Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case Five: Mechanical Heart--I'm in Love with Ms. Nanashi Nanashi ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Narrator: Keiko, being exhausted from the attack she experienced earlier, is sent home to take a load off. She insists a quick nap will do her some good, but her quick nap is more like a five hour snooze. Unable to awaken to even the slightest crashes of thunder howling outside during a storm, Keiko doesn’t realize she has a little visitor at her windowsill. Yuusuke however, doesn’t get to take even a thirty minute rest as he meets with the intriguing Yasha and learns some valuable information. Now with a new mission as a favor for Yasha, Yuusuke is out to save a thunder demon in disguise from a new threat, the sinister Shazmee.

Aishiterutte itta yo ne?

Case Five---Mechanical heart! I’m in love with Ms. Nanashi

Yuusuke sat with Keiko on the deck at a family shrine in the moonlight. All of her relatives were moseying around conversing with other relatives they haven’t seen since last Obon. Keiko’s father and mother both got to lit the bonfire that symbolized the guidance of the souls of Keiko’s deceased lineage back to visit. Yuusuke was the only one who wasn’t related to Keiko at the function.

Both of them sat in their own yukata-Keiko wearing a fancy, pale yellow one with cartoon fireflies on it while Yuusuke wore a ordinary, dark red one with cartoon ghosts printed on it. Yuusuke seemed very bored as he glanced around the area. Keiko, on the other hand, was munching on rice crackers as she turned to Yuusuke. She didn’t say anything despite the fact that she gazed at him intently. A lot of things ran through her mind about her childhood friend-he protected her whenever he could and she accused him of something she knew in her heart of hearts he would never do. He may have acted like a ruffian but he wasn’t totally out of control. Keiko admired the way he handled his emotions, it was easy for him to hide them from the world, but sometimes he would let them slip out; those times were the ones Keiko really adored witnessing.

“Are ya gonna eat that or what?” Yuusuke mumbled and stared at her.

Keiko realized she had just let her rice cracker hang from her bottom lip as she gawked at Yuusuke. She hurriedly plopped it into her mouth and placed her hands in her lap as she rested her eyes on them.

“It’s rude to stare ya know.” Yuusuke also said, but his stare became soft.

“Yuusuke, gomen-nasai.” Keiko’s eyes were hidden due to her mahogany bangs.

“I was just kidding.” Yuusuke said sounding hurt that Keiko would take his insinuations seriously. “You can stare at me all you like.” He joked.

“No... it’s not that.” Keiko’s head lowered even more.

“You mean you don’t like staring at me? I thought what we had was special!” Yuusuke yammered childishly and caught the attention of a few of Keiko’s cousins who passed by to greet the grandparents.

“Yuusuke!” Keiko turned her head to him in an instant and waited for her cousins to move on so they were out of hearing range. “It isn’t that subject I’m sorry about. I’m sorry I didn’t respect you, instead I just blatantly assumed the obvious without knowing the full story. I didn’t even give you a chance to speak out in your defense. I acted completely like a...” Keiko’s statement trailed off.

“Baka?” Yuusuke finished for her with a twisted grin on his face.

“You know, you aren’t making it any easier.” Keiko shot daggers for eyes at Yuusuke. “So tell me, right now, what happened... My eyes saw what they saw and I went by it, so just tell me now... were my eyes deceiving me or were they accurate...” she said very melancholy as if she already knew the answer.

“Keiko... why don’t we just forget about it...” Yuusuke suggested in a dignified way.

“Huh?” Keiko gasped with wide eyes as she gazed back at her childhood friend.

“Why don’t you tell me, what do you believe? Your eyes, or a close friend?” Yuusuke muttered the sentence as if he were being back-stabbed by his childhood friend.

“Yuusuke, I-” Keiko was about to say if it wasn’t for the sudden appearance of a familiar feline.

“Rew!” It mewed and flopped into Keiko’s lap.

“Nanashi, konnichi wa!” Keiko shrieked joyously and hugged the mangy animal.

“Sure that thing has had its shots?” Yuusuke grumbled at the attention the cat was getting from Keiko.

“Don’t be jealous, Yuusuke.” Keiko giggled and began to pet his head while at the same time she petted Nanashi’s. “See, I can treat you the same.”

“The hugs too.” Yuusuke hinted cunningly.

“Hey you married couple, come over and participate in the dancing.” Mr. Yukimura joked as he walked arm-in-arm with Mrs. Yukimura over to Yuusuke and Keiko still sitting on the shrine’s veranda.

“No thanks, I’ll just watch.” Yuusuke sighed. “I don’t dance.”

“Nonsense, everyone dances!” Mrs. Yukimura laughed as she grabbed Yuusuke by the arm and wrapped it around her vacant one.

“M-Mrs. Yukimura, matte!” Yuusuke begged her to let him not dance.

“Keiko, please calm your “husband”.” Mrs. Yukimura winked at her daughter.

Keiko giggled at what her mom said and meant. She got up from the porch and walked over to Yuusuke, Nanashi had leaped onto the girl’s shoulder before she left, now enjoying a free ride.

“Tell them Keiko, I don’t dan-huh?” Yuusuke began pleading to her but soon cut himself off when he saw Keiko slip her arm into Yuusuke’s vacant one. He began to blush while Keiko looked up at him with an adorable smile.

“We can always show you how...” Keiko said in a menacing way as her and her parents pretended to laugh maniacally. Yuusuke sighed, surrendering to his childhood friend. The four of them walked towards the bonfire, arm-in-arm, Keiko placing her unoccupied hand onto Yuusuke’s upper arm, he tried to hide a smile.

Second day of Obon, 9:30a.m.-

“It’s quite a shame you won’t be able to get to know the students until next week when class is back in session. Most of the students here are very well-mannered and respectful, others are, well, a hand full.” Mr. Takenaka informed the new industrial arts teacher as they stood at a wide window in the empty hallway. “I believe you will be a great asset to this school, even though this is your first time teaching am I correct, Ms. Nanashi?”

The female teacher, around the age of twenty-three at least, kept her deep brown eyes fixated on the world outside the window. She was stunning indeed. Her graceful, milk chocolate locks went to her shoulders and curled at the ends in heaps. You couldn’t even tell, or consider her as a teacher because of the attire she chose to wear. Aside from it being a sort of white, one piece suit, it was a rather form-fitting white, one piece suit. The bottom of her dress stopped a few, or more, inches above her knees revealing her sleek, gentle legs as if crafted by the supreme King Enma himself. It was amazing Takenaka didn’t falter to her features.

