Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case Nine: Beware the Beautiful Angel--The Siren's lust-filled song and Hiei's new partner ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Narrator: Yuusuke is ready and willing to find Keiko and save her from the clutches of Musubi before the wedding day nears. Unfortunately he doesn’t know where to go. Lucky for him, Botan returns to the group with a familiar guest. Yasha. She is the only one who knows where the Bridge to Heaven is and now will be their guide, if only she can keep her head on the mission and not a certain underworld detective. Kurama offers his assistance and the group than sets out while Yosei stays behind to protect Maya, not knowing if the group will be able to pull it off. Elsewhere, Hiei races back to warn Kurama of his assailant, only to find that his ally has already vacated the premises and Kyoumi awaiting for the fire demon’s arrival.

Aishiterutte itta yo ne?

Case Nine---Beware the Beautiful Angel! The Siren’s lust-filled muse and Hiei’s new partner

Noon time, Day Three of Obon, Kanzakura on Raiden prefect-

“Baka! I told you to be more careful! How asinine could you be? You shouldn’t have gone blabbing about our plan in the first place, chiefly in the local tavern. Do you know how many bounty hunters and other youkai go there? What if that information gets back to that damned Kurama… How are we going to be able to capture that girl now?” Musubi rebuked from atop his Sakura treelike divan, his voice reverberating throughout the grand hall.

“Condone me, nii-chan…” the victim belittled by the love god, kneeled low to the black marble floor and pleaded for extenuation, he had the voice of a frog.

The two figures were situated in the largest room in the tree kingdom-the throne room. The walls moved about as if they were alive-actually, they were. They were the gigantic roots of the tree and wriggled around like a worm first plucked from the ground by a buzzard. It was extremely pitch-black and the only means of light came from the torches held by more over a hundred Uwibami men that lined the red carpet leading up to the throne.

“I didn’t imagine that it would matter anymore. We’re luring that damned underworld detective here already; we only need one, so we should focus on the one that bought into our bait so easily. Risking his life for that harlot.” The male that groveled before his superior goaded.

“Yama… stand.” Musubi instructed as his brother did as he was told. He was nothing like his sibling. His countenance was rough and he looked menacing while his eyes shone silver. There was no hair on his shiny head, except for a small tuft of pink on the nape drawn into a short ponytail. His skin was a dark chocolate color and hardly unnoticed due to his revealing attire. A bearskin hung over his left shoulder while a wolf skin hung off his right like a cape. A necklace of bones and skulls was wrapped around his neck, his chest in an ‘X’ formation, his arms, waist, and legs. Wolf fur moccasins hid his feet and raccoon skin underwear with a metallic codpiece hid his lower area. He was gruesome and anything that had to do with ugly.

“Shimata… Nii-chan, look I-”

Musubi continued, “I can forgive your tongue when it comes to yammering, but don’t insinuate foully towards that enchanting onna that will be residing with us for quite a long time, may one day even be your sister-in-law. You could even refer to her as ‘onesan’ from now on.”

Yama began to grind his teeth. ‘I’m older than that wench! I should at least call her imoto-san!’

“It’s better to stay ahead of our contenders. Go back to Kurama’s house and finish him off. Then we will be able to capture the girl without any hassle.” Musubi stood from his royal davenport and threw something down at his younger brother. It was a syringe! “Contains a very potent biochemical anti-vitality drug, all you have to do is inject Kurama with this and he shall be dead in up to five hours.” He fixed the ribbon that was tied into his pink hair. “As for me, I’ll see to it that my koibito is being handled nicely. Ike.”

“Hai, kaichou.” Yama tossed the stylus at an Uwibami men as about a dozen of them followed after the third in command.

“Oh, and Yama…”

“Hai, kaichou…?” he turned to look at his older brother.

“Make sure my one weakness, is safely secured, bring it back to me and don’t foul this up…” Musubi glared down at him.

