Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Y u Yu Hakusho: Series...Redone ❯ the end ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well. Second chapie and hopin you love it. Soak up the good stuff! ^___________^


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Hiei flashed in, saw Kitaru was gone and, read the note all in two seconds (believe me, he is that fast!). "Darn brat! I was going to steal that!" Hiei grumbled.


"Hiei! Don't you understand? Kitaru is probably in BIG trouble right now! And if not he will be when I find him! Come on Hiei. We need to find him"


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"Let me out you yaro!" Kitatu yelled at the guard to his cell. The guard laughed and answered.


"Be lucky that, since you're a weak demon, you're only being sentenced to 1 year in niginkai!"


"I am not weak!" Kitaru yelled. He started changing and trying to get out. Later he was dropped off some where in the woods of niginkai.


1 year later


Durring that year he learned to be cruel, angry, and vicious. He was undefeated in all fighting. That was when he learned about the tournament. The Dark Tournament. He decided he would enter with his own fighters. He spent a week forming his crew of 5 fighters, including himself. They got past all the preliminaries too. Finally the day of the first fight. They were up against some puny demons. It was over in a matter of minuets. Every fight went like that, only getting longer each time. Finally they were at the last fight. When he realized the leader was the boy that had beaten him he got furious. Every battle they lost. Even he lost. When he sat dieing he never realized that on that team, kurama had been on it.




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Sorry. I'm just so cruel. But I had to end it. You all probably hate me now.