“It is.” She said, her tone both peaceful and seductive. She brought the clipboard she had full of papers behind her back and looked up at Takenaka innocently, not noticing her chest popped up at him from the way she stood.

Takenaka cleared his throat and diverted his attention out of the window. “An industrial arts program will be very shocking to the students since it will be added to the new curriculum after Obon, more so, seeing a teacher like yourself instructing it will be even more of a surprise I’m sure. How does it feel?”

“Exciting... I guess.” She whispered pressing both her right hand up to the window while her left rested the clipboard on the sill. She stared down at all the booths almost finished and some of the early-bird students coming in to get to work.

“Amazing, isn’t it. How much the students can care.” Takenaka joined the breath-taking teacher at the window and looked out. “They’ve been working their hardest on this festival, it excites them too. They come in so early just to get it ready for tonight.”

“So it’s tonight?” Ms. Nanashi kept her eyes focused below. “So they come and go when they please?”

“Well it is voluntary. Some students do come to just slack around and watch the construction but that is just a choice few. Haven’t you ever worked on a festival in school?” Takenaka informed her but soon looked at his watch. “Come this way to the lounge, you can meet the faculty. We are already planning for the new curriculum that will be in effect after Obon.”

Ms. Nanashi followed him, but still kept her eyes dazing out the window, dazing at Keiko, and the cat that followed her to the school.

On the school roof-

Most of the male students were hanging out up on the school roof looking at all the determined female students below as they worked so hard on the festival setup.

“Me, Oda, and Subichi went up to the graves and scared the shit out of some of the families up there.” The boy from before stated, actually doing what he had said the other day. He took a puff on a cigarette and passed it to another male student.

“I heard about that, bakayaro. You guys are such shitheads.” The boy said, puffing the cigarette and passing it to yet another male.

“I was there! You practically scared me to death!” the next boy screamed at the other. “Oh guess what, I heard Kuwabara got his ass kicked by some Kasane scum a day ago, he’s now in the hospital, the intensive care ward even! We should teach them a lesson.”

“Yeh, and then we will be laying up in the infirmary to. Just smoke the damn thing and pass it on.” Another boy said waiting for his turn.

Sawamura, Kirishima, and Okubo were leaning over on the fence of the roof at the far corner. They were obviously disgusted about the gossip that was spreading.

“Why does everyone believe it was Kasanegafuchi students that went after Kuwabara-sama?” Okubo groaned in annoyance.

“At least it won’t take away from kaichou’s honor. No one knows about it being that damn Aitofukiji girl so it is sort of okay. She fights pretty good.” The blonde folded his arms behind his head as he admired his leader’s opponent.

“But the intensive care ward? Get real.” Sawamura punched the fence. “Kuwabara’s getting out today, none of his injuries were fatal at all. He’s coming to the festival I know that.”

“I heard Kasane punks are gonna crash it. All that work the girl’s are doing, we should crash theirs.” Kirishima fumed.

“They don’t have one, can’t afford it for their school. But we should make sure they don’t wreck ours at least.” Okubo announced.

“Hai... oh hey, have you heard about the new shit the principal and the board are trying to make us do. Industrial arts, man.” Kirishima shook his head in disapproval.

“We should make the new teacher’s stay at Sarayashiki a living hell. RIGHT GUYS?” Sawamura shouted to the rest of the guys on the roof.

“Aye Aye!” They cheered in agreement, causing so much noise that the girls below all were distracted from their work and soon shouted up to the guys a friendly, “BE QUIET!”

“Hey, Okubo, where ya goin’?” Kirishima asked when he noticed Okubo heading for the door of the roof.

“Bathroom.” He told him.

“Oh okay, don’t stay in there all day.” Kirishima mocked as he got back to the conversation with all the other guys about what they should do first to the new teacher.

Teacher’s lounge-

“Faculty, please welcome Ms. Nanashi, head of the Industrial arts department.” Takenaka announced as Ms. Nanashi stepped from behind him to get a good look at the rest of her co-workers. Mr. Takenaka introduced her to them individually as she bowed her respect to them.

“My, my. She is a rather rare catch.” Akaishi admired shrewdly at the outside of the circle around the new, ravishing teacher.

“Hard to believe ‘Ms.’ accompanies her surname.” Iwamoto commented being his turn to greet her. “Good morning to you, glad to have you here, my name is Iwamoto. if there is anything, ANYTHING, at all that you need help with-rowdy students needing discipline, someone to join you at lunch, someone to give you a tour around the town-just tell me.” He brought out his hand.

“Arigatou, but I think I can manage.” Ms. Nanashi reached for his hand but soon noticed that her own had been snatched away by the smaller teacher at his side.

“Hello, I am Akaishi, head of the science department. I to am here to help you. My, your hand is very soft. Tell me, I bet your first name is just as marvelous as your last.” The bucktoothed teacher tried to say in a tone just as alluring as the female teacher’s.

“It’s Nanashi.” She said, confusing the faculty.

“Oh I see. Very creative, you don’t mind if I call you Nanashi then?” Akaishi chuckled.

“Go ahead, I guess.” Ms. Nanashi had a sweat drop roll down her brow.

Akaishi continued, “And you won’t mind if I take you out on the town tonight eith-”

Iwamoto interrupted him, now imitating an enticing voice too. “My dear Nanashi, let me enlighten you about the students you might want to stay away from, over dinner.”

“I think that’s quite enough.” Takenaka saved her from the undesired concentration on her.

“Oh dear, I left my clipboard out in the hall.” Nanashi finally realized what she had forgotten.

“Allow me to get it-“Akaishi began.

“I shall retrieve it for you!” Iwamoto and Akaishi began pushing each other back and forth to stay in the limelight.

“That’s okay, I’ll be right back.” Nanashi insisted as she quickly ran out of the room.

“Ahem. That was a pleasant encounter.” Takenaka crossed his arms and glared at Iwamoto and Akaishi.

Both Iwamoto and Akaishi looked away from each other peeved, knowing only one of THEM would win the new teacher’s heart. The other female teachers in the room felt rather offended from the new, fresh meat accepted into the faculty.

Three of the very middle-aged women in the room broke off into their own group and began chatting.

