Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case Eight: Requiting Love and Two Unwanted Guests ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Narrator: We finally see where Kyoumi has ran off to. After surviving the morning in Ningenkai, Kyoumi ventures towards a shrine owned by Genkai, proprietor of the Spirit Wave Style, where her belongings are contained. There we find out a little more of her past and meet Tori-Gomoku, brother of her lost love. After catching up on some quality time with Genkai and Tori-Gomoku, Kyoumi is ready to continue her mission-seek out the killer of Kombu. But she is stalled in her pursuit by Yama no Kami’s tactics. She easily takes down the challenge and realizes what needs to be done: She must return to Yuusuke and Kurama to request their help, but will she make it there in time before they set off for their own journey?

Aishiterutte itta yo ne?

Case Eight---Requiting Love and Two Unexpected Guests

Third day of Obon Week, Morning, 8:00 A.M.-

“I should have made Botan take him back when we had the chance, I’m so sorry, Yuusuke... I didn’t mean for this to happen, I didn’t mean for you, or your Keiko, to get involved...” Yosei, fully clad in her human form but still wearing her tiger-skin garments, huddled to the ground and wept into her palms.

Yuusuke kneeled down beside her and rubbed her shoulders. He never knew she could act this way, he never knew her emotions would overcome her like this especially when she had instructed Yuusuke to act like a man previously. “Cut it out. I was already involved in this before you or that thunder demon came into the picture. It’s just how I attract attention, one disaster after another. And besides, she’s not my Keiko, we’re just friends...”

“But you said you loved her, you went through great lengths for her, you don’t just do that with any friend...” Yosei wiped her eyes dry.

A vision of Kuwabara filled his head, ‘Okay, maybe she’s right...’ Yuusuke sighed, he couldn’t get around it no matter what. This is why he didn’t want anyone to be around if he were to confess his love for someone since it would come back at him like this. He just tried anything to avoid confrontation. “Quit crying like a baby and will ya’ put some clothes on for Pete’s sake?” the Reikai Tantei took off his jean jacket and handed it over to the shiko-me in disguise.

Yosei stood up from the pavement and put on the jacket. “Gomen...” she sniffled.

“I think it is quite all right... I just feel awful that I wasn’t there to prove a use to you. It’s a terrible loss especially when a mother is separated from her child. I for one couldn’t bear such a thing if I were in your position. You remind me of my own Okaasan, she risked her own arms to protect me when I was little. A mother will do anything to keep their child safe. The love of a mother is an unbreakable bond.” Kurama coaxed the fake teacher. He had been leaning on a lamp post on the corner the group of three had been standing on. He felt the tremendous ki of Musubi when it first broke out and decided to seek out Yuusuke.

Yosei nodded.

“Too bad all our mothers aren’t that noble...” Yuusuke thought of his own mother probably going through her third hangover for the morning. He shook his head of the thought and said, “So Kurama, you coming with us to this Bridge?”

Kurama fixed his emerald eyes on Yuusuke. “Certainly, this situation could have happened to me as well. My Okaasan could’ve been targeted just like Maya Kitajima-san had been. Maya especially has been through so much, she is still recovering in the hospital, ever since that impostor captured her she went into total shock. Instead of Keiko, it could’ve been Maya. I wish I knew why this youkai targeted them in such a way...”

Yosei clenched her fists. “Then I suggest we get going-”

“Iie... not you.” Yuusuke declared.

“Nani!” Yosei turned to him. “It’s as much my fight as it is-”

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough!” Yuusuke shouted at her as she quieted. “You shouldn’t have to go through such crud. I consider you my client, this is my mission. I’m the detective here, I’ll take care of it.”

Kurama and Yosei were surprisingly silent at what Yuusuke had just announced.

“That’s the most sense I ever heard you make as of yet.” Yosei gave a weak smile.

“And it might be for the best. You can protect Maya, just in case the Uwibami creatures go after her again... I don’t see why since I believe that I am their target and I’ll be with Yuusuke but nonetheless better to be cautious...” Kurama suggested.

“H... Hai.” Yosei said somewhat frail.

“Ohayo minna-san!” Botan waved from above as she zoomed in on her oar.

“Hey Botan, just where did you run off to?” Yuusuke asked but soon he noticed it was self-explanatory when he saw a familiar half-human, half-wombat at her side in a cage. “Oh no...”

“Howdy muffin!” Yasha waved as her miniature lion’s tail stood on end.

