Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case One Continuation 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Above the entire scene

“Nani! This isn’t right at all!” Botan said to herself as she floated on her oar by the very top of a random building. The ferrywoman was staring in astonishment at the incident below her. Botan grasped hold of her oar and jerked it around. “I got’ta find Yuusuke!”

Botan shot off and glanced at every corner of the city below her, her face still in shock. ‘That wasn’t Seiiukaru at all!’ the spiritual guide halted her oar from going any further. She hovered out in the open as she held her head down, her pale blue bangs covering her eyes.

‘Master Koenma was correct… The Shitenno that were guarding the four gateways have somehow fallen ill during the last day or so, that is how THIS Seiiukaru got through to Nin-Gen-Kai… Those gateways found by the Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory are able to send higher-class demons to Nin-Gen-Kai?! But how could four holy guardians be subjected to an illness like food poisoning!? What kind of poison can weaken a holy guardian!?’ Botan lifted her head as she got lost in her thoughts.

‘Master Koenma said someone has freed Seiiukaru… But that wasn’t her at all… Master Koenma was correct after all! The person, better yet, youkai in question that supposedly freed Seiiukaru is just an impersonator! That is the only possible piece of information… That wasn’t Seiiukaru… Seiiukaru is much more stronger… I felt that youki emitting from that impostor; almost as powerful as Yuusuke’s… But why couldn’t Yuusuke beat her then? Better yet, how does this youkai know Seiiukaru’s trademark moves…’

Botan was bounced back to reality when she heard shrieking from below. The ferrywoman jolted her head downward to see what all the commotion was about.

“Yuusuke, I don’t care, just leave me alone for awhile!” Keiko’s voice must have broken through the sound barrier because she set off many car alarms and left birds flying in a panic.

“Keiko! I can’t leave this half finished!” Yuusuke was chasing after her as many pedestrians watched. It was amazing how far away from Kuwabara both of them had gotten.

Keiko didn’t respond as her pace quickened.

“Keiko! Chotto matte!” Yuusuke tried to keep up as he weaved through oncoming passersby.

Keiko turned sharply and shouted at the top of her lungs, “I could care less what you rather do with your life! To backstab someone that thought something special was there between themselves and another person is the worst…” Keiko said the last sentence with welling tears-she had dropped the shopping bags from the stores she had been to. The rush of crowds had stopped, Yuusuke had stopped. Did Keiko realize what she had just said?!

“Keiko…” Yuusuke whispered, standing his ground.

“I don’t have time right now to listen… Ja ne, Yuusuke…” Keiko turned sharply and ran off down the sidewalk, not caring for the bags she left behind.

Yuusuke didn’t move from his spot, he just stared at his childhood friend’s retreating form disappear into the distance. “… Keiko…” Yuusuke practically stumbled back as he closed his eyes. “When will you have time then… What did you mean by ‘thinking something special was there’?” Yuusuke turned around, not caring who heard him. He slowly opened his eyes, only to practically jump out of his skin.

Botan stood really close to the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei now disguised in her nin-gen form wearing a red turtleneck sweater and blue jeans. Yuusuke almost stumbled over.

“Keiko will have time for you, silly Yuusuke…” Botan said in her famous cheery tone.

“Shut up!” Yuusuke was about to turn away from his assistant, his face a little flushed. “I’m going home…”

Botan grabbed onto Yuusuke’s arm, “Now is not the time, Yuusuke!” Botan’s voice was shaking as she grew a little more serious. Yuusuke turned towards her, “Seiiukaru is back…”

“NANI!” Yuusuke was about to pop a vein.

“You act as if this is new information. Didn’t your Youkikei pick it up.” Botan asked a little confused when she saw Yuusuke get a little alarmed. “You have your compass with you… ne?”

Yuusuke itched his head as he looked off into the sky.