“There is no way she’s had children.” One of them said.

“She looks too young, like she should still be a student herself.” Another said.

“Ugh! She’s stealing the heart of my AKAISHI!” another whispered enraged. The two other women looked at their friend puzzled as to why she was in love with the vile Akaishi anyway.

Down the hall from the teacher’s lounge-

‘Eck, thank Reikai I’m out of there, what was with all those male teachers acting that way towards me? Is this how ningen tutors act when they meet someone new?’ Ms. Nanashi thought to herself, not slowing down her quick haste. She was too far lost in thought, and going way to fast that when she rounded the corner she couldn’t stop herself from colliding with the heavyset student, Okubo.

Okubo had hit the floor on his rear and was keeping himself up with his elbows. He couldn’t help but blush when he noticed what had happened, AND what a predicament he had ended up in with the new Industrial Arts teacher. Ms. Nanashi was sprawled out on top of him, her right hand trying to hold her up by being placed strategically in the space between his left arm while her other hand, not so strategically placed, was clutched over Okubo’s member! Both of them were frozen in place, unable to bring themselves to move, both with cheeks glowing bright red.

Ms. Nanashi was the one who quickly stood from the ground after being petrified for at least three minutes. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have been running like that. I wasn’t watching where I was going. This isn’t even my first day yet and I already harassed a student. My name is Nanashi Nanashi and I’m so sorry for the impact I directed onto you! What kind of Industrial Arts teacher am I? I should be caressing the fine alloy of my work instead of young boys. Terribly sorry.” She said in a heartbeat as she slid around Okubo who still laid motionless on the floor. “Nice meeting you by the way!” she called behind her as she ran off down the hall.

Okubo managed to turn his head slightly around to see that teacher, that goddess, he had just encounter run into the light of the morning sun. To him, she looked simply heavenly as her hair flocked behind her and her dress swayed up each step she took. ‘That... That angel!’

School roof-

“Okay so it’s agreed we will all show up late and then switch his lunch with fly maggots and roaches! We’ll also put tacks in his chair and pretend it is English class. Then we’ll set his clothes on fire, by accident of course, with the blow torch, and then-”

“MINNA!” Okubo came rushing through the roof’s entrance, the door almost slamming off its hinges.

“Okubo, you’re just in time, Eichida was just explaining the plan we have set up for the new teacher.” Kirishima guffawed at the thought.

“Okubo, your nose is bleeding.” Sawamura pointed out.

“That’s not all that’s “filled” with blood right now.” One of the guys laughed and pointed at Okubo’s pants to reveal he was experiencing an erection.

“Geez, Okubo, there are girls present...” Kirishima acknowledged.

“Yeh, Takai!” a guy with hacked, blonde hair teased.

“Hey guys! Lets try and be civilized.” Takai stuck up for himself as he pushed up his glasses.

Okubo had his hands covering his manhood as he shouted at the rest of the guys. “Stop horsing around! I just met the Industrial Arts teacher!”

“Great! We get to see how much of a pathetic, old fart he is.” Another boy in the group shouted as the rest of them agreed.

“Is that what excited you?” Kirishima teased as many of the boys began to laugh.

“Shut up! It will surprise you to know that if you were in the same predicament I was in, you would have had a nosebleed to!” Okubo declared.

“So... he’s a young guy? Okubo, are you coming out-” Sawamura began.

“Baka! He was a SHE! A hot she! BIJIN! A goddess of metal! I ran into her, literally, and we found ourselves on top of each other! ON TOP! Better yet, she touched me... THERE! For three minutes! You fools, you just don’t understand! You just don’t know how extravagant she was! How beautiful she was! All those curves on her, and her chest right in my face! IPPAI OPPAI! You just don’t know! Nanashi Nanashi! Nanashi Nanashi!” Okubo hugged himself and went off into his own fantasy. He was soon snapped out of it when he noticed all the glares he was getting from the guys.

“You lucky bastard!” they all said at once, each one having a different, naughty picture of Okubo and the new Industrial Arts teacher in altered situations. All of a sudden, random male students were hunched over Okubo three by three asking questions. “How big is her bust!” “She can’t be seriously that hot...” “You freak, you totally DID IT in the hall?!?!” “Oh my crod, Okubo you Casa nova!” “You are my idol!” “I envy you!”

“HEY! Why are we standing up here! Let’s find her for ourselves!” Takai declared.

“Oh my crod! Takai is right for once!” Sawamura agreed. “LET’S GO!”

The group of boys stampeded over Okubo and descended down the hall, well, they tried to at least since they were all shoving themselves through the door. As they departed, Okubo was still left, rolling around on the floor from the “pleasure” he experienced from meeting the “love of his life”.

Industrial Arts classroom-

Ms. Nanashi slumped in the chair of her desk and raked her fingers through her chestnut hair. The room was wide and worktables with numerous tools laying on them filled up most of the space. ‘So, I’m going to be a teacher...for how long? When I find Gemmi? Do I just quit? But I want to learn more about Ningenkai, I must stay longer... But what if Shazmee finds me and figures out my true identity... At least it’s quiet in here, I’m not in that hectic faculty room with all those heart-throbbing maniacs-huh?’ Ms. Nanashi brought her head up when she felt the floor beneath her beginning to rumble. She suddenly heard a scream that signaled her instinct that someone, or some gang, was coming, looking for her. "Is it the Uwibami...?" she was prepared for the worst as she clenched her fists.

“The Art department is right here! I found it! Oh crap! OW! Don’t walk on me!” a boy’s voice came from outside. All of a sudden, Ms. Nanashi found her tranquil silence being interrupted as eighty or so male students burst into her classroom. Ms Nanashi was well over startled to see so many boys crowd her room, all shouting things she couldn’t understand since they all said it at different, and the same, times.

“Oh... my...” Ms. Nanashi gasped leaning back in her chair as more boys piled into her room one after the other, most of them were all over her desk and invading her personal space. A sweat drop appeared over her head as they spoke.

“Oh my crod, you are so hot, will you go out with me!” a boy shouted, twelve inches from her face at least.

Another student pushed him aside, “Why would she want you when she can have me!”

Another pushed that one out of the way, “Wrong! She’s going to marry me, duh!”

“Can I touch your hair, it looks really well taken care of.” Takai said bedazzled.

“CHI CHI!” One of the boys screamed rudely.