That stare sent shivers down Yama’s very spine, he nervously said, “Hai…” and with that, he spun on the balls of his heels and strutted for the exit. ‘Imprudent nii-chan, don’t get caught up in a silly fascination with that Ningen baita! How dare she come between our relationship, that joro! I’ll kill her as soon as this is all over with; she will never marry him!” He looked behind his shoulder, back at the brother he loved so much. “She will not take him away from me!’

Minamino Household, 5:25 P.M.-

“What are you doing here?” Kyoumi’s muscles tensed up as she gripped the straps of the Oi on her back firmly.

“I could ask you the same question, or I could just fight you and get the answers for myself...” Hiei pulled out his katana. Kyoumi took this signal with due precautions and began gathering her ki in her hand. She fell off guard when she saw Hiei sheath his blade in the same instant. “… But that would get us nowhere now wouldn’t it?”

“Hmph.” The ki stopped forming in her palm. “You’re terrified, eh?” Kyoumi scoffed.

Her tactics of scorning him into battle proved useless. Hiei calmly asked, “Where’s the kitsune?”

“If I knew I wouldn’t be here right now…” Kyoumi crossed her arms.

“Kuso…” Hiei cursed and turned for the window. “I’ve just missed him then…”

“Who are you?” Kyoumi questioned, her eyes finally ceasing their swirling act.

“As if you knowing my identity matters to me.” Hiei stepped one foot up on the windowsill. “Besides, I have to warn someone who is in danger.”

“Is it Kurama? Or that Reikai Tantei, Yuusuke?” Kyoumi struck the fire demon’s attention.

“And you know them how?” Hiei said but didn’t turn towards her.

“Yuusuke saved my body from Seiiukaru’s control while Kurama housed me until I recovered.” Kyoumi flopped to the floor.

“You were the one who was possessed by Seiiukaru?” The boy’s head faced her.

“Sorta still possessed by her…” She leaned back next to the heating table in a seductive kind of pose-her elbows held her upper body upward as her legs were sprawled out. “How about you stick around and Kyoumi will tell you everything you need to know, or, if you like, we can always do something else other than talking…”

Hiei was about to pounce out of the window. “I’ve got no time for this, let alone believe that a crop-destroying youkai like you can be a use to me.”

Amazing, this strange thirteen-year-old could already tell she was apart of the Maiya youkai clan… “They’ve left already… They’ve already gone after Shazmee, Musubi, and his brother, Yama.” Kyoumi said all-knowingly.

“Hn…” Hiei thought over his options. He would have to find Yuusuke somehow and help him in any way possible just to be free from the council of Reikai. “And why does this concern you? Why would you even guess that that is the reason why I am here? You’re just prolonging what I have to do.”

“It’s easy for me to put two-and-two together. Before I left this place, I could smell the stench of Yama lurking around, he tried to copy Seiiukaru’s abilities but, unfortunate for him, I had taken control over my body once again. I only came back to request Kurama’s help against Yama; he’s still gunning for me. Why else would you come to this exact place? You knew he was in danger, obviously.” Kyoumi sat up.

“And, so what?” Hiei droned, already bored with the encounter.

Kyoumi blinked and felt a little puzzled. “I… uh…” she found her words that got caught in her throat, “I propose we team up. You need to save your kitsune-koi from Yama and I need to take revenge on Yama for killing my koibito. So wouldn’t you see it as ironic that we would meet?”

“No.” Hiei said simply.

“But don’t you see? WE need to save our loved ones from the same threat! It’s fate that we came together in the same place. We are for the same cause.” Kyoumi jolted from off the ground and clenched her fists.

“I don’t believe in the fact that I’m not in control of my own life. Fate is fiction. I can do this on my own.” Hiei retorted. “Furthermore, I do not love that stupid fox. I only respect the fact that he saved me once, I’m just returning the favor. And if I needed a partner, it would be someone worth a good spar, not a seductress. You’d just get in my way.”

Kyoumi began to pout, defying his order of ceasing the discussion, “Bet you don’t even know where to look…”

“I’ll figure it out.” Hiei had a comeback for anything Kyoumi could think of.