It was Botan’s turn to get a little infuriated, “Yuusuke! Where’s your compass!” the ferrywoman grabbed both of Yuusuke’s wrists and could’ve scorched a hole in them with her eyes the way she glared at them.

Yuusuke swatted his hands away from her, “There is no time for that crap! Where is the youkai!” Yuusuke demanded.

“Right now Kuwabara is getting a taste of what happened to you last night…” Botan began twiddling her fingers.

“NANI! I left Kuwabara like ten blocks ago as I tailed Keiko!” Yuusuke dodged to the side of his assistant and dashed off through the onslaught of bystanders.

“Yuusuke! Matte!” Botan spun on her heels and jogged after him. ‘Master Koenma always gives me the hardest cases for some reason!’

Yuusuke had pushed over anyone that got in his way as he ran out into the open street to get to the next corner; you’d think he’d have better since after he got hit by a car before. Honking horns from cars and random profanity from pedestrians were nothing to Yuusuke as he bolted onward. It wasn’t long until he finally returned to the sidewalk he previously was on where Kuwabara made his predicament with Keiko worse.

“What the hell?” Yuusuke gasped as he noticed a group of a small crowd kneeling on the cold pavement before him. He began to walk towards the people.

“Urameshi! That you?!” Sawamura had his head turned a little to the side to see the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei.

“Huh? One of Kuwabara’s…” Yuusuke was about to step further.

“Urameshi! Don’t come any closer! You’ll get stuck on the ground too! Kuso!” Kirishima spat out.

Yuusuke glanced at the ground below the crowd as it began to crack. The Rei-Kai Tan-Tei grew rabid, “KUSO! She did this didn’t she!” Yuusuke growled.

“How did he know?” Sawamura spoke under his breath.

“Hugh! Kuwabara-sama!” Kirishima shouted staring back at what was going on across the road.

Yuusuke glared at the direction Kirishima was looking, his eyes even more enraged then ever at what he saw next.


‘Seiiukaru’ had thrown Kuwabara against the building next to her. When he hit it on impact, Kuwabara thought he heard something crack behind him. His back had made contact with the door! The teenage boy slid down the wooden frame and sat on the ground, holding his sides. A terrible ache was rushing over his backside.

It didn’t end there. Seiiukaru practically shifted in front of the sore teenage boy and grabbed hold of his collar. She threw him behind her with ease as her expression stayed calm. This time, Kuwabara made a horrible collision with the very edge of the metal fence lining the road-ramming exactly into the top part with his spine.

It looked as if Kuwabara was groveling as he tried to stand back up. He didn’t want to yell out in pain, what kind of man would he be, he still would stand tall for the ones that watched on the other side of the road. Suddenly, Kuwabara felt something trickle down the sides of his ribs and emerge from his navy blue blazer. Blood! A deep gash was forged into his back. Kuwabara clenched his eyes closed from the stinging that pricked at his sides. The pain got worse when he suddenly realized he was knocked onto his rear-side. Seiiukaru had kicked him with the heel of her foot, right in the left side of his jaw!

“Eck…” the sound broke from Kuwabara’s mouth while he tried to clench his muscles from the pain. He groaned as he tried to forget the aching. For some reason, he couldn’t feel anything in the right side of his body anymore! Kuwabara coughed up blood that stained the sides of his lip as a stream of blood rippled down his left nostril. He finally opened his eyes to see the woman standing over him, her eyes frightened?!

Seiiukaru crouched beside Kuwabara’s broken form as she began to breathe heavily. Her index finger trailed over Kuwabara’s chest. Her finger moved upward and rested on the tip of Kuwabara’s nose. She wiped the sanguine fluid from the bottom of his left nostril away, a bloody tear of her own fell down the side of her face. The tear landed on Kuwabara’s cheek.