“KUSO! Okubo is a lucky bastard!” Sawamura banged his fists on the desk.

Kirishima sat on top of his friend’s back and leaned over towards Ms. Nanashi, “You know, we can find a lovely quiet place to be, just you and me. I can make you forget all about being a teacher, that’s for sure. Nanpa, nanpa... Here, you felt Okubo’s you should test me out too.”

“Cut it out! She doesn’t want you!” one of the boys began strangling Kirishima.

Ms. Nanashi’s eyebrow began to twitch uncontrollably, she was either about to break down and cry or just burst a vein. But she didn’t have to, she found out that the group of teachers came to her rescue in the nick of time.

“What the hell is going on here!” Iwamoto had his own vein in his forehead ready to pop.

“Get away from Ms. Nanashi this instant.” Akaishi ordered.

“My word, what has gotten into all of you boys.” One of the female teachers demanded. Okubo finally joined the faculty at the door as the group of boys that couldn’t control their hormones calmed down and stood away from Ms. Nanashi’s desk-the boy choking Kirishima finally stopped..

“Ms. Nanashi, is everything quite all right?” Mr. Takenaka asked her concerned.

Ms. Nanashi sat dazed trying to get her head straight. She almost fainted from the onslaught of words that had filled the room earlier. She finally found her voice and stuttered, “O-h-yes-ind-eed...”

Noon, Yuusuke’s house-

The Reikai Tantei was fast asleep, snuggled deep down in his futon. He was totally exhausted from being out with Keiko and her family last night. Being the center of attention and the pity by all of his friend’s relatives because of the fact that his mother didn’t even get together with her own family during Obon-it was amazing she had enough disrespect to just go out and party and leave Yuusuke off by himself. Yuusuke didn’t mind, she wasn’t the best mom, nor did she act like one, at times, Yuusuke felt that he lived alone.

The fourteen-year-old knew he didn’t need to get up until five. He had promised Keiko before he left for home last night that he would come to the school’s festival-deep down he really didn’t want to go. He knew someone would snicker behind his back about his yukata, and he really didn’t feel like kicking someone’s tail when he tried to enjoy himself. But most of all, he didn’t want to deal with Akaishi or Iwamoto since they would be there just to keep everyone in check. But it was for Keiko, and Yuusuke still never got her answer to the question he asked her on the deck of that shrine.

Yuusuke yawned.

Sarayashiki Junior High, court yard-

“Well we’re almost finished. Couldn’t have done it with out you girls!” Natsuko pretended to cry tears of joy.

“Yeh, no thanks to the boys, that’s for sure.” A girl with long brown hair in a ponytail piped in.

Keiko sat under a huge tree that was just a little bit outlawed from all the booths surrounding it with four other girls. Most of the other girls that helped out with the festival were either eating under another tree or had gone home for lunch. They were all eating out of their own bento after the hard work they had been slaving at all day to prepare their school for the festival. Some of the girls were even sharing lunches together, fancying different food each one brought with them.

“Hey, Keiko, you’ve been very quiet today.” The girl with the brown ponytail told her. Keiko didn’t listen as she continued to eat.

“Well I would be to, after being attacked like that yesterday, bet your whole life flashed before your eyes.” A girl with blonde pigtails said terrified.

“Good thing Natsuko-san was there to get you to safety, the great Natsuko-san!” A female student with red short hair congratulated the other girl.

Natsuko giggled and blushed.

“Even more so, Yuusuke totally protected you, aww Keiko, you are so lucky to have him around.” The female with the long brown ponytail looked up into the sky and held her cheeks as she blushed.

“Oh no, Mitsurugi-san is going into her little daydream world.” The girl with the pigtails sighed as the rest of her friends laughed.

Keiko smiled, but it wasn’t a smile for the comment her friend made, it was a smile for what the girl with the long ponytail had said. She was lucky to have a friend like Yuusuke. She sometimes wondered if she would ever be able to call him something more than just a friend someday.

“Rew!” Nanashi the cat came from out of nowhere as he fell from the tree and onto Keiko’s shoulder.

“Nanashi, there you are!” Keiko said with glee as she began to pet the kitten. She was lucky to have a friend like Nanashi as well.

“Kawaii!” The girl with the ponytail squealed.

“Kawaii? He looks a little ragged to me.” The blonde girl said with displeasure.

“It’s the imperfect features of an object that make it beautiful!” The girl with the ponytail informed her friend while going off in her dream world again. “Like Keiko and Yuusuke, Keiko being the lovable Beauty while Yuusuke is the brutal Beast. Yet they find love from their envy of each other. The Beast being free, which is all Beauty wants to have in life while she is also very lovable, which is all the Beast would ever want! It’s so romantic.”

“Are you feeling okay?” Natsuko looked at her friend puzzled, seeing stars in her eyes.

The words from the hopelessly romantic girl didn’t affect Keiko as she reached down into her lunch box and fed Nanashi a piece of fried shrimp. The cat mewed in pleasure as it munched on the treat. To Keiko’s surprise, as she looked up from her kitten, she saw a strange, young woman watch her from a window on the second floor of the school. She didn’t think much of it so she returned to look at her cat affectionately as it rubbed its face against Keiko’s cheek.

With Ms. Nanashi watching from the window-

“Gemmi! What do you think you are doing...” Ms. Nanashi clenched her fists as she spoke confidentially. ‘A risk having my whereabouts found out while he is too caught up in curiosity about a ningen onna.’ She thought to herself and tried to calm down as she headed for the stairs. After being “tormented” by the naughty words from all the boys who barged into her class, she thought it relaxing to see the faces of so many girls out in the courtyard. She was even beginning to think that she had applied to an all boys school after seeing so many in her classroom! The location of the boys you ask, were all in detention room, getting scolded on their behavior by the strict Iwamoto and the love-struck Akaishi. It wasn’t long until she found herself outside and heading straight for the tree the girls were sitting at. What was she planning to do? Say that that was her cat and that she requested it back?

Ferrywoman Botan, who had been monitoring Keiko from the school rooftop invisibly, suddenly saw Ms. Nanashi advancing toward the girl. She was in shock to see, thanks to her Reikai senses, that Ms. Nanashi had an overwhelming ki emitting from her. “Holy Enma, she could be an Uwibami in disguise!” Botan gasped, lifting up the hose to the Reikai Confinement Jar strapped to her back. Through shear investigation, Botan had found Gemmi, disguised as Keiko’s cat. She decided to just follow Keiko around and protect her and Gemmi from any Uwibami men that happened to surface until Yuusuke was done resting so he could take Gemmi to Yasha. “I have no choice but to apprehend-huh?”