“You can easily be killed, it’s better to have someone out there to watch your back as well, someone you can call ‘friend’ for once and mean it…” Kyoumi yearned to keep the conversation open.

“I doubt it.” Hiei turned away from her again. “Sounds more like you’re comparing your own life to the situation. I don’t need any friends. No one’s worth trusting unless you know everything about them. There’s only one person I could ever trust.”

Kyoumi instinctively knew who he was implying. She smirked. “I knew that pretty boy was more than just a short-lived acquaintance.”

Hiei was now fed up with the uselessness of the conversation with the Maiya youkai-his hand was positioned over the hilt of his sword. “I’ve got no time for-”

“Who’s in here?” the door to Kurama’s room screeched open as his mother stood in the doorway, coming face to face with the two interlopers.

Final Junction before Raiden Prefect, “Haven of the Dead”-

“Are you sure we’re in Raiden prefecture now.” Yuusuke groaned. “Damn this fog.”

The group was struggling to find their way through a mist of fog. They were wading around in water-all except Botan who was securely, and dryly, perched upon her oar. The water was bleak and murky; dead logs and molding brownish-green algae covered the surface.

“Not exactly.” Yasha began.

Yuusuke ripped her from off his shoulder and shook her about, “Whaddya mean! We’re going the wrong way?!”

“Nah, nah! We be on the right track! All we have tah do is first get out of this lil’ ol’ swamp. Raiden is ah few ways ahead, dahling.” Yasha sniveled. Yuusuke released her.

“Good, I can’t wait to get out of this putrid place.” Botan said uneasy and hugged the nozzle of the Confinement Jar close to her.

“Hey, you aren’t the one standing thigh-high in this fungus!” Yuusuke blurted out.

“Thank Enma…” Botan mocked her partner.

“Come ‘ere and say that!” Yuusuke vacillated after Botan and tried grabbing at her but she just hovered higher into the air.

“Oi… you’re as silent as ah catfish at ah fish-fry in July, redhead.” Yasha flapped over to Kurama.

“If you mean what I’m thinking of, then yes I know… Something’s about to happen… Keep an eye out… The Haven of the Dead is like a labyrinth and the finishing point is Raiden Prefect… this labyrinth has many surprises… ” Kurama cast his eyes down at the liquid that began to rise. “Huu! Yuusuke! The water, we need to get of the water!”

Yuusuke diverted his gaze down at the climbing pool. “What the hell!”

“EE! Dead ahead.” Yasha shrieked, shot over to Yuusuke like a bullet, and hid behind him.

“Are you sure it’s straight forward?” Yuusuke was now floating in the water since it ascended greatly over such a short amount of time. He tried swimming towards his teammates.

“Not dead ahead, DEAD ahead!” Botan pointed out.

Yuusuke drew his focus forward. “Nani!”

The fog began to lift as a barrage of decaying zombie-like creatures with decrepit wings stood in the water. They were a sight for sore eyes-literally, numerous body parts ripped off and portions of their skeleton could be seen. The undead moaned and were standing directly on the river.

“We can’t fight in water, we have a disadvantage.” Kurama informed while his teammates swayed back and forth in the ocean. He was trying to swim away from the monsters that could walk on water!

“Where do we go! There’s no land for miles!” Yuusuke brought up his hand and formed a gun. “Nothing else to do but fight!”

All of a sudden, each zombie stomped hard on the liquid surface. From the impetus force exerted onto the water, a gush of the liquid shot up like a geyser. The fluid flowed toward the group, parting the sea before it.

“Botan! Do something!” Yuusuke roared.

“On it!” Botan was intending on sucking up every last drop of water with the Confinement Jar but to her surprise, something grabbed her by her arms. “Nan-” Botan felt the pressure squeeze her from behind. She jerked her head around to see what it was but nothing was there! Was she losing it? Why did her body feel as if something was latched onto her!

“What the hell are you doing!” Yuusuke scowled up at the ferrywoman, the serpentine edging closer.