Her expression returned to its placid demeanor as her golden eyes grew colder. Seiiukaru gripped hold of Kuwabara’s neck and pulled him up, practically strangling him. She stood with Kuwabara’s body in compatibility with hers. She grasped his neck tighter as she held him higher in the air. Kuwabara closed his eyes and gasped for air when he heard one of her statements racing through his mind again. ‘Nichiren… Your blood… Joined with Seiiukaru’s… We will be whole… Koibito.

Kuwabara was able to bring his trembling hands to her arms. “What do-I never did anything to you!” Kuwabara shouted opening his eyes to slits. For once, Seiiukaru smirked at him.

Everyone was left aghast at what their eyes saw Seiiukaru do to Kuwabara next. Seiiukaru had brought Kuwabara down to her eye level and closed her own eyes. Kuwabara’s eyes bulged as his face became flustered; he had just realized that Seiiukaru’s tongue was pressed on the right corner of his mouth! Her tongue was very fervent against Kuwabara’s skin as it moved upward. For some reason, Kuwabara’s aching muscles began to compress even tighter, causing an excruciating pain fill his body. Affection and suffering from one person-how could he feel this way from her! Seiiukaru had licked the blood from the right side of his mouth clear off.

Kuwabara became dazed at what Seiiukaru had done after that-he shut off the rest of the world. Seiiukaru’s tongue brushed over Kuwabara’s lips; feathery to the touch. Her tongue made its way to the left corner of his mouth as it performed the same thing it had down to the right. Kuwabara didn’t understand how her acts gave him an arousal!

Finally, Seiiukaru had ended her confusing tongue teasing conduct by clashing her own lips with Kuwabara’s! The teenage boy let his hands drop from her arms as his eyes widened even more; he began to moan. The kiss didn’t last for long, the passionate Seiiukaru didn’t last for long. The pleasure from the girl had stopped as soon as Kuwabara was bounced back to reality. He heard someone shout his name.

‘Urameshi?!’ Kuwabara thought as he glared off in different directions, not even trying to break the kiss.

Seiiukaru’s eyes snapped opened as she glared at Kuwabara. Their lips parted ways and no one was prepared for what happened next. Seiiukaru constricted her grip on Kuwabara’s neck as she slung him back towards the building he had impacted earlier. Instead of hitting the door head on, Kuwabara was brutally knocked through the department window!

Kuwabara landed on his back as some glass shards fell over him; he had landed on most of the other glass shards that were now piercing through his skin. A female store employee ducked behind the counter, fearing for her life. Kuwabara yelled from the pain as his vision became blurry; the last thing he noticed was Seiiukaru flying through the window. Kuwabara fell unconscious as sweat beaded his face; trying to forget the sensual, yet malevolent female that gave him such pain… He did not want to dream about her if he would fall in a short coma from the brutality she inflicted on him.

‘Now… You must take some of my blood… Nichiren.’ Seiiukaru probed his mind as she brought her right wrist forward. Her left hand emerged from behind her, clutching a regular, thin needle. She pinned it into her wrist. The needle stuck out from the bottom of her wrist as it did with the top. The needle disintegrated when she pulled it away from her hands. Seiiukaru’s blood began to gush out and drip to the floor. She began to walk towards the battered boy, her blood leaving pools in the floor. She crouched beside the lifeless boy and lifted him up from the neck with her left hand. Seiiukaru was about to extend her bleeding arm over Kuwabara’s mouth for him to possibly drown in her sanguine fluid until something bashed her in the head.

Seiiukaru stood and turned around with her eyes flickering. Yuusuke stood in front of the department window with glaring eyes. He had thrown a glass shard into her neck. Seiiukaru stood with the glass shard protruding from the front of her neck as her blood spilled from the opening! She didn’t show any weakening in her stance.

“Oi! Bakayaro! You wear clothes for that baka, but when it comes to me, you rather fight me without them! You’ve gotten me in so much shit! Hara ga tatsu!” Yuusuke roared.

Seiiukaru reached behind her and slammed the glass shard into her neck further! Yuusuke got a little edgy. The shard fell to the ground as it slipped out the front of her neck. All of a sudden, the gash on her wrist and neck began to close up. Yuusuke grew more enraged.