“Muffin?” Kurama blinked.

“Yasha?” Yosei picked up the cage and peered at the little spy.

“Howdy, Saotome-san.” Yasha bowed.

“It’s okay, you can release her, she won’t go anywhere I promise.” Yosei insisted.

“Okey dokey.” Botan responded as she opened up the cage and Yasha flew out.

The bat flipped her black hair about and stretched out. “Feels good, finally got some room.” She then perched on Yosei’s shoulder.

“So what gives, what do we need her for?” Yuusuke grumbled at Botan.

“Yuusuke, do you know where the Floating Bridge is?” Botan asked a little superciliously.

“Naw...” Yuusuke saw where this was going.

“Well Yasha does. Congratulations, Yasha, welcome to the team!” Botan giggled.

Yuusuke sighed. Yasha fluttered over to his shoulder now and took her place there.

Botan had a look of worry on her face all of a sudden, “But there is one thing... are you sure you want to rescue Keiko and Gemmi now? I mean, Yofune Nushi is still-”

“I’ll take care of it when we get back, no prob’. Saving Keiko will take a day at the least.” Yuusuke shook his head knowingly.

“Yah still ‘aven’t accomplished that dere mission ah gave ya’?” Yasha glared down at Yuusuke. “Shows 'ow useful a Bishonen detective can be...”

“Get off my back! Hey how about we go now, we’re wasting time, who knows what that bastard could be doing to Keiko! And I'm going to stop that wedding! No way is Keiko getting married to anyone!” Yuusuke demanded, getting a tad bit annoyed.

"Except you..." Botan murmured with a giggle while Yuusuke shot a glare at her.

“Yeh... You guys better hurry off...” Yosei held her head down, she still felt useless to them all.

Botan saw how the shiko-me was feeling. She placed her own hands on the older woman’s shoulders. “I have an idea, why don’t you go tell Yuusuke’s and Kurama’s mothers about them leaving before you go watch over Maya? Maybe you could tell even Keiko’s parents that the situation is under control and that they’ll have their daughter back in no time?”

“No need, I already informed my Okaasan of my plan. As far as she knows, I’m staying over at a friend’s for the time being.” Kurama notified them.

“And I took care of that too... Well I didn’t actually tell my mom, she wouldn’t really care anyway if I’m gone for a day or two. But Keiko’s parents know she’ll be in good hands, I can guarantee that much.” Yuusuke folded his arms.

“Well sorry to hold you guys up...” Yosei felt unwanted again. “I’ll head over to the hospital once I’m changed. Take care... Bring Gemmi back safely...”

“Yah can count on me, Saotome-san!” Yasha waved good-bye and huddled up closer to Yuusuke.

Botan, Kurama, Yuusuke, and Yasha headed out and left Yosei alone under the streetlight. It was a while before she decide to take off in the opposite direction when she no longer saw them in her sights. If they fail then... then Yosei wouldn’t know what to do... What would Jorge think? A depressing pang formed at the pit of her stomach as she basked in the morning light, her hopes lying on the whim of Yuusuke now.

Yukimura Diner, Noon-

Mrs. Yukimura was crying in her spouse’s chest as she sat on the floor of the diner. Over and over she screamed her daughter’s name. Her husband sat beside her and tried to comfort her.

“Shh, shh... It’s okay... She’ll be okay...” Mr. Yukimura buried his face into her hair.

“Oh Keiko!” his wife’s continuation of whines did not cease. “Omae! What do we do! I feel useless! Keiko’s out there somewhere and who knows what is happening to her!”

“Shh... Little Yuusuke has already promised he would bring her back, don’t lose your reassurance. Believe he can do it and just hope for the best. He’ll return her to us, he’ll protect her.” Mr. Yukimura hugged his wife even tighter, the note in his hand fell to the floor beside them.

-Mr. & Mrs. Yukimura, I’ll bring her back to you. She’ll be with us again in no time... -Yuusuke

Meiou District, 5:00 P.M.-

I leaped from rooftop to rooftop stealthily, trying to remember which house was his. I couldn’t conceive, that after being judged by the council, they would let me off with only a warning. But they did advise me that if I were to actually aid that pitiful Reikai Tantei in a mission of his own then they would drop all my previous convictions and let me remain on parole. Hmph. Me? Actually being a subject to voyeurism... Playing the card of a noble, good-hearted hero... It wasn’t anything like me at all...