“Yuusuke I-” Something clasped over her mouth and waist as well. Was it an invisible foe? Or something else? ‘I… can’t breathe…’ Botan passed out right then and there.

“Botan!” Yuusuke called out to her just when the spiral of water hit them all. Yuusuke and Yasha were drawn further away from Kurama.

“Ahohoho!” a voice was heard guffawing at the amusement it beheld.

“The hell… This isn’t damn funny!” Yuusuke screamed at the top of his lungs.

In an instant, what was constraining Botan appeared out of nowhere. In a flash, some type of crimson red goo was constricting the grim reaper.

“What is that stuff!” Yuusuke peered wide-eyed at the unconscious woman. Unexpectedly, she phased out of sight. “Botan!”

“You wander so willingly into my field of the harvested dead, my glorious angels! I cannot allow you to wake the sleeping child in Kanzakura. I cannot allow you to disturb the wedding...”

“Show yourself! Temee! What the hell did you do with Botan!” Yuusuke demanded.

From the hoard of zombies, a ravishing seraphim bathed in a bright light fluttered from the pack. She would have been presented to them completely in the nude if her rippling silver hair and a transparent, loose robe didn’t conceal her body. One of her wings was that of a crane and the other of a crow. “That woman cannot compare to my beauty, she had to be done away with. I am Tenshi; the last beautiful being you shall ever lay your miserable eyes on. You will not make it out of my heaven! This will be where your journey ends, you shall never approach Raiden!”

In sync with the extraordinary angel’s words, each zombies’ head burst open and their bodies merged into the depths of the briny deep. In place of their forms was what emerged out of their skull-a feather that shone luminously.

“Now gaze into my gorgeous eyes and listen to my alluring voice…” The seraph sung, lifting up her head to reveal her heart-shaped face and mystifying pink eyes justified by her luscious, red lips.

“Oh please, like we will do what you say! BUSU! The sight of you makes me sick! BUSU NA!” Yuusuke griped and shut his eyes.

“How dare you!” Tenshi was filled with rage as a dark ki began to radiate over the feathers.

“Not the best move, Yuusuke…” Kurama said a little peeved yet still sedated.

“How so?” Yuusuke asked still ticked off.

“Duh, now dis wretch ish gonna use her Siren’s attack! Ningenkai to Yuusuke, you really need to bone up on your studies.” Yasha poked him on the head continuously, trying to get through to him.

“WRETCH! You grimy rat with wings!” Tenshi struck out her hands and her quills went flying. EUPHORIA DUSTER

“Oh Ah'm sahhy, I meant WENCH! WENCH, WENCH, WENCH!” Yasha protested.

“Way to go, bat-girl!” Yuusuke socked her on the noggin. Three feathers darted for each one of them. “ECK! This is it!”

“Rose Whip!” Kurama brought out a thorny switch that scourged the feathers in an flash.

“Where were you hiding that? Or maybe… I dun’ wanna know.” Yuusuke gasped in relief.

“My hands were unseen under water. Thanks to the algae, Tenshi couldn’t see the rose that I hid up my sleeve slip out into my palm as I transformed it into a lengthy, thistle-filled whip.” Kurama explained how he used his surroundings to his advantage.

“Ah.” Yuusuke and Yasha chirped in astonishment.

“Tricky, tricky… But all I need is to make more!” Tenshi shrieked and out of every direction, a bombardment of feathers hurled for them. “Lets see your little whip nick them all.

She was right, Kurama couldn’t lash them out alone and Yuusuke was virtually helpless because of his limited power usage-Yasha’s ability to fight was completely out of the question. It wasn’t long until Kurama felt one of the points of the feathers had struck him directly in the nape of his neck. “Geh!” His eyes bulged from the pain and his jaw opened quite spaciously. The feather had penetrated the redhead’s skin and dug deep into his flesh. The attack immobilized him as he loosened the grip on his whip and it turned back into a rose.

