Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case Four: Meow--Look what the thunder dragged in ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Narrator: Making it to Sarayashiki Junior High with time to spare, Yuusuke finds himself waiting for Keiko to finish helping the fellow students with the festival set-up. Yuusuke however doesn’t care for aiding anyone when it comes to petty school functions. All goes amuck when Yuusuke hears Keiko screaming. He comes to her rescue just to come face to face with Kyoumi, the one and the same that was possessed by Seiiukaru! Kurama enters and informs Yuusuke that that Kyoumi is a fake. Kurama easily reveals its true form as Yuusuke pursues it. Botan enters with a new gadget for the Reikai Tantei, which easily takes care of the gel monster. But, mysteries still unfold as to whom created the monster and who is it that has been watching Yuusuke from the shadows.

Aishiterutte itta yo ne?

Case Four---Meow! Look what the thunder dragged in

It was only noontime when Keiko finished her share of work for the festival and was already on her way home. Natsuko insisted that Keiko just go home and rest after being subjected to such trauma so early in the morning. She couldn’t really recall what had happened to her. All she did remember was that Aitofukiji female student who suddenly attacked her from above as she help Natsuko with the fish she was carrying. After that, the chestnut-haired female remembered she had fallen unconscious one minute and soon was awakened the next by Yuusuke. He exhorted her as well to go home and rest as soon as she could and that he would like to have his little talk with her tonight at her families’ mukae-bi. Atsuko was obviously off gallivanting as usual so Yuusuke thought it better to welcome his relatives with Keiko’s family instead.

“Hm. It’s going to rain?” Keiko halted her brisk pace by a immense, dead oak tree as she looked up to the sky, her navy skirt flapping against her legs from the sudden light gale of wind. ‘It was sunny a minute ago. The clouds have become very dark now. Strange.’ She thought to herself as she continued to jog down the sidewalk heading for home, not wanting to get caught in the downpour. As black, rugged clouds engulfed the once white, puffy ones, a bolt of lightning emerged from within in and thunder began to roar even before the rain came. Another lightning bolt came and struck the dead tree Keiko had been standing by previously-splitting it with a perfectly flawless clean cut. The bolt began to take shape into a small, pulsing ball of electricity as it rose from the debris, fixated on Keiko.

Yukimura Diner-

‘It’s really pouring out there. Oh no, the festival, everyone is still setting up, they’ll have to postpone their progress until the rain stops.’ Keiko closed the door behind her. The diner was barren since it was the Bon holidays, no business for the rest of the week. Keiko saw that her parents were sitting at one of the restaurant’s booths and were eating lunch together.

“Back already? I thought you and your little band of helpers would be out working until five?” Mr. Yukimura asked his daughter as he slurped up so miso soup.

“Rain. But I had to leave earlier then expected. I’m just a little tired.” Keiko said her sentence through a yawn.

“Oh yes, did you talk to Yuusuke?” Mrs. Yukimura said with a puckish grin, gnawing on a rice cracker.

“We’ve decided to talk tonight during mukae-bi. Is that okay if he joins us.” Keiko urged a little hesitantly.

“Of course that will be okay.” Mrs. Yukimura smiled.

“Arigatou. I’m just going to catch a quick nap, is it okay if you wake me up before five? I want to check on the progress with the festival. Hope the rain stops by then.” Keiko bowed.

“Of course.” Mrs. Yukimura’s smile didn’t falter.

Keiko headed for the staircase and began to ascend up them in a skip. Her parents returned to their meal in silence. “Poor Yuusuke. His mother being involved with Yakuza, never spending anytime with him.” Mr. Yukimura whispered, surrendering to the silence again while the pitter-patter of rain knocked at the windows.