There is nothing wrong with being a thief...

How could they believe that they would be able to turn me on their side so willingly? They’re trying to corrupt me, insult me-yet it proves how inquisitive the council can be. Once again I am sidetracked from my true goal but I have learned to deal with this notion. Life is oblivious. And as much as I could end it and not give a damn, I feel no other reason to live until I find her. No other person I can savor a connection with right now until I find her. She’s the only reason why I keep living everyday over and over in suffering. I have no sides in this life; you’re on your own no matter what. You make as little allies as possible, because they can never be reliable if you don’t know their full past or why they are a certain way now. No one is worth trusting. But if it is a price to pay, to act like a good Samaritan for just one day, then I would gladly welcome the idea to get those bastards off my ass.

I couldn’t imagine that I would be returning to that kitsune. He betrayed my trust, he gave me his word and then he goes and sacrifices such honor for that Ningen Kaasan of his. I should slit his delicate throat with my katana... Or maybe he just tried to show me the true nature I could have had. He tried to save my soul, he did it for better judgment. He put his Ningen family, his only family, first and I can respect that. His life is valued, he doesn’t deserve death, especially not by my hands. I know him to well to speak of his name in vain. I respect his allegiant heart, unlike those that portray false ones. I envy his good insights, I envy how things come so naturally for him, and I envy the fact that he is able to have a loving Kaasan such as she...

Maybe it was because he was able to show passion so easily...

There it was, definitely his house. The youki of Makai plant life dwelled within the structure and so did a potent ki as well. I needed to talk with him immediately. Ever since I returned from the council to presume my training in Raiden prefecture on Kaminari Sama Mountain, and ever since the dead claws that are protruding from the Sanza no Kawa caught my eye, I had tried to find the one capable of plunging ReiKai in such a frenzy. Then again, maybe it had something to do with overhearing that drunkard Yama in the tavern in Raiden prefecture speak of that kitsune in such a way that made me want to seek him out. Was Kurama really being hunted? I should have murdered Yama on sight, just to be sure in case it were true and that Yama was after that blasted kitsune.

I vaulted onto the roof of Kurama’s residence and kept low. It wasn’t as if anyone would notice my existence anyway-being as secretive as a shadow was what I did best. I lurked over the shingles until I came to the room that I knew was his, the scent of ki got stronger. I was ready to unhinge the window but soon noticed it was already opened as if waiting for me. Then again, Kurama could’ve already sensed me coming.

Or maybe I just gave him too much credit...

As surreptitious as I had been when coming here, I came swooping in through Kurama’s window and found myself in his room-a place all too familiar to me. But instead of being welcomed by the amicable, verdant eyes of my only, factual partner, I found a woman in the room. An intruder at best. The ki I had sensed and believed it to be Kurama’s had come from her and instead of wasting time and asking questions, I fell into a fighting stance. Too aware of my surroundings, I wouldn’t drop my guard even if she were a lower class youkai, not even for the actuality that she was a girl.

She quickly turned towards me when she realized she wasn’t alone anymore. Our eyes were locked with each other; my intent, red ones pierced her form as her staid, gray ones swirled blue and gazed at me full of animosity.

Were we enemies, or just looking for the same answers?

Japanese / English: kitsune / fox (like you guys wouldn’t have known this!)

New name meanings: -Omae (Kimi) is what a wife would call her husband. ‘You’, ‘Darling’, or ‘Dear’. For a husband, he would commonly say ‘Anata’ which means the same thing. Both ways are fine.

-Author’s Note: This, I believe, is the shortest chapter I have done thus far for the saga! Yay! Giving you guys a little break I suppose! Hiei has arrived and I give all you Hiei lovers a feel of his troubled mind, hope you enjoyed it!

Disclaimers: Nothing new to read about as of yet In no way, like I said before, by far does any characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to me. If you were thinking that I did own Yuusuke, Kuwabaru, Hiei, Kurama, Botan, Keiko, Rando, Koenma, Maya, Shiori, The Holy Beasts, Toguro, Sensui, Raizen, Mukuro, Yomi, Genkai, or any other character for that matter, you’re dead wrong! Of course I would enjoy owning them! The characters that do belong to me are my fictional, yet original, side characters and main character Kyoumi, and possibly some demons you won’t find on the show. Also, the “Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory” was my creation. The characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to the original creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, and I don’t feel my name is listed anywhere near the original creator

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