Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case One: Hexed—Hell’s Erotic Bond is the shadow? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"… why are you the kind of person that waits for the train… You are always waiting for something to happen, you just go with any endeavor. You have no set destination, what ever arises you just go with it…”

Machi no hitogomi Kata ga butsukatte Hitori potchi

Hatenai sougen Kaze ga pyupyu to Hitori potchi

Dotchi darou? Nakitaku naru basho wa?

Futatsu maru o tsukete Choppiri otona sa

Mechamecha Kurushii kabe datte Fui ni Naze ka?

Buchikowasu Yuuki to power Waite kuru no wa

Mechamecha Kibishii hitotachi ga fui ni miseta

Yasashisa no sei dattari Suru n darou ne!

A-ri-ga-to-u Go-za-i-masu!!

Aishiterutte itta yo ne?

Case One---Hexed-Hell’s Erotic Bond is the shadow?

“Dammit Botan, enough with the riddles! Why are you even bothering me with this crap about this world and the others in the middle of the night anyway!” a familiar, raunchy voice spat out into the night. From the tone, you could recognize that the person behind the voice was a “little” irritated.

“Yuusuke! Shh!” a more serene sound tried to coax the teenager as she diverted her eyes to the unconscious girl draped on Yuusuke’s back. “You don’t want to disturb her while she sleeps, you need to take Keiko home now.”

“Why don’t you do it, Botan!” Yuusuke fumed not listening to the ferrywoman’s words.

Botan sat on her oar as it hovered in mid-air, “Because I have to get the Ankoku no Takara back to Rei-Kai Daihisoukan, well, more or less, Master Koenma would have to get the Ankoku no Takara back to Rei-Kai Daihisoukan.” Botan grew a light-hearted expression as the three artifacts-Kouma no Ken, Gaki Dama, and Ankoku Kyou-floated beside her. “Besides, Keiko’s YOUR girlfriend.”

Yuusuke’s eyebrow began to twitch, “Then why don’t you leave?!” he restrained himself from smashing his spirit guide’s head in.

“Simple enough, this case may be closed, but a newer one has surfaced and has come to the attention of the Council of Rei-Kai.” Botan’s jubilant aura grew dense as she became slightly serious. “You’re assigned to something a little more drastic I’m afraid.”

Throughout the entire city, birds flocked, automobile security sensors went off, and the ground rumbled as Yuusuke shouted: “NANI!? What the Hell!”

“Yuusuke, calm down!” Botan tried to whisper as she almost fell off her oar.

“I’m not a machine, I wan’na rest once in a while!” Yuusuke glared off at the full moon from the corner of his eye; the moon was mostly covered by black clouds. There were no stars tonight.

“Exactly,” Botan regained her balance. “Which is why I suggest you get the both of you home as soon as possible. You don’t really look too good after your encounter with Hiei a few minutes ago.” She nodded.

It had only been several minutes ago but Yuusuke seemed to have not yet regained most of his stamina. He was pretty battered and had an assortment of scratches all over his face. After the confrontation, Kurama said that he would take Hiei back to Rei-Kai as well to be accounted for what they had done. Yuusuke was getting a little groggy and really didn’t feel like fighting anyone else for the rest of the night.

“After a good night’s sleep you’ll be in a much better mood I’m sure. Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about your next case.” Botan smiled about to take off.

“So you just leave me with a riddle unfinished… Why not tell me now…” Yuusuke spoke with a sedated demeanor.

“Uh, actually… The thing is…” Botan trailed off as she looked back at Yuusuke. She began twiddling her index fingers together.

“…” Yuusuke grew puzzled.

“I want to tell you the information tomorrow because I don’t know anything about this new threat.” Botan began to giggle hysterically as sweat broke out over Yuusuke’s face.

“Ha Ha! Dammit Botan!” Yuusuke was about to bash her on the head.

“But I can finish telling you about what I started to say earlier.” The spirit guide blurted out. Yuusuke restrained himself as Botan began to finish her statement from before. “Master Koenma says that this information is very vital to you so I suggest you listen with open ears.” Botan reached into the fold of her kimono and pulled out The Book of Enma. She began flipping through pages.

“Not that damn rule book again.” Yuusuke huffed.

