Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Worth ❯ Worth ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer - Yu Yu Hakusho isn't and never will be mine. I do not own or claim to any of it's characters. This is a not for profit fan fiction. Please do not sue, I have no money.

The fic is my own Idea though. I will find you if it's stolen.

Warnings - Kuwabara POV Angst, Cursing ( It's Kuwabara, what do you expect ~_~;?)

Set near the beginning of Yu Yu Hakusho

Semi Kuwabara/Yuusuke

Worth By Kitt Sseh November 30th, 2002

You Died. You fuckin' died on me. And you would have to go out like a hero. Asshole. Show me up again, Huh? First you beat me, proving you're better than me. Then you save a kid, a fuckin' kid, diein' on me. How can I ever prove I'm worthy of you now?!

Fuck you Urameshi. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. I was supposed to beat you. If I had beaten you I could have shown you I was the best! 'Cause, You see, if I'd beaten you, I would have smashed your face into a bloody pulp!

Damn you Urameshi. Why the fuck did you do this? Stuff like that isn't what kids like you should do. You should be out fightin' with me. You should be ditchin' school and bein' a punk. You shouldn't be out savin' kids. Why did you have to be a hero?

Why did you save him? Were our fights not important enough for you're time?

Get out of that of that fuckin' coffin(1)! Get out and fight me! I will prove that I'm worthy of you.

Heh. I bet you'd hate to hear that. Imagine me, The toughest punk ever, admirin' you. I hated you Urameshi. But then, for a while, and just awhile, I saw you for who you were.

Urameshi, No matter how many times you made me bleed, I saw us as equals. I'd never been beaten. I'd never had to try in a fight. It'd always been reckless, quick, unthinking. I had always won.

You made me think. You brought me a challenge. Fightin' and me, we were one. But when you beat me, I realized I wasn't who I thought I was. I'd have given anything to go back the old me.

Even though you never knew it, I owe a lot yo you. Because of you, I realized I could never be who I was again. After you kept winnin'.

Then I realized somethin'. I wasn't the only one who lived to fight. You did to. We, you and me, the two of us were alike.

The wold is a hellhole and we both lived in it. Heh, Maybe we were the ones that made it hell. Urameshi and Kuwabara, the two biggest punks ever! We'd show the world that it couldn't treat us like that. We'd fight back. Maybe we'd even win.

Life didn't seem so bad when you were around. It was nice, havin' a friend. Sure, it wasn't like most friendships, but who cared? Not me. Not you. Besides, fighters are only good for there blood.

You caused me to do that a lot. Bleed. Always rubbed it in my face that you were better. But I think I could see you likein' it. I think you saw in me what I saw in you.

But you had to die on me. No more fights. No more Challenge. No more friendship. I have no purpose. I'm just Kazuma Kuwabara, and I'll never be worthy of you.

Fuck you Urameshi. Get out of that coffin (2) and fight me again.

The End

1 & 2 - Yes, Those lines were stolen from the manga. *Sigh* ~_~;