Keiko’s room-

‘Hm... Who was that girl at our school who was also attacked by that weird girl, didn’t look as if she went to our school at all. The other person with Yuusuke was with him when he tried to wake me up and then left afterwards-taking the girl away too. Wonder why they were all at our school... That weird girl did look like that lady I saw with Yuusuke... she couldn’t have came looking for Yuusuke! No, don’t jump to conclusions...’ Keiko’s mind began to wander as her eyelids grew heavy. She yawned a bit more and was done changing into her pajamas as she slid under her floral print covers. ‘Yuusuke... maybe I am jumping to conclusions with a clouded mind.” Thundering was heard outside as her room flashed from the lightning outside. ‘He’s trying so hard to explain himself. I should forgive him.’ Keiko yawned one last time and let the sleep take her. Lightning and thunder boomed again but it wasn’t enough to stir Keiko from her slumber, she had fallen out due to exhaustion.

The rain began to decrease in impact but the sky continued to grow darker. All of a sudden, a bright light came to Keiko’s windowsill and began to tap at it. The ball of electricity was back! The luminescent milky white ball phased through the glass and now lit up Keiko’s dim room. Even from the light Keiko didn’t bustle from her position on her backside.

The energy floated over to the sleeping girl and hovered over her. For the longest it just levitated over her, completely stiff, that was until the thunder and lightning came crashing again. The ball of light seemed to become very frightened from the sudden outburst and shot under the covers with Keiko. It found itself directly over her stomach, covered by her pajama top. And in a blink of the eye, the ball of light turned into what looked like a mangy cat with patches of its yellow fur missing as if it were shaved off horribly. That kitten began to shiver from the roaring thunder and crawled over to the opening at the end of Keiko’s top. Impossible. How could Keiko not feel the small kitten wander in under her shirt and rest directly on her navel? She must have been really tired.

The thunderstorm soon ceased as Keiko, and her little mysterious new pet, slept tranquilly.

Downtown Arcade center-

“Botan, what are we doing here? Have you become obsessed with that Ms. Tac-Man video game as well?” Yuusuke said sarcastically.

“This is where we’re meeting your client, silly.” Botan grabbed Yuusuke by the wrist and led him in-she had changed into a long, dusty red skirt with a blue jean jacket over a white shirt just before her and Yuusuke left.

“Sure, you don’t mind if I play a few while you meet with Yasha.” Yuusuke joked. The arcade was pretty packed with people playing practically every game. There was even a line for each game of people waiting their turn. A thought popped into Yuusuke’s head. “Botan, I don’t think these people are going to take it lightly when they see a half human half bat creature in here!”

“Oh don’t be silly, Yuusuke. We’re meeting in the bathroom.” Botan said jovial.


Botan dragged the fourteen-year-old to the rest rooms located at the far left of the arcade. They were heading for the girl’s lavatory.

“Oh, nice.” Yuusuke grew a very perverted smile and said his sentence in a very sly tone.

“Oh stop it, Yuusuke. You aren’t going to see anything I know you want to see.” Botan scolded him as she came to a halt before the door. She rapped at it with the back of her hand, making a very catchy beat with it. The restroom door then opened by itself and the duo were sucked in. A man exiting the men’s lavatory witnessed this and became a little shocked at the scene and ran away screaming.

“Where are we?” Yuusuke murmured looking around. Both of them were standing in a barren, bright room with its floor, ceiling, and walls lined with white cushions. A single door was installed on the ground in front of the two. “This sucks, how do the girl’s use the bathroom? Unless they go on the floor.” Yuusuke grew paranoid as he checked under his feet at the unstained cushions.

Botan giggled. “Yuusuke, we are in a different dimension, not the girl’s bathroom. When you execute the right knock sequence on the door and it sends you here to the holding area for captured youkai criminals. Just so any ningens won’t interrupt us. Sorry to disappoint you if you were expecting something else.”

“So where’s Yasha?” Yuusuke looked around the room, noticing there was no one else there but him and his spirit guide. “Oh I see...” Yuusuke said slyly, but Botan didn’t catch on. “Sorry Botan, but I only think of you as a friend and nothing more.”