Seiiukaru began to walk towards Yuusuke, a very little blue aura pulsing around her body. Yuusuke jumped away from the department window until his legs were up against the metal fence. Seiiukaru flew through the window once again and stood her ground, the blue energy getting larger. She raised her arms together as a ball of her youki began to form within the palms.

“…” Yuusuke shaped into his fighting stance as his expression grew furious.

“Yuusuke watch out!” Botan made the scene as she stood on the other side of the street.

Yuusuke didn’t move from his position. The youki in Seiiukaru’s hand began to swirl and take form. Static electricity emitted over her body as her ki turned into what looked like a Ram! The sky grew darker as the male sheep grew larger. Seiiukaru then launched her Ram of energy towards the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei-it shot off with a bang! BIGHORN SHOT

“Yuusuke!” Botan screamed.

The Ram attack ripped through the air and slammed into the metal fence of the sidewalk. Yuusuke had evaded to the right and sprinted towards Seiiukaru in a split second. He shot a violent right hook into her mandible while she was distracted.

“You aren’t an onna, You monster! It just makes it easier for me to kick your ass without guilt!” Yuusuke shouted as he punched her in the back of her head.

Seiiukaru wobbled to the side as she turned her head towards the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei-a mistake she would regret. He slugged her again, this time in the forehead. Seiiukaru was about to fall to the ground, but Yuusuke wouldn’t allow it. He grabbed her by the collar of her Aitofukiji uniform and mauled his knee into her stomach. He continued this onslaught without backing down.

Yuusuke then slung her to the ground after a few minutes later. Seiiukaru was rolled in a fetal position as her dark blue skirt was propped up, revealing most of what was covered by it to the world if it wasn’t for her black stockings. Seiiukaru shot up from the ground and turned around to face Yuusuke; blood streaming down the right corner of her mouth as a deep gash went across her forehead. Amazing how she kept so much energy packed away?!

Yuusuke spat out saliva to the side as he regained his fighting stance. Seiiukaru on the other hand stepped back, something forming below her. That black void was back! It got bigger and bigger under her feet as it had done last night. Seiiukaru began to sink into the shadow once again, still with glaring eyes towards Yuusuke.

“Oh no you don’t! When I start giving you your ass whoppin’ you turn tail and run!” Yuusuke bolted over towards the black mass. Seiiukaru had departed completely as the void began to get smaller.

“Yuusuke no!” Botan screamed about to run off into the road.

“It’s now or nothin’…” Yuusuke gasped as he stepped onto the ebony mass; he began to sink in too! It wasn’t long until Yuusuke had been devoured by the shadow as well. The black mass then disappeared.

“Oh no… Yuusuke!” Botan glanced around the area, she then took off down the street. For some reason, as soon as Seiiukaru had left the scene, the pressure on the audience had lifted! The sky grew lighter. Everyone stood up as they looked around. Kirishima and Sawamura jumped over the fence and headed towards the department store where their ‘great leader’ had been thrown into.

Botan jogged down the sidewalk as police vehicles roared down the street to where the action had been. The ferrywoman was getting a little frightened, she didn’t know where to find Yuusuke now… He was actually winning! How would she know if he would be okay, what if Seiiukaru had taken him to where she would have the’ home field’ advantage?! Where should she look?! Better yet, what was that thing glowing in Yuusuke’s pocket as he jumped into that black void?!

On top of a tall building a few blocks from the last scene

Yuusuke had ascended from the black shadow a little confused. The ominous void disappeared into the rooftop’s floor below him. He was standing on the edge of a tall building as he glanced around for his opponent. Nothing but a door to the stairway leading down from the roof. He got use to his surroundings quickly; other taller and shorter buildings were everywhere. He still was in uptown!