“Aha, here it is.” Botan leaned her left hand on her oar as her right hand held up the book. “It says here: any one person to defile the order of where that said person belongs when they cross over will suffer in punishment. Not of physical torture, but that of emotional torture. When said person’s soul becomes tainted with the desire for blood lust and a passion for the deflowering of others, which in turn morphs the victims into said person’s followers, that said person becomes possessed with the divine powers of Death cup. The tainted soul will then be exiled to the forbidden central area of all four realms.

Botan closed the book and turned to Yuusuke, “That’s all there is.”

Yuusuke had his left hand supporting Keiko on his back while the other was too busy picking his ear. “Mmhm, so…” Evidently, Yuusuke had stopped listening before Botan began reading from the book.

“Yuusuke.” Botan sighed a little wearied.

“If you don’t mind, I think I better get Keiko home now.” Yuusuke began to walk off.

Botan floated to the front of Yuusuke, the Ankoku no Takara levitating behind her. “The central area is what connects Nin-gen-kai, Ma-kai, Rei-Kai, and Mei-kai together. It is known as ‘The Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory’.”

“That’s a cozy name, why not just call it ‘The Swamp of Happiness Dreams of Death’.” Yuusuke ridiculed without a care.

Botan brushed off what Yuusuke said and continued, “Only one being in the entire existence of all four realms was exiled there. A disciple of Satan in its time, it spurred against the thought of being controlled and ordered by someone of higher standards. Its demon class was that of Class B negative and grew followers by means of seduction and intimate arousal. But its followers were just a source of this disciple to grow stronger. Four hundred years ago, the tainted one took on Rei-Kai, and almost won.”

Yuusuke grew a little interested.

“But because the Death cup, or a destroying angel, was influenced by Lord Enma, Death cup did a self-sacrificial act that exiled both of them into the Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory. Now, those that become tainted will not be able to possess Death cup’s omnipotent auras to start such a threat again.” Botan started to hover higher into the air, ready to leave.

“Why does everything got’ta end terrible for the good guys, huh?! Chotto matte!” Yuusuke questioned.

Botan hovered back down towards him, “It’s a price, I suppose, that needs to be paid in order to keep the balance at hand… It’s time I took my leave, watch out Yuusuke, there are a lot of thugs out at night.” Botan admonished.

“Yeah.. Thugs, whatever.” Yuusuke groaned. “Ja ne, Botan.”

“Ja matte ne, Yuu-kun.” Botan said a little happier. Then with that, the ferry girl took off through the sky atop her oar, the three artifacts trailing behind her. All disappeared, back to Rei-Kai.

Yuusuke watched as his spirit guide had vanished from his view. He took his attention from the sky, and to the ground. Yuusuke stared long and hard at the stone floor. ‘Wait a minute…’ Yuusuke began to think, ‘Botan said only ONE being was exiled to this swamp area… And that was the bad guy. Then what happened to the good guy…’ Yuusuke diverted his attention from the ground and was now looking at Keiko on his back, her head resting on his shoulder. Yuusuke smiled.

He began to walk away from the isolated warehouse. ‘Ah, screw Botan, she probably got her information wrong.’ Yuusuke thought; his footsteps clicking off the pavement being the only sound heard through the night air.


Actually, Yuusuke’s footsteps were certainly not the only thing heard through the night air. A ‘clank’ and a ‘clink’ sound were penetrating through the night breeze, and very much so, caught Yuusuke’s attention. The Rei-Kai Tan-tei picked up his head and arched it a little behind him so he could see what was making that noise. The noise had stopped. Nothing was there now, nothing but the darkened warehouse, lighted by the faint yellow moon.

Yuusuke continued to walk but then, the clinking and the clanking sound began again. Yuusuke now turned his whole body around and began eyeing the entire area. The noise had stopped again. Yuusuke, this time, was walking backwards! So if the sound started up again, he would surely catch it.

The sound did start up again, but this time, it was fiercer and sharper. As if someone was banging on whatever made this sound. The banging got louder.

“Who the fuck is doing that!” Yuusuke shouted, his voice was heard over the entire racket. The banging stopped.

Yuusuke looked around again, this time, something did catch his attention. On the ground in front of the warehouse entrance, there was a shadow!