Botan stopped herself in mid-sentence when she saw two identical male students, twins possibly, saunter up to the woman and stop her by each grabbing onto one of her arms.

“Nanashi-sensei! How are you!” The one on her right said with a toothy grin.

“Nanashi-sensei! You’re coming to the festival tonight, ne!” The one on the left said with an even wider smile.

“Uhm, I guess so.” Ms. Nanashi said coy, being interrupted again so suddenly. It was impossible; she couldn’t get a moment's peace.

“Oh! You should tell us all about the yukata you will wear!” The boy on the right said in a perverted way.

“And by us, I mean all the guys would like to know!” The boy on the left finished. “Come on, they’re all out by the pool now!”

“And maybe we’ll be able to push you in and I’ll save you, after taking a good look at your soaking wet white dress...” the boy on the left whispered inaudibly.

“Nani? What was that?” Ms. Nanashi stared down at both of them with narrow eyes.

“Nothing!” They said together as the one on the right glared at his brother. “Right this way!” They said together again, leading Ms. Nanashi to the school pool and away from Keiko.

Botan sighed in relief. “Phew. She’s just a teacher... but that doesn’t explain that strong ki I sense from her.” The spirit guide looked down at Keiko and the cat. ‘At least you two are safe for a little while longer.’ She thought, not noticing that the suspicious Ms. Nanashi Nanashi was peering up at her until the lovesick teenagers dragged her out of sight.

Night of the Festival-

“Don’t let us catch ya around here again. This is our turf, ike!” Sawamura kicked a Kasanegafuchi student in the rear because he was already pounded into the ground. Kirishima was correct, gangs of Kasanegafuchi students were planning to crash the Sarayashiki school’s festival and make a mess of things. Good thing that most of the guys that attended Sarayashiki agreed to take watch on each corner that surrounded their school, just to not have all the ones who really worked hard on it (the girls) feel discouraged.

“Let’s get outta here!” The leader of the opposing gang, the one who got his butt kicked, literally, ordered as he took off. His members followed him.

“HA! Sore wa sugoi!” Kirishima stretched. “Feels like forever since I had a good wrangle.”

“I dunno, scraps aren’t as they use to be without Kuwabara around to scream about them in triumph afterward.” Okubo sighed.

“You mean like this: Oh yeh baby! Who kicks major Kasane ass? We do! I can still see them running with their tails between their legs!” Kuwabara shouted and congratulated his group on their conquest from behind them.

“Well if it isn’t the devil himself.” Sawamura remarked.

“The devil with a fashion sense. I don’t believe you actually wore a yukata.” Kirishima pointed out.

Aside from a bandage with a frog character on it stuck to his forehead, the obnoxious teen was dressed in a dark green yukata with different shapes on the front in various colors. “Respect for the dead, that’s all it is. I can still pull it off.” Kuwabara said striking a pose.

“Yeh, the bandage look is really in too.” Kirishima joked.

“Bandage or not, I make whatever I wear look good!” Kuwabara stamped around and shouted loudly.

“Oh, lift your legs a little higher please, I don’t think the people across the street got to see under your yukata too.” Sawamura grumbled embarrassed at what his eyes witnessed.

“Okubo, you think the bandage looks okay, ne?” Kuwabara asked the other boy.

“Of course, besides your pompadour practically conceals it from the rest of the world. No big deal.” Okubo laughed.

“Come on, let’s check out what the girls did with the festival. And get this over with I hate wearing these! Eck!” Kirishima glared down at his yukata. It was just a pale green one with no other prints on it. Sawamura wore a pale blue one with printed fish on it. Finally, Okubo’s was a plain, shabby dark blue one because of the fact that his mother had to provide for all her children and money was tight even with Okubo’s job.

“Hey, Oda, it’s your shift on this block now!” Sawamura informed the boy and his group that loitered around across the street smoking.

“Hai! Oh, Kuwabara-sama, so good to see you!” Oda brown-nosed and flicked his cigarette into the street as his group walked over to the corner.

The group of four ambled over to their school’s entrance and entered. The place was packed with family members and festivalgoers, everyone was having a good time. It was hard enough to even get by with out bumping into a line of people trying to get at a booth or running into kids playing haphazardly in the middle of your path.

“Ah man, I really wanted to get something to eat. Look at all that good fish!” Okubo drooled.

“The lines are crazy, you’d have to be waiting all night just to get something to eat. We’ve should’ve gotten here earlier.” Kirishima’s stomach began to growl.

“It’s good to have you back, Kuwabara-sama.” Sawamura told his friend while the other two were too busy looking at all the food booths.

“Good to be back, at least I know the school hasn’t gone out of control, you guys really work hard to keep this place in check.” Kuwabara laughed roughly but he soon brought it down to a whisper. “No one knows about my little squabble with that Aitofukiji girl?”

“Don’t worry about it, we kept it on the down low. Of course, now everyone just thinks you were jumped by Kasane punks.” Sawamura said quickly as if he was gargling.

“Oh! Speaking of girls!” Kirishima joined in the conversation again but whispering into his leader’s ear. “That new Industrial Arts teacher, we learned is not an old man.”

“It’s a young guy?” Kuwabara asked dumbfounded as Okubo and Sawamura traded immoral looks.

Kirishima continued to whisper into his ear, “More like a young woman. A true woman, if you know what I mean. Way better to look at than most of the old crows that work here. I’m telling ya dude, all the guys, even Iwamoto and Akaishi are chasing after this girl’s skirt!”

Steam came out of Kuwabara’s ears and hearts popped into his eyes. “Ooooie! What are we waiting for! Let’s find her!”
Okinomiyaki Booth-

“Why did we have to dress this way?!” Akaishi yammered messing with the white makeup on his face.

“A true man accepts any obstacle, looks beyond looks, right, Ms. Nanashi?” Iwamoto enlightened his logic.

“Since when did you become the philosopher.” Akaishi mumbled.

“I think a man who can accept this look indeed has a very strong will. So glad you agreed to dressing this way at such short notice.” Nanashi said slyly. All of the faculty members were dressed up as geishas from the meji era; all except Mr. Takenaka of course.