“That was one wild ride…” he said sarcastically as he jumped off the edge and onto the leveled roof’s floor. The building’s roof was very wide-very appropriate for a fight to commence. “Kuso…” Yuusuke huffed in annoyance.

Yuusuke got a sixth sense that told him something was staring at him from behind. He quickly turned his head around to come face to face with, who else but, Seiiukaru! It was her turn to give him trouble. She had knocked Yuusuke square in the nose with her elbow.

Yuusuke held his nose as his head spun for a moment. It only took a moment for Seiiukaru to execute what she did next. He slit open his eyes to see that Seiiukaru had lifted her right leg over her head-exposing a little too much of what the Rei-Kai Tan-tei didn’t expect-and slammed it down on Yuusuke’s head. It was her turn as well to not let Yuusuke fall before she was finished with him. She kicked her right leg back up as it made contact with the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei’s chin! Yuusuke’s back was arched forward as Seiiukaru then grabbed him by his ebony hair.

Yuusuke growled in pain as Seiiukaru brought her right hand to his face; her left hand still clutching his hair. That pale blue ball of energy began to form into her palm. But instead of creating a gigantic Ram, the ball molded into an assortment of many miniature ones. The tiny male ewes rushed around Yuusuke and vanished into his body. Seiiukaru stepped back as she released her grip from Yuusuke. He was shot back until he reached the other side of the roof. All of a sudden, Yuusuke had a rush of pain fill his body. It was as if he was on fire! He fell to the ground and looked as if he were getting jerked around by a herd of bulls heading in every direction! BIGHORN MIRAGE

Yuusuke was bucked into midair like a rag doll as a vast variety of bruises appeared all over his face; his clothes were being torn to tatters! Seiiukaru closed her eyes as the onslaught of abuse had ended. Yuusuke fell to the floor in a heap. Seiiukaru walked over to the teenage boy’s sprawled body; she began to circle him.

Yuusuke stared up at her as she stopped before him. He began to cough as he lifted up his right hand-sticking the index finger out and the thumb upward as the rest of the fingers curled up. Yuusuke hoped she would take his bluff and let her guard down like she did before; he didn’t want to use his newly recharged rei-gan foolishly. Seiiukaru’s eyes widened but quickly began to flicker. She smacked Yuusuke’s hand away as her foot made contact with Rei-Kai Tan-tei’s gut.

Yuusuke slid across the floor only a few feet. Seiiukaru grew a maniacal grin as she raised her arms, those energy-draining needles of hers formed beside her. BLUE FLAME OF EDEN

Yuusuke suddenly felt something warm beginning to emit in his right pocket as he remembered what was there! Seiiukaru was about to launch her attack when Yuusuke jumped to his feet with full force. He dodged to the left, trying to throw off the youkai’s aim for just a second. Yuusuke then crouched low to the floor and reached into his pocket and slung something at Seiiukaru’s chest.

The needles beside Seiiukaru had vanished as her eyes had stopped flickering. She was staring at the ground with a blank expression while she held her chest. She slouched over as her own youki was draining away from her?!

“Heh, I kept your little souvenir from last night that you left behind…” Yuusuke smirked as he stood back to his feet.

Seiiukaru was done in by her own weapon! The thin needle was protruding on the right side of her breast. Her left hand clutched the right side of her abdomen as her eyes narrowed towards Yuusuke; she began to straighten her posture. Blood poured down from her chest, staining the ground below her now.

“Listen! Just give up, I don’t want to fight you anymore! Just take your punishment!” Yuusuke shouted as he held up his rei-gan, his reiki began to form at the tip of his index finger.

Seiiukaru took a step towards Yuusuke.

“This may kill you! Give up now!” The underworld detective tried to reason with her.

‘Seiiukaru did not come back to die to the hands of you… Nichiren… JOIN ME IN HELL!’ Seiiukaru broke into Yuusuke’s mind as she began to dash towards him, her hands ready to claw at him. Seiiukaru was only a few inches away from Yuusuke when it happened.