“What’s that suppose to mean!” Botan shrieked at him. All of a sudden, the door on the floor shot open and in came a little green oni with Yasha in a cage. Botan brushed off what Yuusuke had said and turned to the visitors, “Oh great, you’ve made it. Ohayo, Yasha!”

“Hey oar girl, Ah told yah, mah name tah you is-Bishonen!” Yasha shrieked and stuck to the bars of the cage like a magnet. She made the whole cage jerk forward, the little green oni tried to hold onto the cage.

“Bishonen? Me?” Yuusuke stood dumbfounded until he realized Yasha was directing it at him. “Uh...”

“Are you ready to cooperate?” Botan asked with one of her trademark smiles.

“Certainly.” Yasha didn’t take her eyes off of Yuusuke, Yuusuke however was feeling a little uneasy because of the unwanted attention. “What is it yer little ol’ problem, darlin’?”

“Well, Yasha, we were-"

“Ah wasn’t askin’ you!” the bat-girl cut off the ferrywoman. “Yuusuke?” she said sweetly as Botan became a little irritated.

“Uh...” Yuusuke snapped to attention. “What’s the deal on these gel men. One of them appeared earlier today and tried to kidnap two girls, one of them being very important to me.”

When Yasha heard that part of Yuusuke’s sentence she switched from hot to ice cold. “Oh... And?”

“Who’s making them and why is this person going after specific people.” Botan began to grind her teeth in annoyance.

“All ah learned about Uwibami long ago was that they are created by Musubi no Kami. He uses his gel pets to capture them putrid female loves of certain Reikai Tantei and youkai just to piss them off. He claims a man will do anything for their helpless love and that’s how he cons men into his trap.”

“But how did he know about me and Kurama?” Yuusuke said looking at Botan.

“And how did he know Seiiukaru was freed?” Botan looked at Yuusuke.

“And why did that thing copy Kyoumi in the first place?!” Yuusuke and Botan said in unison as they stared at Yasha now.

“Oh yeh, that’s right. That there Seiiukaru was released, everyone in Makai knows about that by now and the terrible sickness of the Shitenno! Haha. Pathetic. Don’t you see, Kyoumi was tricked into releasing Seiiukaru. I witnessed it all when I was still in Makai. Her and that ravishing boy toy of hers were too busy walking into an ambush by the blasted underworld detective that did Kombu in. Kyoumi went into a world of depression as she tried tracking the detective down to get revenge, along the way becoming stronger. She soon came across the one who tricked her into heading for the mire sutra. Shazmee. The boss of Musubi.”

Yuusuke and Botan remained silent as the little bat continued.

“He thought Seiiukaru would be released whole and not just her soul. So he ordered Musubi to send a Uwibami after ‘er and copy Seiiukaru’s life data. But it was Kyoumi’s he received instead. He was obviously going to use Seiiukaru to destroy all of the Reikai Tantei, believing her powers would have been inside Kyoumi, but they weren’t.” Yasha yawned.

“But that doesn’t explain why Uwibami went after Keiko and that other girl!” Yuusuke grew enraged.

“Shazmee’s first priority is to destroy all the Reikai Tantei so his conquest over Ningenkai will be much easier. He used Keiko to draw you out and Kurama just interfered. He knows where to get yah where it hurts now.” Yasha’s expression was much more serious than usual.

“What are you talking about? Kurama is not an underworld detective!” Yuusuke fumed.

“I never said he was.” Yasha looked away peeved.

“Yasha, do you think you can find out if anymore Uwibami men are going to be created?” Botan asked.

“Uwibami men don’t stand much of a chance in battle, they’re just around as kidnappers and distracters. Shazmee must be planning something big that will wipe out all of the Reikai Tantei easily. Of course, I’m going to need a change of scenery. If you want me to do that for you it’ll cost yah.” Yasha began to eye Yuusuke.

“No deal.” Yuusuke quickly said in his defense.

“Deal!” Botan spat out over Yuusuke’s protest. “But first you have to tell us where Yofune Nushi is.”