“Exactly.” Iwamoto agreed. “But of course, no other would look as lovely as you, Nanashi.”

Ms. Nanashi wasn’t listening as she monitored Keiko, Yuusuke, and Natsuko working at the booth from across the one the faculty was standing at.

“I don’t know how you talked me into this...” Yuusuke grumbled igniting a fish lying on the burner on fire.

“You didn’t help setup, it’s the least you could do.” Keiko said aggravated. “Yuusuke, that’s the fourth one, families don’t want their children eating burnt food.” She nagged, using her fan to calm the fire on the fish.

“Bet ya wouldn’t catch Kuwabara doing anything like this.” Yuusuke growled. “If I see him again, it’ll be too-”

“Urameshi!” that voice? That voice! That foolish cry was haunting him!

Yuusuke turned to face Kuwabara and his little posse.

“Bet it’s good to see my ass again.” Kuwabara laughed wildly but he soon became serious. “I challenge you to a fight!”

“Whoa man, take it easy.” Sawamura wheedled.

“Kuwabara, I swear, I don’t feel like kicking your behind right now!” Yuusuke reached for a knife on the side of the burner.

“Love the yukata by the way, it really suits you. You’ll be a ghost when I’m threw with you!” Kuwabara ridiculed.

“That’s more than what I can say about yours.” Yuusuke growled, the knife twisting in his hands.

Keiko picked up Nanashi the cat that had been tugging at her yukata. She began to stroke him by the neck.

Ms. Nanashi’s eyes widened from across the other side. Keiko saw this and became a little worried and turned to Yuusuke.

“Swallow your pride. You don’t want to be thrown out.” Keiko assumed the wrong thing.

“Tell that to him.” Yuusuke stabbed the knife in the wood beside the burner.

“Come on guys, you can fight afterwards, we want this to still be a big success.” Natsuko scolded. “And the teachers are watching so don’t act up.”

“OH! Is the Industrial Arts teacher here too?!” Kuwabara glanced around with his tongue hanging out.

“She’s right over... huh?” Keiko pointed at the booth but Ms. Nanashi was gone.

Yuusuke and Kuwabara both broke out in laughter, finally seeing Iwamoto and Akaishi dressed THAT way. “I knew there was something strange about those two!” Yuusuke held his side.

“Pure pay-back seeing Akaishi in drag!” Kuwabara howled ecstatic.

“I’ve could’ve sworn she was over-wah?” Keiko murmured and looked down at her kitten.

“SKSSS!” Nanashi was hissing like he had done before when that strange snake creature attacked them. Keiko didn’t like when this change of attitude came over her pet.

“Kawaii!” Kuwabara squealed when he saw the cat. “Eikichi would love to make friends with that little guy!”

“Oh Kuwabara...” Sawamura, Okubo, and Kirishima sighed together.

“Hey, Keiko, shut that cat up, it’s starting to give me a headache.” Yuusuke said irritated. All of a sudden, something plopped onto Yuusuke’s forehead. He brought his hand up to touch the liquid now on it. ‘Rain?’

“This isn’t like him, I don’t know why he’s acting this way...” Keiko whispered.

“Oh no, not the rain!” Natsuko cried looking up to the sky. Thunder began to strike.

“Everyone! Please take refuge inside the school until the rain stops, I’m sure it won’t take long.” Mr. Takenaka announced.

‘I don’t like this...’ Yuusuke searched around and stepped in front of Keiko.

AHHH! Monster!” A woman shrilled as bystanders joined in the screaming too.

“GEEEH!” out from the crowd leaped an Uwibami man into the rainy heavens. The creature shot for the booth Keiko, Yuusuke, and Natsuko were under just as soon as the next lightning bolt struck. Kuwabara and his gang were moving people out of harm’s way as Yuusuke shoved Keiko of to Natsuko and out of the booth while he remained inside.

“Yuusuke!” Keiko screamed as the monster was just about to intercept him when out of nowhere came a huge lightning blast from the school roof. The Uwibami was frozen in his spot being shocked over and over.

Yuusuke glanced up at the school roof as Nanashi stopped hissing and started purring. Another lightning bolt surged through the sky, revealing Yuusuke’s savior. A geisha outfit floated to the ground from the one who took it off. Standing right on the rim of the roof’s fencing was an oni with red skin. Not just any oni, a female oni! She wore a leopard print cloth not even fit to be called a skirt to go with her leopard print, tattered tube top. She looked wild with her ferocious, shoulder-length jet black hair straying in every direction to go with her masculine arms and legs. Her white claws were shown on her hands and feet as she stood holding her hips and glaring down at the humans with her gold eyes.

Yuusuke felt as if he had a connection with her as she nodded for him to take care of Uwibami. He knew she couldn’t be his enemy, she just couldn’t be. But what could Yuusuke do? Everyone was watching him, everyone would see him use his powers, everyone was... just standing as if frozen?!

“Whoa, what the?!” Yuusuke looked around to see that everyone was completely petrified except for the Uwibami man, the mysterious oni, and himself. He decided that he should take care of Uwibami while he still had the chance. With everyone being frozen , they were still easy prey. But what could he do? “Where’s Botan when you need her!”

“Yuusuke!” Once again, to his rescue, Botan appeared on time as she swooped down on her oar with the ReiKai Confinement Jar strapped up. She aimed it at Uwibami as she flew closer and turned it on. In an instant, he was sucked up too.

“All right! Who ya gonna call? ReiKai busters!” Yuusuke laughed at the statement he made.

“Huh? ReiKai busters? I don’t understand?” Botan floated down besides Yuusuke, switching the vacuum off.

“Never mind, hey, I didn’t have to break a sweat once again, now this is a vacation!” Yuusuke said happily bringing his hands behind his head. But out of nowhere, he soon realized the situation became anything but happy. The red oni descended from the rooftop and dove right at Keiko. The oni female had scooped Nanashi the cat right up in her arms and jumped up over the school gate.

“What was that all about?” Yuusuke sighed.

“Yuusuke! You have to go after her! That cat is Gemmi in disguise! She’s capturing him!” Botan screamed.

“Huh? Really! Why didn’t you tell me that before!” Yuusuke screamed back at her and took off after the unknown intruder, everyone still frozen in their tracks.