In his defense, the underworld investigator had shot off his rei-gan as he closed his eyes. The scene was left silent.

Yuusuke heard gasps for air race through his mind as he shot his eyes open. Seiiukaru was breathing vigorously as she was flung back from the impact. Yuusuke’s rei-gan had shot at her neck, but didn’t go through! When Yuusuke’s rei-gan had disintegrated, he saw that the black, stretchy turtleneck of her school uniform had ripped in half, revealing something unexpected. Around her neck was a shiny mass that couldn’t be seen to its entirety; it appeared to be a necklace! Could that be Hell’s Erotic Bond?

Yuusuke was unable to investigate further. Seiiukaru had clutched her throat and looked as if she were choking herself as she was now leaning over the side of the building’s edge.

“Hey! What are you doing!” Yuusuke shouted as he tried to run towards her until he noticed he had fallen on the floor. His knees had given out from exhaustion. “KUSO!” how could he have pushed his legs so hard?!

Seiiukaru looked towards Yuusuke as her eyes stopped flickering. He saw the strangest thing begin to happen to her. Her albino hair was changing color, it was becoming blonde! Not only that, her skin wasn’t pale anymore, it was becoming tan! Seiiukaru began to smile as the cuts and bruises on her body began to bleed rapidly. Yuusuke was perplexed to see the beatings he had given her before get much more worse all over her face.

“… Thank you…” she spoke!? Her voice had a high-pitched tone to it but was very virtuously compelling. All this time she could speak from her mouth!? She wasn’t mute at all! Seiiukaru’s now GRAY eyes closed as she fell unconscious… literally.

“Seiiukaru!” Yuusuke yelled as she had fallen over the edge of the twenty-story building, obviously meeting her demise to the alleyway below. Yuusuke had a whole new look at how Seiiukaru had acted. She said ‘thank you’ to him… Why such a big change? Why couldn’t she just take her punishment instead of resorting to suicide. No one deserved something like that, no matter how big of a threat they were… Worse enough, it was Yuusuke’s fault that that happened to Seiiukaru.

“Kuso! No!” Yuusuke pounded the ground. ‘I should’ve did something! Baka!’ he was too hard on himself. Yuusuke tried to stand but his feet were still exhausted; he was giving a tremendous pain to them as he tried to regain his balance. The beatings he had received began to sting as he stared at the ground; he was left alone.

“Yuusuke!” Botan flew down beside him on her oar; now back in her pink kimono. Yuusuke was never left isolated for long…

“Hey Botan…” Yuusuke coughed unenthusiastically. Botan quickly leaped off her oar and helped the Rei-Kai Tan-Tei to his feet.

“Yuusuke…” Botan’s soft tone grew louder, “Don’t ever do that again! You had me scared stiff! You always make life threatening choices, going after Seiiukaru like that!” Botan noticed the underworld investigator had a rather sad expression over his face.

“Yuusuke… Where is Seiiukaru…” Botan asked as she peered around the area.

Yuusuke turned towards Botan, “You don’t have to worry about her anymore… Let’s go…” Yuusuke closed his eyes as he tried to turn around. Botan stopped him.

“Oh no, no! You always leave me with sentences half finished!” Botan grew a little angry.

“ME?! You hardly know the next thing about a case that you send me into!” Yuusuke spat at her, losing his compassionate demeanor. “Humph… onna…”

“Excuse me, you’re careless! Why don’t you tell me what happened to your Youkikei then!” Botan let go of Yuusuke, his knees giving out again.

“Botan!” Yuusuke flopped to the floor. He lifted himself up and crossed his arms. “I left it at home, simple as that! Nani?! You think I broke it or somethin’…” Yuusuke glared off into the sky.

“Huu…” Botan sighed. “Okay Yuusuke… Let’s go then.” The ferrywoman was about to help her partner back up.

Yuusuke nudged her hands away and said, “Wait… I have to do something first…” he murmured as he left Botan dumbfounded.


