, balancing on one leg. He pressed his body against Kurama's, causing a delicious friction with each thrust. Hiei screamed as his erection was caught between two hot bodies. Kurama pressed hard against Hiei's body, wanting his lover to climax first. It didn't take long after that, Hiei tossed his head back and screamed.
"Kurama!!" He groaned and felt his seed coat his and the fox's chest. Kurama felt Hiei's inner walls squeezing him, and with a final thrust, he spilled his love inside of Hiei.
"uuurrghh......Hiei.." With a sigh of content, he laid his head on Hiei's chest, trying to catch his breath. Hiei, still breathing hard, started caressing Kurama's back. Not wanting to flatten his lover, Kurama sat up and gently pulled himself out of Hiei. Hiei winced at the abandonment, it always stung when he pulled out. Hiei layed there, coming down from his climactic high. Kurama noticed his lover looked a little exhausted. He scooped the fire demon up into his arms, and carried him toward the stairs. Hiei was just content to let Kurama do what he wanted. Kurama acended the stairs, and went to the bathroom. He set his bundle on the bathroom sink, and turned the bath water on. As it was filling up, he went back over to his lover. He placed his hands on either side of Hiei's head, pressing him up against the wall. He gently kissed the fire demon, savoring the mewing noises that Hiei was making. He broke off the kiss and stepped back, enjoying the view of his lover perched on the counter. He sighed.
"Hiei, you're so beautiful, please, stay with me forever..." Kurama couldn't stop himself from asking that question. He wanted to spend his life with this demon. Hiei's eyes widened.
"Of course I will fox. I want to be with you if you'll have me." Kurama smiled.
"Well, that's why we got married wasn't it?" At Hiei's scowl, Kurama giggled.
"I can't believe you forgot we were married! I was just seeing if you remembered that we already vowed to be together forever." Hiei's scowl deepened before he spoke.
"Hn, with your body's talent, I'm surprised I even remember my name." Kurama giggled harder. His lover was too much sometimes. He turned and seen the water was ready. He bent down and turned the stream off. He went back and scooped his lover up once more, settling in the bathtub. He sat down gently and placed Hiei on his lap. He ran wet hands up and down Hiei's chest, pausing to play with his nipples along the way. Hiei sighed and leaned back against Kurama.
"Mmmmmm...K'rama, I love you fox." Kurama gently smiled and hugged his lover closer.
"I love you too baby fire." And for once, Hiei didn't get angry at the pet name.

Kurama awoke with a start. He tried to remember...the bathtub....wait.... He turned his gaze over to the slumbering Hiei, who was curled up on his side. Kurama sighed. He remembered now. It had been storming, so he invited Hiei in to get out of it. Kurama's friend, that was it. 'Just another dream....' He'd been having these dreams recently. He just never acted on them, Hiei never seemed interested. Kurama gazed at Hiei a bit longer before deciding.
'But one day, I will make these Wonderful Dreams come true....'

The End...?

(1)-I didn't know if this is how you spell it.
(2)-FT-Short for French Toast
Author's Notes: It can be the end if you want. Review and tell me if you want a sequel. I need reviews to be inspired. Peace out.