“Traitor. This isn’t fair!” Yuusuke blasted at his spirit guide.

“I’ll show you personally, but there is something Bishonen can do for me first.” Yasha grinned evilly.

“No way! I told you I’m not into animal girls!” Yuusuke screamed.

Yasha chuckled, “One of my own clients that I do a lot of spy work for seems to have fallen into Shazmee’s ploy. Shazmee wants her to join up with him because she can produce Raiju. But she refused, not wanting to be in on his evil scheme, so Shazmee sent an Uwibami after the first Raiju she ever created named Gemmi, her pride and joy. That was the cause of the thunderstorm earlier. They chased Gemmi all the way here and now he’s hiding out for now in disguise.”

“I can see where this is going.” Yuusuke grumbled.

“A thunder animal wow, I can see why Shazmee would want her on his side. She has thunder animals at her disposal! That can make the situation quite deadly.” Botan gasped.

“My client is distraught and I hate to see my number one client distraught. Gemmi takes on the form of different animals so it will be hard to find him but if you do, I will consider helping you out and relinquish my loyalty from the dark side... for the time being.” Yasha said justly.

“A true spy.” Yuusuke remarked. “She has no side.”

“How do we know when we’ve found Gemmi?” Botan asked.

“Gemmi likes hopping from tree to tree, which leaves his mark on it. A thunderbolt scratch. He also is very frightened of thunderstorms but they constantly occur when he’s around. The storms strike when ever Gemmi is in danger.” Yasha informed them.

“Okay.” Botan said zealously and turned to her partner. “Yuusuke we should get to work then!”

“Easy for you to say, you got nothing to lose.” Yuusuke mumbled to himself as he glared at the bat demon gazing at him affectionately.

Yukimura Diner; 4:45p.m-

“Keiko it’s time to wake up.” Mr. Yukimura tapped at his daughter’s door. No answer came from inside, not even a ‘thump’ of his daughter’s feet moving over the floor. “Keiko, come on, five hours is enough. You can’t sleep all day, just what did you do to make you so-” Mr. Yukimura called to her as he opened the door. His eyes bulged at what he saw. “-tired... AH!”

Keiko was still asleep but began to rustle a bit from her father’s screams. Her eyes opened slowly to see her dad yelling. “T-Tousan? What is it?” she sat up a bit on her elbows.

“My daughter is pregnant!” He shouted having his paranoia cloud his mind...

“What are you talking about?!” Keiko demanded not quite catching on or even feeling the little scamp up her shirt.

“It was little Yuusuke, right?! This is what you two needed to talk about?! I respect little Yuusuke but you two could’ve left your hormones caged up for a few more years, right! I don’t want to be a grandfather so soon!” Mr. Yukimura went into a fit as Mrs. Yukimura came booming up the stairs to see what was going on.

“What in the Sam hill-Keiko! Your stomach!” Mrs. Yukimura brought her hands to her cheeks in shock.

Keiko finally peered down at her belly to see the bulge sticking out. Now it was her turn to scream with widened eyes. Mrs. Yukimura bolted over to her daughter and lifted up her shirt a little too far. Mr. Yukimura had to turn away just so he would be respecting his daughters “privacy” since her top was up to her neck now.

“Neko!” Mrs. Yukimura and Keiko chimed together in harmony.

“Oie! Can we keep it!” Mr. Yukimura squealed.

The yellow kitten leaped up from its sleep right between Keiko’s chest, its front paws on her shoulders while its hind legs were under her bosoms.

“ECCHI!” Keiko screamed and jumped around, causing her mom to let go of her shirt and making it fall back down to its previous position with the cat inside again. Keiko soon knocked the cat from out of her top and was now sitting on the floor panting for air.

“Keiko, are you sneaky pets in now?” Mrs. Yukimura looked down at her daughter very cross.

“Iie, I never saw it before.” Keiko pleaded.