Yuusuke placed his hands together as he thought back to what Seiiukaru had told him before she took that plunge. No, it wasn’t her saying thank you… It was something that would soon be important to Yuusuke in the future. She told him her name before she fell unconscious… Her REAL name…

Yuusuke smiled as he bowed his head and whispered, “Rest in peace… Akumada Kyoumi…”

Botan’s eyes bulged, “What did you say!”

A few minutes ago, Dark alleyway below the tall building

Down, down went the lifeless body, falling past windows and clotheslines of the adjacent apartment buildings. The lightly tan girl that had fallen from the roof was increasing in velocity as the ground of the dark alleyway drew close. The necklace around her throat was still radiating even brighter than before as her dark blue dress and her blonde hair were being ruffled by the wind. Down she went, only a few feet from hitting the dusty bottom.

All in an instant, someone had jumped towards the falling woman, catching her in HIS arms. The figure that caught her from executing a bloody end landed gracefully onto the pavement. The man stared at her as his emerald eyes grew softer. He kneeled to the floor to get a better look at her; his right hand supporting the girl’s neck as he stared at her quite close to his own face.

‘You seem all right…’ the figure glanced over her body, his eyes widened when he saw all the cuts over her Aitofukiji uniform and how she was losing a lot of blood. “… Not good, those wounds could be fatal…” he spoke in a tone that matched the softness in his eyes. He looked back at her face as he brushed away some of strands of her hair to get a good look at her.

His attention drew towards her hair-which was still holding its loose pigtails without the assistance of any ribbons. The tips of her hair in the pigtails were turning orange-very strange to see this happen to her. “Hmm, you aren’t the youkai that has been causing chaos in Rei-Kai or Nin-gen-kai… You’re just her puppet…” he spoke as he glared at the necklace around her neck.

A faint sound caused the man’s head to snap; shifting his eyes in every direction. A black, mangy cat had kicked a can from the trash cans beside the ‘two’ youkai. The boy stood up and placed his left hand back under her legs as he brought her up with him; his right hand still supporting her neck. He looked around to make sure no one was around. The alleyway was very dark as smoke began to emerge from one of the vents of an apartment building. Trash cans were aligned besides both sides of the buildings as wet boxes were stacked up over each other blocking the way to go farther into the deep alley.

The man looked back at the girl in his arms as he began to walk, “I hope Okaasan won’t mind if I bring you home… My stray kitten…” he murmured disappearing into the smoke, his long red hair flowing behind him.

Case one--- CLOSED
Japanese / English: Rei-Kai / Spirit Realm, Ma-Kai / Demon Realm, Nin-gen-Kai / Human Realm, Mei-Kai / Death Realm, ki / Energy, Reiki / Spirit Energy, Youki / Ghostly Energy, Seikouki / Holy Light Energy, Rei-Kai Dai-hi-sou-kan / Spirit Realm Great Secret Building, An-koku no Takara / Black Treasures, Kou-ma no Ken / Sword of the Surrendering Magic, Ga-ki Dama / Ghoul Jewel, An-koku Kyou / Black Mirror, Rei-gan (Rei-gun) / Spirit Gun, youkai / inhabitants of Ma-Kai, nin-gen / human, kutabre subeta / fuck you, bitch!, temee / you bastard, kuso / shit, chotto matte / hold on, ja ne / goodbye, ja matte ne / well, in a moment right, onna / woman, ecchi / pervert, arigatou gozaimasu / thank you very much, baka / moron, koibito / lover, Jigoku / Hell, oi / hey, bakayaro / stupid fucker, hara ga tatsu / I’m pissed off!, Youkikei / Ghost ki compass, kaasan / mother

New name meanings: -Nichiren means “sun-lotus”. In Japanese mythology, Nichiren was a sage. Once the Sage saw the oni at work in the scourges of his time; performing enemy invasions, earthquakes and eclipses. He attributed the evil to the sinfulness of his Japanese contemporaries, so he founded a special school of Buddhism to reform the people. Nichiren in this story is a girl.