Yuusuke looked up from the shadow and now had his attention on the roof of warehouse No. 1. It was too dark to see, but there was a figure there. In the dark…

Yuusuke backed up, he was really aggravated now. Could this be the new case he was suppose to take on?

The figure in the dark watched Yuusuke, not moving at all. Then, the figure did something that probably would’ve made other nin-gens run scared. Its eyes began to glow. Not red, nor orange, but yellow. Not just the irises but the sclera too. The whole eye was emitting a yellow beam that lit part of the intruder’s face. Yuusuke could only make out the intruder’s nose and mouth. The intruder’s nose seemed to be sniffing the air as their lips were pressed tightly together.

Yuusuke gasped as a bead of cold sweat rolled down the side of his cheek. His expression grew even more angered. “Show yourself, temee!”

Suddenly, as if on cue with what Yuusuke had said, the black clouds that had been covering the moon, began to float away from it. The moon’s yellow beam shone down on the entire area. The light from the moon slowly panned up from the ground and then on the walls and finally onto the roof of the warehouse. Its light cast away the darkness that was around the figure. The intruder was revealed.

But before Yuusuke could get a good look at whoever it was that was spying on him, the figure jumped away from the moon’s light. Yuusuke looked everywhere, just until he noticed, the figure standing in warehouse No. 1’s entrance, just a few feet away from Yuusuke and the girl sleeping on his back.

Yuusuke’s eyes nearly popped out of his sockets as he gasped. Sweat broke out all over his face for what he saw.

The figure was a ‘she’. She seemed to be Yuusuke’s height but maybe a little shorter. Her albino hair, which was only shoulder length, flew out behind her as if the wind were dancing with it. The intruder’s skin was pale and her face a little curved. Those eyes of hers were still glowing as something else glowed in synchronous with them upon her neck!

But none of those were the things that caught Yuusuke’s attention. Oh no, no, no. The fact that her eyes were glowing didn’t help Yuusuke divert his attention from what he was looking at. She was completely, in the nude!

Yuusuke wanted to turn his prying eyes away, but he just couldn’t bring himself to doing so. You wouldn’t necessarily say the curves on her body were in the right places-she was very average, not having the “super model” physique-but she did have curves none the less. She couldn’t possibly be fourteen; even if she were wearing clothing-loose clothing-she would look most like a boy to the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei if she cut her hair. The petite lumps on her chest, possibly not even worthy of being called breasts, were perked up and Yuusuke could feel a nose bleed coming on regardless. How could she face him, better yet, if she was a youkai he had to attack, how could HE face her. At any chance he got he would possibly cop a feel at her.

Yuusuke started to think what Keiko would look like if her face were on this woman’s body. He tried shaking the thought from his head as he couldn’t stop his eyes from looking at this lady’s midriff. Besides the fact that Yuusuke acknowledged that the youkai onna managed to have thighs on her porkchopish hips, he just stared at her abdomen and possibly other places of her lower region too. His attention was fixated on her navel. Unlike most people, hers wasn’t popped in, but popped out. She had an ‘outie’ belly button!

Yuusuke gulped as he kept looking at her navel. ‘Why the hell am I thinking that’s a turn on!’

The women’s eyes stopped glowing, but her irises remained a dusty, golden color. Her sclera, however, seemed bloodshot. If she was a youkai, which was undoubtedly, why wasn’t she attacking or bragging about herself like other youkai he fought did...?

The woman finally made a move, she stepped forward and thrusted her arms outward. A gust of long, thin needles blazing a pale blue shot from out of nowhere and swirled towards the Rei-Kai Tan-tei.

Yuusuke dodged, but not as good as he usually would because of the extra weight on his back. Another needle shot towards him, this time penetrating through the sleeve of his green blazer. It was only a centimeter from touching his shoulder as it shot out from the side of it.

‘Kuso!’ Yuusuke glared at the youkai. He grew uneasy when he heard Keiko mumbling from her sleep. ‘I can’t fight with Keiko present.’ Yuusuke looked back at her. ‘I got’ta get her to safety first!’ He didn’t like the idea of running away from an opponent, but it was worth it, for Keiko’s life. Yuusuke turned around, ready to take off, but he came face to face with something unexpected.