“Can we keep it?! We can call it “Yuu-chan”!” Mr. Yukimura begged as his wife glared at him with narrow eyes.

The putrefied feline hopped up to Keiko’s side and nuzzled her hip. The cat’s antics caused its tail to brush up by the desk Keiko was sitting by and then the kitten’s tiny thighs hit the frame of the desk. The clock that sat on the top wobbled and fell over to reveal the time to the young girl. It was only ten minutes to five!

Keiko glanced at the clock then at her window. The sun was shining! “Oh no, I’m going to be late!” she screamed jumping from the floor, snatching her uniform from the closet, and then running out of the room. The cat went after her.

Mrs. Yukimura and Mr. Yukimura shared concerned looks with each other. “Now what was that about Keiko being pregnant.” Mrs. Yukimura sighed but then started to laugh at her husband’s mistake.

The husband’s head titled as he whined. “Anyone could’ve came to that assumption.” He soon became very happy about the cat again. “Can we name it “Yuusuke Chibi” then!”

Around the corner of the Yukimura Diner-

‘Yuusuke said he would meet me at the school at five, I can’t be late. Maybe if I told my parents that they would’ve woken me up earlier. Why did I sleep that long? It isn’t like me to stay asleep that long....’ Keiko thought, fixing the collar her school uniform.

“Rew!” a strange sound broke through Keiko’s thoughts, she turned around sharply to see the cat was following her. She bent down to let the kitty jump into her arms before she stood back up.

“My, my. You look very ragged, nyako... But you are really loving.” Keiko stroked the feline’s head. “And just what were you doing up my shirt? Hmm? You are as bad as Yuusuke.” She giggled as the cat burrowed into her grasp and snuggled up to her. Keiko began to jog on her way. “Well, you are way more affectionate than Yuusuke.”

Keiko rounded the corner. “I should give you a name if I decide to keep you. I don’t want to make it too obvious like Tousan did. Heh, Yuu-chan... Doesn’t fit you at all.” Keiko stopped to hold the cat up from under its arms. “Very mysterious you are... So strange for a cat... and a good little infiltrator for sneaking into my room... I’ll just call you Nanashi for now.” She smiled at the cat as it purred. “You like Nanashi? Eh?”

But instead of Keiko receiving an agreement from her “new” pet, the cat went crazy as it struggled out of the teenager’s grasp. It flopped to the ground and hunched up by Keiko as it hissed in every direction while its fur stood on end.

“Okay, you don’t like Nanashi?” Keiko said puzzled at the cat’s behavior. All of a sudden she saw what the cat was so offended by when she stared ahead of her. There it was, a half man half snake creature slithering toward the two! Uwibami was back! “AIEE!”

Sarayashiki Junior High-

Yuusuke was leaning on the gate of the school as students that volunteered to help out with the festival setup were calling it a day and heading home. They had gotten a lot of work done in the short time they had due to the rain. Natsuko was the last to leave as she waved good bye to Yuusuke.

“Egh, Keiko where are you? I should have just went to her house to get her.” Yuusuke complained.

“Don’t worry, Yuusuke, you’ll be able to talk to her soon enough with no interruptions.” Botan said sitting on top of the school gate in the Sarayashiki school uniform.

“Why are you still hanging around, don’t you have business to do, like finding that Gemmi thing.” Yuusuke grumbled at his spirit guide.

“I don’t mean to pry-”

“Then don’t.” Yuusuke groaned.

“-I’m just here to give you support. Keiko is running unusually late. I should go look into it.” Botan said worriedly and looked up at the sky. Her eyes shot open wider as her mouth gaped open. “The sky! The clouds are darkening and it’s starting to thunder.”

Yuusuke looked up to the sky in an instant to see lightning start to clash everywhere. “Kuso! An Uwibami must be attacking!”

“Gemmi is going to get frightened by the thundering like Yasha said and run away! We need to find him now! Look where all the thundering and lightning is transpiring! It must be over there!”

