Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yoko's Magic ❯ Aiki ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I own not even one part of YuYu Hakusho; all rights go to Yoshihiro Togashi, Fuji TV, Studio Pierrot, FUNimation, the Weekly Shounen Jump, and all others who helped create and animate it.


"blah." equals speech (more or less categorized in Japanese).

~"blah."~ also equals speech; however, it's categorized into "demon speech" - or, in other words, the Makai language.

*blah.* equals any exagerrated word/s.

/blah./ equals thought.

/"blah."/ equals telepathic communation.

[blah] equals the setting/time.

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A/N: This will be a *Shounen-Ai* story, with a pairing of Yusuke/Kurama; if you are either uncomfortable with the fact that it's Shounen-Ai, or the pairing is Yusuke/Kurama, or maybe even both, please click the 'Back' button, and find another, more . . . suitable fanfiction that fits your needs. Thank you.

Also, please excuse the shortness of the chapters and the (sometimes) lateness of updates. I am currently in college, and I have a huge test coming up soon. Please have sympathy for a schoolgirl, ne?

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by Jouzenshi

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[Demon's Door Cave]

"You aren't going to accomplish anything!" Koenma shouted after him.

It was a simple request, and yet he did not answer. All he cared for was that Shinobu Sensui -- of the seven personalities -- was dead, along with the seven others. He had no particular care for the Kakai being broken, or the tunnel being opened, just as long as he 'mopped the floor' with Shinobu, everything was fine. Well, for *him* at least. The others -- Kurama, Hiei, Kuwabara, Seaman, and Koenma -- cared. Or, at least all but Hiei did. A cry. A *simple* cry. But there was no answer. And the junior God of Reikai felt that there would *never* be an answer to his pleading cry.

Meanwhile . . .

"You see?" Kuwabara jeered. "He's got a plan!"

"No, he doesn't, ahou," Hiei said. "He *has* no plan. At all."

"Who's side are you on?" Kuwabara questioned.

"Iie, Kuwabara," Kurama replied, "we are on *Yusuke's.* Understand, however, that he has no plan. Think back to when you fought Toguro; Yusuke is going to do the same."

"Eeto . . . Spirit's Flyswatter?"

"Iie, Kuwabara," the redhead repeated. "Wrong Toguro."

And Kuwabara knew. He *knew* what Yusuke was planning to do, and, to say the least, he wasn't happy. Nor was he angry. He was *devastated* that his friend would do such a thing . . . then again, this *was* Yusuke he was thinking of, and Yusuke was usually one who would do such rash acts . . . .

And then he neared . . . what Kurama would call the 'breaking point.' The said Tantei sighed as he watched his . . . friend . . . weep, and thought of doing so. But . . . in front of Itsuki, it was no option, and in front of Hiei, he would never dare do so. And so he kept his emotions within as he watched 'Shinobu' pound Yusuke. He'd known Yusuke for quite a while -- perhaps just a little bit longer than Hiei -- and he knew that Yusuke would do anything to protect his friends and family. Not the Reikai, not the Ningenkai, but his friends and family.

/We just have the power,/ he thought, /but not the strength to tap into it - how ironic is that?/

Back to the fight . . .

"Well, Mr. 'I'm-Too-Strong,' why don't you just hurry up and kill me?" Yusuke taunted.

/Why do I hesitate?/ Shinobu asked himself. /I know I have the power - *why* is it that I hestitate?/

/"*Hurry,* Shinobu!"/ Itsuki's voice told him, panic evident. A scream . . . and then . . . /"I've done all I can!"/

Shinobu charged at Yusuke, is Seikoki flaring around him. The golden aura soared, and, with his hand outstretched, killed Yusuke - just as Kurama, Hiei, Kuwabara, and Seaman came of the Dimensional Beast. Shocked faces stared at the fallen Reikai Tantei. Koenma's eyes were as wide as saucers, Kuwabara's were spilling with tears, Hiei stared open-mouthed at Yusuke's body, and Kurama's emerald pools were shrouded in shadow.

The rage boiled within the kitsune, and couldn't help but feel extreme anger for the former Tantei, sitting there as if without a care in the world. Those unreadable eyes were staring into space, and his face was calm, as if nothing ever happened. How *dare* he?! How *DARE* he?!

He, Hiei, and Kuwabara turned to face Shinobu, and Hiei voiced the Tantei's feelings -- in his own way, of course.

"I'll carry you this way all the way to Makai, you yarou no baka! JAO ENSATSU KOKURYU-HA!"

The Black Dragon appeared in a flash, and surrounded Shinobu. However, with his Seikoki, he was not in the least bit damaged. But the first wave of demons -- perhaps the low D inferior and the somewhat upper C superior -- were burned to a crisp.

As the reiki within him charged up into A-Class power, his appearance changed, and suddenly he was no longer in the form of Minamino Shuuichi, but in the form of Yoko Kurama. He let out an uncharacteristic growl, and then . . . suddenly felt . . . strange. Before he ran, heading to the Makai entrance, he felt a very strange energy within him . . .

And it was an energy that gave him the will to fight on.

For Yusuke.

And *only* for Yusuke.

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Aiki: 'Love Energy'

Kakai: The barrier that keeps out A and S class apparitions out of the Ningenkai.

Ahou: 'Idiot'

Eeto: 'Uh. . ./Um. . .'

Iie: 'No'

Reikai: 'Spirit World'

Ningenkai: 'Human/Living World'

Seikoki: 'Sacred Energy'

Reikai Tantei: 'Spirit Detective/s'

Makai: 'Demon World/Hell'

Yarou no baka: 'Idiot (of a) bastard'

Jao Ensatsu Kokuryu-ha: 'Jao Immolating Black Dragon Wave'

Reiki: 'Spirit/Spectral Energy'