-Seiiukaru is combined also. ‘Sei’ meaning ‘star, ‘Iu’ meaning ‘to say’, and ‘karu’ most commonly meaning ‘light’ or ‘to sheer’. Sort of a pun. Seiiukaru can’t speak or say anything verbally, her victims see a lone star before death, and referring to ‘sheer’, Seiiukaru has many ram/sheep attacks!

-Akumada is combined from ‘Akuma’, and ‘da’. ‘Akuma’ supposedly means Devil while ‘da’ is a suffix that means rice paddies or rice fields. Together, it should be Devil Rice Paddy or Rice Paddy Devil.

-Kyoumi is combined from ‘kyou’ meaning ‘bad luck’ (supposedly it does), and ‘mi’ meaning beauty. Making Kyoumi the ‘beauty full of bad luck’. Excluding her past, Kyoumi actually gives good luck on occasions as we see her more later on. Her decisions are always life threatening and how she brings bad luck to herself--lemme tell ya, she has practically slept with half the cast of YYH, literally, and probably would sleep with anyone else for that matter. As much as this is frowned upon by quite a few individuals, she claims to have done it to help others... probably herself to. Oh Kyoumi...

-The Shitenno are four holy gods that guard the four main points (north, south, east, and west). In the story, they are the ‘good’ sides of the Four Holy Beasts (Shujaku, Byakko, Seiryuu, and Genbu). Their only weakness is food and can easily be poisoned from the taste; which is quite rare since they ‘kill first, never ask questions later’.

-Author’s Note: I had to split the first chapter into 3 cuz it was like 30 something pages long! sorry about that guys! But anyway. The Bon holidays is a celebration in Japan where it is said that relatives pay you a visit for the week. Bon (also known as O-bon or Ura-bon) Week lasts for seven days as you honor the dead in mid-August as you take time off from work, school, and the grave. Sometimes, in different parts of Japan, the bon holidays begin in mid-July; which is the time the O-bon festival begins in this story for YYH since it makes more since because my little theory between and after the episodes of when Yuusuke gets the An-koku no Takara back and goes off for the Genkai tournament seems like most of the students had taken a break for the summer (summer is from July twentieth to September first for most). Remember, after the Genkai Tournament, Yuusuke had to train for months with Genkai. Also, in the manga, Yuusuke smoked, just for those that didn’t know (This saga revolves around the original and manga version of YYH, which explains why there is so much profanity and naughty scenes, lol, well, not all naughty scenes). ;; Aren’t I an ecchi at times? What would you do if you saw a naked woman in front of you? Yup, I would call the police too. Anyone else hungry? I could go for some porkchopish legs! XD AHAHAHH its not funny… I’m really hungry… Well, please guys, comment and critique please. How can someone get better without help? And if you like the story please say so and say why you like it. Getting comments will inspire me to write more efficiently.

Disclaimers: In no way, like I said before, by far does any characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to me. If you were thinking that I did own Yuusuke, Kuwabaru, Hiei, Kurama, Botan, Keiko, Rando, Koenma, Maya, Shiori, The Holy Beasts, Toguro, Sensui, Raizen, Mukuro, Yomi, Genkai, or any other character for that matter, you’re dead wrong! Of course I would enjoy owning them! The characters that do belong to me are my fictional, yet original, side characters and main character Kyoumi, and possibly some demons you won’t find on the show. Also, the “Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory” was my creation. The characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to the original creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, and I don’t feel my name is listed anywhere near the original creator so there. Also, the English version of the lyrics of “Hohemi no Bakudan” were not created by me but by the big shots that Americanized the song, so yeah. Lyrics for the song were found here, the best damn YYH site ever: reikitantei.net, You can’t sue me now. Unless the currency in your country is dried up noodle bits!

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