“This is not good! That’s where Keiko lives! Why is there always something happening with her! Ugh! Botan, get to my house and find that stupid confinement jar thing! I left it there!” Yuusuke ordered as he took off as fast as the lightning in the sky.

“Smooth move Yuusuke!” Botan shouted very vexed with her oar popping up in her hand. She hopped on it and took off into the thunderstormy weather.

Back with Keiko and "Nanashi"-

“What do you want! EEE!” Keiko jumped to the side of the Uwibami and hit the floor. She quickly turned on her side and tried sliding back on her rump away from her attacker. “Why is this always happening to me!”

Uwibami twisted around and curled up. He then sprung from his position like a rubberband and had his claws out ready to claw at Keiko.

“AIEE!” She screamed for help and brought her hands up around her because of reflexes. And to her rescue didn’t come Yuusuke for once, but her feline friend. The cat had vaulted from the ground with lightning emitting from its paws-literally. It used it’s nails to claw into Uwibami’s chest and send him falling back away from the fallen girl. But this was a big mistake. Uwibami rolled over and compressed the cat under his form. It then molded into it’s globby form and was suffocating the creature.

“IIE! Nanashi!” Keiko got on all fours and pushed herself up and was about to fight the creature from off the cat until Yuusuke made the scene.

The delinquent kicked the blob of red into the bushes near the sidewalk, Nanashi going with it. Yuusuke knew it wasn’t over so he remained slouched ready for trouble, except Keiko brought him out of his pose with a slap.

“OW! What did ya do that for!” He shouted at her.

“You kicked Nanashi too!” Keiko shouted back.

“N-Nanashi?” Yuusuke became puzzled. All of a sudden, out of the bushes came the scruffy cat, or so Keiko thought.

“Oh Nanashi, you’re okay!” Keiko ran to it and picked it up. She began to pet its back as it cuddled its head into Keiko’s bosom.

“Eck, stupid cat.” Yuusuke spied at the feline jealously. His eyes soon realized the cat’s eyes were fixated on him as they winked in his direction. The cat motioned down to his free paw, which had its claws turning into red knives. Yuusuke was shocked to find out what the cat really was. “Get away from the cat!” Yuusuke swatted right at the impostor’s head and it was hurled further than expected down the road.

“Yuusuke what has gotten into you?!” Keiko pushed him aside in the arm and was about to run after the cat at once until Yuusuke gripped her upper right arm. “Yuusuke, stop!”

“Keiko! Look...” Yuusuke grabbed her by both of her shoulders and turned her to where he threw the cat. It began to move about as if something was trying to come out of its flesh. And sure enough, its backside spread open as Uwibami was back for more.

“AH!” Keiko covered her eyes as soon as she saw the cat she thought was hers burst open. “Poor Nanashi!”

“SKS REW!” the real Nanashi jumped from out of the bushes and tried warding off Uwibami, giving Yuusuke and Keiko the chance to get away.

“Come on Keiko, there’s nothing we can do right now! Let’s go!” Yuusuke pulled on his friend’s arm but she refused to move. “Keiko! Move it! I’m sure your cat can take care of himself, what’s matters is your safety, he’s after you for some reason not the cat, lets go!” Keiko nodded and went with Yuusuke, but only to the next corner where Yuusuke would have to leave her.

“Yuusuke, what are you doing?” Keiko asked fretful when she saw the boy checking around the corner.

“Gonna stall why you get away.” Yuusuke said calmly.

“Yuusuke, no!” Keiko grabbed his left shoulder with both of her hands.

“Criminy, Keiko, you’ll be safer this way. I want you to head to the school and wait for me there. Got it! Don’t get all touchy with me, just go!” Yuusuke tried saying it harshly so he wouldn’t show his emotions. Keiko understood why he was acting this way so she did as she was told and took off down the street. Yuusuke sighed in relief. ‘Gomen, Keiko.’