“Kurama!” Yuusuke hollered in agitation, though he would soon feel the same racking pain. A feather stuck him directly in the front of his neck! He could literally feel it scrape against his collarbone as it ruptured his skin and gave way for blood to trickle into the water. It stung so much and Yuusuke felt as if he would pass out any moment.

“Why ah oughta! How dare yah harm, my-” Yasha took off for the angel but a shower of the needle-like feathers aimed for her now. She dodged each one but soon felt outnumbered. “No dice! Ah shall keep tah the code of a spy! Ah have no sides! Ah rather live!” the coward screeched and flapped higher into the air and out of sight.

‘Traitor…’ Yuusuke’s eyelids were heavy as he tried to gaze over to his true comrade. Kurama was completely knocked out and was floating on his back. They were utterly paralyzed.

‘Hm… She won’t affect our plan anyhow, but she would’ve made a fabulous snack for the Mountain Man. Now I’ll have to give him this equally gorgeous man-such beauty almost surpasses mine, too bad we had to meet under these circumstances. But no beauty shall ever compare to me unless it were the beauty of my Great Lord Musubi-sama.’ Tenshi brought her mind back to reality. “Ahem-Where were we, ah yes, now what will stop me from capturing you?”

“Iie…” the Reikai Tantei lost all signs of hope now. Botan was gone to who knows where and he couldn’t even imagine what on earth could be happening to her. Yasha chickened out and saved herself, probably in cohorts with this evil all along. Kurama had so much to live for, he needed this second chance, now it would prove to have been for nothing… And Keiko… Yuusuke felt the stings of disappointing her the most…

Meanwhile, Minamino Household, Kitchen, 7:00 P.M.-

Shiori had retired to her room for the night and offered up the guest-room up stairs. Kyoumi kindly declined; she wasn’t planning on staying much longer now that she figured that Kurama was long gone. Hiei gave his usual “Hn” in response and that was the end of that conversation.

“Why did you stick around? I thought a great youkai thief such as yourself was too arrogant to give ningens the benefit of the doubt?” Kyoumi leaned up against the refrigerator-her hair being pushed back into her face as she kept the enticing pose.

Hiei had his hands crossed and looked deep in thought-his seat was on the edge of a counter by the small window in the kitchen. “Feh.” He blew air through his teeth, getting rather upset with her constant vocalizing. “Could you shut that mouth of yours for once. I wouldn’t have thought you would stick around either, maybe it was just because the offering of food came about that you became such good friends with that ningen. Pathetic.”

Kyoumi lurched her head as her eyebrow began to twitch. “Like you don’t have a better excuse, you stuck around free of will, I stayed because she already knew me from before and thought I was actually a friend of her musuko-san. You didn’t even eat. She was humble, the least you could have done was eat her seemly ningen cooking even though you are an intruder in her own home already. Gyogi ga warui...”

“Hmph. I don’t partake in ningen food.” He opened his small, ruby eyes but didn’t glance over at her. “I don’t have to be welcomed in, I do as I please. I rather honor that stupid fox by treating his kaasan at least decent if I’m under her roof. I’ll stay until I’m not needed. Wouldn’t expect you to understand.” He pounced off the counter and began to head for the doorway of the kitchen.

Kyoumi picked up her Oi by one of its straps and threw it over her shoulder. At her dismay, she knocked various items out of her backpack. “Oie!” she kneeled down and began tossing her knickknacks back in the pack.

Hiei stopped. “And do you have to flaunt an inhumane gesture every time you try to get something out of me.”

“Oh, does it bother you? Distracts you?” Kyoumi purred and held her hands behind her head, trying to perk up her chest.

“It disgusts me.” Hiei kept walking as the sixteen-year-old fell over onto her rear. “Besides, you don’t have anything worth distracting.”

Hiei struck a nerve. “Grr, bakayaro, you spoil the fun…” She followed closely behind him. Both of them soon found each other outside of the Minamino residence and on the sidewalk, bathed in the moonlight with a luminescent hue reflecting from off their skin. “Why did you stay until you weren’t needed? Needed for what?” Kyoumi brought up what he said before but soon saw that it would explain itself in due time. The whole time Hiei had been walking, his grip on the hilt of his katana tightened.