Abandoned lot-

“Rei gun!” Yuusuke shot his ki at the red oni. It made contact with her leg while she was trying to leap away from the ReiKai Tantei. She hunched to the floor, clutching the cat to her chest. “What do you want with the cat!” Yuusuke demanded.

The red oni didn’t answer.

“Might as well tell me, you brought me all the way back to where I first encountered one of your stupid gel men too. Am I gonna hafta kick your ass just like I did your little lackey to get it out of you?” Yuusuke edged forward.

Nanashi the cat sprung from the red oni onna’s hands and began hissing at Yuusuke!

“Huh? Nani?” Yuusuke stared dumbfounded. “Ugh, stupid cat.”

“Enough.” The red devil coughed out in a tone both peaceful and seductive. She forced herself to stand straight even though she had been injured. “I am not your enemy.”

“Then what do you want with the cat! If you’re after Gemmi to take him back to that Shazmee guy then forget it!” Yuusuke argued. ‘Huh? The rain stopped...’

“I do not, nor have I ever been on that bastard’s side!” The woman protested.

“Then who are you!” Yuusuke demanded, stopping in his tracks.

“My name, Yosei. I work for KoEnma. And I’m here to get my Raiju back!” she screamed, causing Yuusuke to grow a flabbergasted expression.

“The toddler...? Then you are...” he gasped.

“The one Yasha has told you about.” Her voice calmed. “Gemmi, you can come out of hiding now.”

The cat’s head nodded as it poofed into a ball of smoke. When the smog cleared out came an adorably small yellow oni with long green hair and a leopard print tunic. “Konnichi wa!” he said cutely.

“It’s a baby?” Yuusuke’s eyebrow twitched.

Yosei nodded. “One out of thirty-two children that I had conceived with my darling koibito, Jorge Saotome.” She said hugging her shoulders and looking up at the moon like a lovesick dog.

“THIRTY-TWO?” Yuusuke thought about who the father COULD have been.

“Yuusuke!” Botan made the scene and landed next to her partner.

“I believe Yasha has told you why Shazmee would want to force me to join him...” Yosei continued.

“You?” Botan looked at her surprised.

“Konnichi wa, Botan. I may have never met you but my Jorge has told me a lot about you.” Yosei bowed.

“Oh my word! You’re his wife?!” Botan said in shock, Yuusuke feeling left out.

She nodded in agreement. “Not only that, but...” A slow mist formed over her and as soon as it expelled, there stood Ms. Nanashi Nanashi in her white suit. “The Industrial Art teacher of Sarayashiki Junior High.”

Yuusuke blushed, finally seeing what all the guys were talking about all this time.

“Matte... Why are you disguised as a teacher? Just to find your child?” Botan interrogated.

“Ningenkai always interested me, but I was never allowed to go outside of ReiKai, Jorge always told me everything about it... so I sneaked away when the auguries had appeared around the Sanzu no Kawa, distracting anyone from my departure, but I didn’t know Gemmi had followed me instead of staying behind with his siblings: Oni 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32.”

“Those are swell names.” Yuusuke said sarcastically.

“I was soon confronted by Shazmee to join him but I refused, so he went after Gemmi who was now vulnerable outside the safety that was ReiKai. Now I can send Gemmi back as I continue my study her on ningens.” Yosei informed them.

“But, kaasan... I want to stay here, with Keiko-sama.” Gemmi spoke up.

“You aren’t safe don’t you see, you’ll just keep putting that girl in danger.” Yosei’s word was final. “I want you to stay with your father, then when this is all over you can come back and VISIT for a while, only visit.”

“Hai, kaasan.” Gemmi’s single horn seemed to droop.

“Now what do you say?” Yosei scolded with narrowed eyes.

“Arigatou. You watched over me, I give you my thanks.” Gemmi bowed to Botan and Yuusuke.

“Don’t mention it... heh.” Yuusuke sighed and bowed back. ‘Keiko is gonna kill me! She won’t have her cat anymore! Wait a minute... now I get more attention...” he had a wicked smile on his face. “Well you should be off I guess!”

“Botan, could you return Gemmi to Jorge safely?” the disguised oni asked the ferrywoman.

“Oh sure. Matte! Everyone at the festival! They are still frozen!” Botan shrieked.

“Oh yeh... Don’t worry, when time is frozen by my magic it only stays that way for ten minutes. My powers are very weak here but I can manage.” Yosei sighed and walked toward Yuusuke. “Now... Let’s get back to the festival! You ningens are so fun!”

Sarayashiki Junior High-

“EEE!” Akaishi squeaked looking around from being awaken, still thinking the attack was going on. “Has my lipstick smeared?” he said with his head on something totally different. “Nana-chan did it with those delicate hands of hers, I don’t want it to smudge!

“Nana-chan? Did she agree to that?” Iwamoto crossed his arms and stared down at his fellow co-worker.

“She will when I address her by it.” Akaishi chuckled and surrendered his mind to his own fantasy.

“Hey? Where’s the monsters?” Okubo looked around.

“AH! Nanashi is gone!” Keiko glanced around. “Yuusuke, where is he!”

“Huh? Nanashi-sensei is not here!” Sawamura and Kirishima glanced around.

“Nanashi-sensei?” Keiko looked at them puzzled.

“Ah man, I wanted to see her too.” Kuwabara sighed. Without warning, a chill crept over Kuwabara’s spine. ‘Oh no, not that feeling again!’

“Eh! It’s Nanashi-sensei!” one of the male student’s squealed but soon turned his scream to a sharp hiss. “Why is her arm around YUUSUKE!”

Yuusuke and “Ms. Nanashi” walked through the school gate, the female teacher quickly releasing her arm from around Yuusuke’s arm.

“AAAIE! HEHEHE!” Kuwabara had hearts pop into his eyes once again when he caught sight of the young teacher. He trampled over innocent victims in his way just to stand in the presence of Ms. Nanashi.

“Uhm. Konnichi wa... eh?” Ms. Nanashi said with a confused expression as Kuwabara cupped her right hand with both of his.

He began to speak in an alluring tone as the teacher and him where whisked away into his own world. “My dearest Industrial Arts teacher, why do you degrade your positive energy by associating yourself with this ecchi? I believe you and me can-” Kuwabara was thrown out of his fantasy by his three friends that pushed him aside.

They were all talking at once and each one was trying to hold the teacher’s hand. “Oh Nanashi-sensei, you look so appealing in the moonlight, as always!”