“REW!” Nanashi cried as Uwibami flipped him in the air. The cat looked more tattered than before because he was tangling with a brutal beast much bigger than him. All Yuusuke could do was hold him off until Botan came with the “miracle” he was waiting for.

“Dammit, Botan, get your ass down here!” Yuusuke gritted his teeth and cracked his knuckles ready to show Uwibami a world of black and blue. Fortunately, he didn’t have to.

“I heard that Yuusuke! Let’s see how fast you find something when its buried under piles of dirty clothes and dishes! An appalling mess indeed! Don’t you know you are SUPPOSE to clean your house until it is spotless during Bon week!” Botan had the Reikai Confinement Jar strapped up and aimed it right at Uwibami. She flew her oar close enough to the demon just before she turned on the vacuum and sucked him in. The battle was over.

“Phew. Two demons confined in one day. This is getting very hectic.” Yuusuke wiped his forehead from the sweat he worked up from the “fight”.

“We need to find that Musubi quick. I don’t want to make this into an everyday thing.” Botan twirled the hose around on her fingers. She lost her focus when it fell to the floor because she just realized something. “Oh my, Gemmi! Where is he?”

Yuusuke smacked his forehead, “Guess he got frightened. We’ll have to look for him then. But first I need to talk to Keiko, FINALLY!” Yuusuke began to walk off.

“But Yuusuke-” Botan began to protest but Yuusuke stopped her.

“Do whatever you do in your spare time, geez, start the search even. Ja ne, Botan!” He called behind him without turning around.

Botan sighed. Well, she could start the search for Gemmi instead of taking it easy but she soon noticed she might not have to as she looked at the trees going down the sidewalk in a row. She looked behind her at the other trees but they didn’t have the same, specific thing the other ones had. Gemmi was here indeed, and she knew exactly where he went from the lightning marks on each tree ahead of her. “He’s following Keiko...”

Case four--- CLOSED
Japanese / English: Yakuza / Japanese organized crime, nyako / kitty cat, Nanashi / no name

New name meanings: -Raiju is a Japanese demon whose name means “thunder animal”. Its element is lightning and comes in the form of a cat, badger, or weasel. During thunderstorms, this demon becomes very aggravated and annoyed so it leaps from tree to tree leaving marks of lightning with its claws. Raiju likes hiding in human navels so it is said that if you are afraid, you should sleep on you belly during thunderstorms. In the story, this is Gemmi’s class of demon instead of just being an oni child. He turns into a cat and befriends Keiko who calls him Nanashi.

-Musubi no Kami is the Japanese God of love and marriage. He lives within a sacred cherry tree, a Kanzakura, and is a very handsome young man. He offers boughs of cherry blossoms, promising love in the future for certain people. In the story, he creates the Uwibami and he is the main villain’s right hand man, erm, demon. He has strong psychic powers and controls Sakura trees.

-Shazmee is unknown at the moment but we do know that he is the main villain of the series as of now. ‘Shazmee’ doesn’t mean anything, just the author’s muse.

-Author’s Note: No side comments for this chapter except, PLEASE REVIEW TO MAKE THIS FOOLISH AUTHOR UPDATE MORE OFTEN!!!!!!!111!!!!!!11oneone!!!elevenone!!111 I command you! You are in my power! If you don’t I shall shun you!! shun shun shun!

Disclaimers: Nothing new to read about as of yet In no way, like I said before, by far does any characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to me. If you were thinking that I did own Yuusuke, Kuwabaru, Hiei, Kurama, Botan, Keiko, Rando, Koenma, Maya, Shiori, The Holy Beasts, Toguro, Sensui, Raizen, Mukuro, Yomi, Genkai, or any other character for that matter, you’re dead wrong! Of course I would enjoy owning them! The characters that do belong to me are my fictional, yet original, side characters and main character Kyoumi, and possibly some demons you won’t find on the show. Also, the “Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory” was my creation. The characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to the original creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, and I don’t feel my name is listed anywhere near the original creator

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