“For this!” Hiei spun around urgently and brought out his weapon. He was positioned undeviatingly in front of Kyoumi and jabbed the blade forward.

“Huu…” the Maiya youkai staggered back as thick, cerise liquid splattered to the floor, staining it once the fluid made contact.

“Heh, you’re obsolete to me…” Hiei withdrew his blade and placed it back in the holster.

“Dammit, I didn’t even sense that!” Kyoumi looked behind her at the petrified Uwibami man stabbed by Hiei’s sword-his jaws were just about to clamp over Kyoumi’s head if it wasn’t for Hiei. The goo from its wound stopped bleeding and began to get sucked back into its body.

Kyoumi felt Hiei’s icy grip fasten around her arm and hurl her behind him-unbelievable, he could propel her that far?! She really did underestimate him.

“You’ll just slow me down.” Hiei added and leaped onto the head of the Uwibami man. His sword returned to his hand and he shoved it down on the creature’s skull bluntly! It squealed in agony.

Kyoumi landed on her feet right in the middle of the empty street. She punched at the ground over and over with all her might. She couldn’t believe she was so inane, she got herself distracted once again. She needed to do some more serious training, somehow, ever since she came to Ningenkai, she lost all sense of awareness… it just didn’t seem as threatening as the world of Makai. “Damn!” her knuckles were already bleeding yet she wanted to whack one more time at the structure that couldn’t fight back, just to release all her hostility. Was she really that blind?

“Nani!” Her punch didn’t make contact with the pavement, instead, the ground below her imperatively formed into the lower half of an Uwibami man! “Ew… you… you…” she trembled to see that her hand was lodged directly in the Uwibami man’s LOWER REGION! “… Ecchi!” She slashed her hand out of the Uwibami man and hovered backward. Out of nowhere, she began hurling a fusillade of rice balls at the monster and they exploded on contact. "EcchiEcchiEcchiEcchi!” GREAT ONIGIRI OF FIRE

“She refers to him as an Ecchi, even though she was just acting like one a few minutes ago. Eck, What a pitiful display of a strategy.” Hiei hand his arms tucked behind his back as he observed the anything-but-amusing battle. The Uwibami man the fire demon had been thrashing tried to sneak up on him but Hiei was just too quick. He stuck his sword in-between his eyes without turning away from the fight. It was back on the ground in seconds. “This is a waste.” He looked away in disgust.

“It would be much more entertaining if she would stop playing around to gain your attention… eh?” a voice came out of nowhere.

“Hm?” Hiei slanted his head to the side to see that the voice came from the unconscious Uwibami man he had stuck with his sword.

The gel man gripped the blade, it was very taxing to pull out of his head but, to his predominate fortune, he soon lacerated it from his forehead. He got back up and launched the katana at its owner.

Hiei grabbed it directly by the blade, tossed it up, and retained it by its hilt again. “Hn… An illusion…”

“You have tough skin to be able to wield that blade like that; is it from your induced amount of training, or from your hardened heart of constantly being alone?” The creature had the voice of a frog.

Hiei was silent for a while but soon spoke out, “Are you that much of a coward you have to hide inside the shell of your own creations.”

“If I wanted a fight I would have come here in person… this is just a warning.” Kyoumi was seen in the background really kicking ass when it came to her weak opponent. She was really letting loose, just to get rid of all her anger towards Hiei. The fake Uwibami man was mildly distracted by Kyoumi’s raging actions. “Ahem, since your stupid fox boy is already walking aimlessly into my master’s trap, it will be a mindless task capturing that awakening nuisance of a Reikai Tantei in this city.”

“And this involves me how?” Hiei said getting fed up.