The woman who was supposed to be in the warehouse doorway, had shifted herself in front of Yuusuke as he tried to retreat. They were only inches away from each other now. Yuusuke gritted his teeth, now how was he gon’na get out of this one!

The youkai woman stepped forward, closing in any space between them. That nosebleed was coming back to Yuusuke when he noticed her chest pressed up against his. He got a little flustered when he realized the two tight peaks of her breasts were also felt through his green blazer. He was about to break down but this youkai didn’t have a sign of concern on her face. She stood looking at him, showing no emotions whatsoever. How the hell was Yuusuke gon’na get out of this one!?

Instantly, Yuusuke DID get an idea, but possibly not the best of them. As his right hand held up his friend on his back, he rammed his left hand towards the youkai. The entire area stood with an eerie silence, as if dead.

Yuusuke smirked. He had his left hand groped over the youkai woman. The youkai finally showed a sign of concern when her eyes narrowed and her eyebrows arched up. Yuusuke had his left hand caressing and poking at her ‘outie’ belly button as the youkai stared down at him looking a little peeved.

The youkai’s eyes filled with fire as they began to gleam bright yellow again. She lifted up her left hand as a sharp object began to emerge from her palm. It turned out to be half of a dagger that gleamed a bright blue that could’ve blinded Yuusuke. The youkai was about to stab Yuusuke if he hadn’t acted fast.

Yuusuke abruptly headbutted the woman in the forehead. From the impact, Yuusuke felt a little light- headed. As the youkai’s upper body arched back from the collision, Yuusuke ran as fast as he could to the entrance of the warehouse No. 1.

‘Good thing I distracted her for a second.’ Yuusuke panted as he jumped inside the warehouse. He kneeled down and laid Keiko behind a few crates that were located near the entrance. “Keiko, just stay here for a minute…” Yuusuke murmured into his friend’s ear as he stood back up. He leaped out from the entrance, ready to kick this youkai’s ass. There was only one problem… The youkai was gone.

“… Kuso…” Yuusuke cursed as he peered around the area. No sign of her anywhere. What? Did he do all that ‘strategic’ planning for nothing.

All of a sudden, his ears picked up on something. He heard footsteps moving swiftly on top of the roof. Yuusuke looked up only to be brought down to the ground by the youkai that just fell on him.

The youkai woman had Yuusuke pinned to the ground; she held his shoulders down as his arms were grasped to the woman’s upper arms. Both their legs were sprawled out.

The youkai’s eyes stopped glowing as she moved her right hand over Yuusuke’s neck, pushing it upward, she now had Yuusuke’s neck cupped forcefully in her hand. She was choking him!

Yuusuke was losing air. How was Yuusuke supposed to fight this threat? She was invulnerable!

Then, Yuusuke saw something emerge from the youkai’s right eye. A tear… a tear of blood!? Yuusuke watched as the tear trailed down her cheek, he felt her grip on his neck loosen. Just what was going on here!?

Yuusuke took advantage of this moment. He slid his leg under the female youkai and lunged his knee upward as it made contact with her abdomen. He had knocked her over on her back, but because both of them were still latched onto each other, she brought Yuusuke on top of her.

“This is a nice position, wouldn’t you say…” Yuusuke mocked now pinning her to the ground, her hair in disarray against her face. The youkai didn’t try to resist the Rei-Kai tan-tei, she just stared at him without a concern in her eyes as usual. She then closed them.

“Giving up already? Where’s the fun in-” Yuusuke cut himself off when he noticed something sting him in his left shoulder. He winced as he turned his head to see what it was. A needle! Yuusuke didn’t notice that he left the woman’s hands idle, which gave her enough time to stick him with one of those needles from her own Youki.

Yuusuke glanced back at the youkai. Her eyes shot open and began to flicker. The needle in Yuusuke’s arm began to flicker in synchronous with her eyes. The pain in his shoulder grew worse. It seemed to be spreading throughout his body. Yuusuke’s arms became feeble, he felt his own ki leaving his body.

The youkai, all at once, mashed the needle into Yuusuke’s arm further. From the impetus force she exerted onto his arm, he was flung off her body and away from the warehouse. He met the cool ground once again as he noticed he had slid a few yards from warehouse No. 1.

The youkai stood up and began walking towards Yuusuke.

Yuusuke couldn’t find the strength to lift his arms, or his head for that matter.