Yuusuke and Ms. Nanashi were embarrassed for each other as everyone in the courtyard was observing the scene.

“Uhm, gomen, but could you-” Ms. Nanashi began but was cut off by Iwamoto and Akaishi knocking the three male students out of the way now. Both of the teachers were holding on of her hands now.

“Never fear, Akaishi is here! I assure you that the actions of the boys will be severely punished. By the way, do you think you can redo my makeup since you did such a wonderful job before!” Akaishi sucked up to her.

“Hm?” Iwamoto stared down at her attire.

“Gross, Iwamoto! Looking at a fellow teacher that way!” Yuusuke said with slits for eyes.

“Care to explain yourself, Iwamoto?” Mr. Takenaka stalked up from behind the two mischievous teachers.

Iwamoto overlooked Yuusuke’s comment, “Why aren’t you dressed up anymore?”

Ms. Nanashi had a sweat drop form over her brow as she narrowed her eyes. “Oh, the idea was simply trivial. I think a man who can accept that look indeed has a very strong will, but of course, a weak heart. They buy into anything I suppose. Unlike Mr. Takenaka, he must have a very strong heart.” She admired.

Iwamoto and Akaishi had wide eyes as they began rubbing the face paint off their faces with the sleeve of their kimono.

“Exactly! I was just making Akaishi feel better by dressing up with him.” Iwamoto insisted.

“Yeh yeh, hey! Wait a minute!” Akaishi caught on.

“Enough chitchat.” Ms. Nanashi faked a laugh, she didn’t notice that she had laced her hands around Yuusuke’s arm again. Kuwabara and his gang glared at the ReiKai Tantei from the sidelines as Iwamoto and Akaishi had saucers for eyes. “The rain has stopped and the night is young. I hope you liked the little sideshow I scheduled earlier! Ehehe! It was titled “Red oni and the Gel man”! A beautiful Obon feature about the Red oni’s ghost coming to visit her family but is stopped by a Gel man who loves her. It was a sneak peek show! Oh, fish, that looks tasty! Mmmm.” Ms. Nanashi covered up the incident by making everyone believe it was a show. She also wanted to get away from the aroused men around her. She laced her hand around Mr. Takenaka’s as well. “Oh, Takenaka-san, do tell me more about the new curriculum.” She dragged both the teacher and the ReiKai Tantei away as the festival was now back on track.

“Damn you Urameshi!” Kuwabara and his gang said in unison.

“Eck! Mr. Takenaka?!” Iwamoto and Akaishi growled simultaneously.

“Let’s go, find a place still open to buy a burger, man I’m hungry.” Kirishima’s stomach began to act up.

“Ergh! My new goal, to save that mechanic goddess’ heart from that scum, Urameshi!” Kuwabara screamed.

“Iie, your goal is to wait around here until the festival is over.” Natsuko ordered standing behind the boys.

“Huh? Why would we do-AH!” Kuwabara turned around and was in shock.

There stood all the girls blocking the exit. Worst of all, all the male students stood there too, all roped up and bounded in shackles.

“You think we can just let you get off scot-free? We did all the work and now you get to clean up afterwards for your punishment!” All the girls said together as they held up an assortment of cleaning tools.

“WAAAAH!” All the male students shrieked in horror as the audience laughed at the scene.

One person, however, couldn’t find herself to laugh at the scene. Keiko stood over by her booth, unable to join the rest of her fellow students. She was frozen in her tracks. Not by a spell, but from what her eyes had seen. Not only had her kitten vanished, Keiko felt betrayed and lonely, seeing Yuusuke acting giddy and conversing with the irresistible teacher eagerly-not even once seeing if Keiko was okay or even conversing with her... for the rest of the night.

Case five--- CLOSED
Japanese / English: Baka / moron (so widely used, seems pointless to put this translation here), minna / everyone, bijin / a hot babe, bento / lunch box, ike / fucking go!, ippai oppai / breasts, chi chi / tits, nanpa / a pickup line, sore wa sugoi / that was awesome!, geisha / “entertainment” ladies from the meji era working in pleasure houses although they are not considered prostitutes.

New name meanings: -Nanashi Nanashi simply means “no name”. The coincidence is that Nanashi Nanashi is the name of the new teacher at Sarayashiki Junior High while Nanashi is also the name of Keiko’s “cat”. Nanashi Nanashi and Nanashi, whose real name is Gemmi, are both related as mother and son!

-Yosei is the real name of the Industrial Arts teacher, Ms. Nanashi. She is a Shiko-Me, which in Japanese Mythology is the name for a female oni. She has learned the ability to stop time for a short time with a strike of one of her lightning bolts. Yosei are Japanese fairies that are most often seen as birds, cranes, or swans. Side note: Yosei is married to Jorge Saotome (blue ogre to KoEnma) but the two fight all the time and act as if they are separated. Yosei always talks about him in a good way when she is away from him, but if they are in the same room, they start to fight again. It’s an on-off relationship --;;;

-Oni 2-32 are the dull names Jorge came up for his THIRTY-ONE children. Only the firstborn received a proper name from Yosei, Gemmi, since he is the only one that doesn’t look like the rest of his siblings-they are green while he is yellow. Jorge decided that since the rest of the thirty-one children looked identical, it would be too hard to remember who they were by name so numbers seemed to fit them better. Yosei rues the day when she decided to leave Jorge in charge of the naming. All of them being thunder oni as well, their powers aren’t as developed as their eldest brother Gemmi’s.

-Author’s Note: The choice of yukatas for both Keiko and Yuusuke is a sort of pun. Yuusuke’s name means “ghost help” (little caricature ghosts printed on his yukata) and Keiko’s is “firefly child” (little cartoon fireflies printed on hers).

Disclaimers: Nothing new to read about as of yet In no way, like I said before, by far does any characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to me. If you were thinking that I did own Yuusuke, Kuwabaru, Hiei, Kurama, Botan, Keiko, Rando, Koenma, Maya, Shiori, The Holy Beasts, Toguro, Sensui, Raizen, Mukuro, Yomi, Genkai, or any other character for that matter, you’re dead wrong! Of course I would enjoy owning them! The characters that do belong to me are my fictional, yet original, side characters and main character Kyoumi, and possibly some demons you won’t find on the show. Also, the “Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory” was my creation. The characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to the original creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, and I don’t feel my name is listed anywhere near the original creator

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