“I rather make it more interesting of a provocation before I kill you and take the girl back to my master so we can transfer Seiiukaru’s endowment to benefit our own means. You have until the final day of Ura-bon to bring a sacred black cherry bough to me from Raiden Prefecture… Why a bough you ask? Because it means purity, and that will decide the fate of the world. If you fail, I’ll certainly kill you, if the prefecture hasn’t already done so. But if you accomplish the goal, you’ll have my word that I will spare your life and that of the world. All you have to give me is the girl and no harm will befall any of the worlds or its inhabitants. Sort of like an exchange of equal merit.” the creature slyly informed him, weaving a web of lies; not knowing what he was getting himself into.

“You’re wasting my time.” Hiei was about to draw his sword back in its covering.

“If you refuse, I’ll kill the fox’s kaasan. If he makes it through this, who will he be more mad at when he finds out she is dead. The one who did it, or the one who could have prevented it?” The puppet began to howl with laughter.

“Silence!” Hiei sliced the being in half with his katana, this time it didn’t regenerate.

“You don’t have a choice, do you risk the world’s existence because of your stubbornness? Isn’t there someone who means something to you, someone you spend sleepless nights searching for, someone who connects with you…” the voice echoed through Hiei’s mind.

“How-” the diminutive boy’s eyes strained.

“-Would I know? So much you can do with a dozen or two spies constantly watching one target…” On cue with his words, mirage-like images of well over a hundred Uwibami men were positioned all over the area-on cars, on rooftops, everywhere! The vision disappeared. “You have four more days, you better get started…”

“Kuso…” Hiei drew his katana back. ‘Another drawback, and it’s thanks to her that I’m in a situation like this. I have no choice but to bring her with me, I’ll have to give her away to him sooner or later… There’s no way I’m going to lose in a race against time, especially when four days is what I get… why not make it interesting and give me until tomorrow night.’

“Quite a workout, eh?” Kyoumi jogged up to Hiei’s side. The fire demon glanced over at the number the girl did on the battered monster. He waved around a white flag to show he surrendered.

‘Egh… Baka…’ Hiei smacked his head feeling as if whoever he met was a complete idiot. It was for the best that he would have such an attraction on his side; maybe she’ll be able to distract any enemies that stand in their way so he wouldn’t have to break a sweat for once. He was tired of fighting someone’s battles and would rather fight his own for a change. “We’re going to Raiden prefecture, hurry up.”

“Huh? You’ve changed your mind?” Kyoumi’s eyes sparkled excitedly.

“I don’t consider you a friend if that’s what you mean. You’re just coming along as entertainment at best.” Hiei informed her.

“You still don’t trust me! But we're... GARUTACHI!” Kyoumi growled a little on the humorous side.

“I don’t know anything about you.” Hiei mentioned.

“Oh, well, I’m a Maiya youkai of the spring-hare species. I am a class D negative-last I heard from countless reports. I resemble a sixteen-year-old but I’m much older than that-a woman never reveals her true age. I study, and will soon be master, in the art of Kome Ken-manipulation of kome. Once we find some proper quarters, I’ll be glad to cook you some onigiri, your favorite if you like. But if you aren’t hungry, we can always do something a little more productive… Oh yes, and Yama is mine…” She brought out her right hand. “Akumada Kyoumi.”

‘She’s older than me yet she acts like a child…’ Hiei stared at her hand but he didn’t shake it. “Hiei, and we’ll see who claims who…” he walked passed her. ‘So I acquire a chef, at least that’s one worthy quality that came out of this little coup...’ Hiei looked back at her, “Hope you cook as good as you fight, it really doesn’t do you any justice, better just leave the fighting to me.”

“Matte! You think that was fighting out there?” Kyoumi began to chortle as she strapped on her Oi. “You haven’t seen me do major damage yet, wait and see.”

“Hn. I bet.”

“Hai! Onward to Ryo-wo Prefecture!” Kyoumi made a victory sign with her fingers.

“It’s Raiden Prefecture.” Hiei corrected her.

“Iie, every third-rate, E-class youkai knows that Yama’s fortress is in Ryo-Wo. Raiden is home to his brother, Musubi.” The girl began to act all-knowingly again.