“This is wonderful Yuusuke, you get your ass kicked by a girl in her birthday suit…” Yuusuke mumbled to himself. He finally, against all the pain that was exerted over him, pulled himself upward with his hands. He still could barely keep this position before he fell to the ground again.

The youkai stopped in her tracks and held out her right hand as she clenched it. The needle in Yuusuke’s shoulder began to pulse as he was flushed over with excruciating pain. He saw blood rush out of the wound the needle was lodged in. It wasn’t long until he was laying in his own blood. Yuusuke then saw fragments escaping out through the needle, could that be his Reiki leaving his body? For some reason, she was able to pull out your own ki from this needle!

Yuusuke couldn’t lay here and die without a fight. Through pain, he began to stand up again. The youkai’s expression grew a little questioning. Yuusuke placed his right hand in front of him; with his index finger pointing out and his thumb pointing up as the rest of his fingers were curled to his palms. After using his rei-gan already from the fight with Hiei, he was riding on luck that it would work again.

The youkai’s eyes widened, as if terrified, for once! She clenched her right fist harder. Yuusuke’s left shoulder began to pulse faster as he fought against falling back to the ground. Even more blood gushed from his wound, but unexpectedly, the needle began to slide out. A white aura formed over Yuusuke as the needle dropped out of his arm and hit the ground.
The youkai stepped back in defense at what she saw.

The white aura grew brighter over Yuusuke, his eyes were intense, as he was ready to fire his rei-gan.

The female youkai held out her hands as that dagger of her ki formed within it. Her expression remained that of a frightened one.

Yuusuke growled, “Hell no, temee!” he grasped his right wrist with his left hand, “Kutabre subeta!” Yuusuke cursed as the white aura radiated a pale blue. “REI-GUN!”

The wind circled around the two combatants as the moon’s yellow beam lightened up the scene. It was dead silent while the aura around Yuusuke had disappeared.

“Dammit!” Yuusuke gasped. His rei-gan had done nothing! That whole special effect and nothing happens! He shut his eyes and clenched his fists. “What the hell am I supposed to do now!” Yuusuke was all out of options, he would just have to go down fighting… to his death. ‘Keiko, I’m sorry.’

Yuusuke was about to charge at the youkai with all the strength he had left until something broke through his mind. He stopped himself and stared at the female youkai in astonishment. She seemed to be saying something, but the words were inaudible!? Was she mute? That would explain a lot…

Not only was the youkai woman speaking in mute, she was clutching her head and stepping away from Yuusuke. She flung her head up as her eyes bulged. She was afraid! Afraid of Yuusuke’s rei-gan!?

Yuusuke wanted to attack her, but for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to move. Yuusuke’s own eyes were widened as he stood in bewilderment too. He could hear what she was saying! Not through his ears, but through his mind!?

‘… Nichiren… Even you… You left me alone too…’ the tone of the voice seemed rueful but was a little more apprehensive. The same phrase kept repeating its self over and over through the Rei-Kai tan-tei’s mind.

“Get out of my head!” Yuusuke growled as he began to run towards the distracted youkai. He tightened his fists and arched his left arm back, ready to deliver a punch.

Suddenly, a black swirl formed around the outside of youkai female. As it began to stretch towards her, Yuusuke had to stop himself before he touched it, not at all curious at what it was.

The youkai was now standing directly over the shadow as she began to sink in! Further and further, she descended into the abyss, still with her eyes bulging upward. It wasn’t long until the black mass had devoured her.

Cold beads of sweat rolled down Yuusuke’s nose. He stepped forward, now interested in the shadow. But before he could come any closer, the shadow grew smaller and smaller, until it too, had vanished from sight.

Yuusuke walked over to where the youkai and the black mass used to be. He began to tap the ground. Nothing. Yuusuke peered around the entire area. Nothing still. Was she really gone?

Yuusuke sighed in relief as he flopped on the cold granite floor. ‘Attacked twice in one night… What was that all about? Nichiren?’ Yuusuke thought as he held his left shoulder. It still did hurt and he wanted to rest a while to regain his endurance before he had to get Keiko home. Unfortunately, for the unaware Yuusuke, Keiko stood, leaning against warehouse No. 1’s entrance, looking perplexed and peeved at the same time.

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