“Hn…” Hiei would just go with what she said for now. Why not? Even if it were a mistake he could always turn back and accomplish the mission with time to spare. He was just ready to get started; the Council of Reikai was just going to have to wait.

You are a thief first, a good Samaritan second, and a hero never…

“And if you are accompanying me no more references to things you do behind closed doors…” Hiei and Kyoumi walked off down the road.

“Uso!” Kyoumi whined but soon perked up. ‘Finally, it’ll all come to an end… This is for you Kombu!’ She shot up a fist, “To Ryo-Wo!”

Too bad for her, she didn’t know how wrong she was… Or was she?

Back at the Haven of the Dead-

‘I can’t believe it is over… It didn’t even have a chance to start…’ Yuusuke was ready to give in.

‘Hehe, I’m doing this for you, Musubi-sama!’ Tenshi’s mouth gaped wide open as she cleared her throat.

‘I’ve gotta keep going, I won’t let him have you… I won’t let him take away your innocence.’ Yuusuke’s fingers began to twitch and pulse with energy.

A hypnotizing and charismatic song danced from Tenshi’s mouth as if her voice box were a harp:

Remission lies unworthy of thine nemesis of thine savage before he beget thy name…

Fore doth thou hast seen…

Renounce thy will in need of lust, purge the white, give into the black…

Fore doth thou hast been…

Contravene the evil that slinks among the righteous, death dawns rapid within thy fires of inevitability…

Fore doth thou hast were


The feathers surrounded the two boys and danced to her words, illuminating the scene with a terrifying silence of darkness. They began to sink deeper into Davie Jones’s Locker until their heads were completely submerged. Water filled their lungs instantaneously and the pressure constricted their muscles. It was the end… owari.

‘I won’t give up… I’ll protect you… I’ll protect everyone…’

An abounds of halation engulfed him…


Japanese / English: shimata / oh no (shit), ike / fucking go, onesan (ane) / big sister, baita / ignorant slut, nii-chan / big brother, imoto-san / little sister, busu / ugly woman, busu na / she’s so fucking ugly, subeta / bitch, joro / prostitute, bakayaro / stupid fucker, musuko (-san) / son, Gyogi ga warui / "bad manners", garutachi / "partners in crime", owari / the end

New name meanings: -A Tenshi is an angel. They are not only messengers of God but also benefactors of the people. Tenshi is very beautiful and has a voice able to hypnotize the strongest of warriors. She is extremely in love with Musubi and wishes he chose her to marry instead of Keiko.

-A Mountain Man is a ruthless Japanese demon that dwells in the forest and the only way to pacify him is the offering of rice. He is Tenshi’s sort of pet.

-Ryo-Wo is the Japanese god of the sea called the Dragon King. Ryo-Wo prefecture is the place where, ironically, Musubi’s weakness lies.

-Author’s Note: Finally Hiei and Kyoumi have their mission! And I’m getting really sick of taking out some of my characters like the plus signs (I use to isolate scene changes) and the hyphenation mark! #$#$#& take that and chew it! Hahahahahaha! Hiei is such a snake in the grass! He’s plotting against dear Kyuu-chan! AH! dramatic music Oh yeh, look at Tenshi’s song. It is about prostitution if you couldn’t guess, bet ya couldn’t pick out the main points as to how! MWUHAHA!

Disclaimers: Nothing new to read about as of yet In no way, like I said before, by far does any characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to me. If you were thinking that I did own Yuusuke, Kuwabaru, Hiei, Kurama, Botan, Keiko, Rando, Koenma, Maya, Shiori, The Holy Beasts, Toguro, Sensui, Raizen, Mukuro, Yomi, Genkai, or any other character for that matter, you’re dead wrong! Of course I would enjoy owning them! The characters that do belong to me are my fictional, yet original, side characters and main character Kyoumi, and possibly some demons you won’t find on the show. Also, the “Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory” was my creation. The characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to the original creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, and I don’t feel my name is listed anywhere near the original creator

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