Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Youko Kurama ❯ The Meeting! - Rewritten ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yu Yu Hakusho: The Silver Fox Saga!
Chapter Three: The Meeting!
Chapter Three: The Meeting!
I walked to the park after school to meet Kiki in my Yoko form. It was a beautiful sunny day with the blue sky full of clouds. Once in the park, I sensed a demon power. It was a familiar one but I couldn't tell who it belonged to. I walked a few steps until something flew by me. It almost hit my face but it pierced my cheek. A little cut. I looked at what was thrown at me. It was a rose. A pink rose. Kiki.
"Come on out!" I yelled, pulling out my rosewhip.
I heard a noise and I grew fearful. It may not be Kiki. I seen a pair of pink eyes from the shadows of the trees.
"Who are you?" I asked.
The person in the shadows came out. It was a pink fox demon with pink eyes and pink hair, wearing an outfit similiar to mine. Her pink hair was long and down to her hips. My eyes went wide.
"Yoko, don't you remember me? Kikiteno.... The little fox demon that always hung around you." The female fox demon walked towards me with her tail swishing from side to side.
"Kikiteno! It's actually you!" I smiled.
Kikiteno walked to me and smiled. I grabbed her hands and squeezed them gently.
"How did you come back to life?" I asked.
"Well, I reincarnated myself like you did except I did it to be with you because I heard that you were injured and that you escaped to the Ningen world to restore your energy." She said.
She noticed the moon crystals hanging around my neck.
"The moon crystals. You actually kept those? This whole time?" She touched the pink and silver stones.
"Yes. I did. To keep the memories of you alive. After the Dark Tournament, me and my friends, that I met when I stole the Forlorn Hope, all went to Makai. I went Yomi's castle in hopes of seeing you. He told me that you died, waiting for me, and he gave me these crystals. He said to keep these to remember you by since I was closest to you." I answered.
"Why'd you keep them, Yoko?"
"Because I love you." I whispered, putting my hand on her cheek and touching it gently.
Kikiteno smiled, put her hand over mine, and held them there. Soon tears started to roll down her cheeks. I kissed her tears away and she was surprised. She gasped and looked up at me.
"Yoko..... I love you with all my heart." She cried, laying her head on my chest.
Her forehead landed on my chest and she put her arms around my neck. Kikiteno... My sweet Kikiteno. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her body close to mine.
"Kikiteno... don't cry. I'm here for you .... We're together forever now." I kissed her forehead and she looked up at me with a smile.
"I know, Yoko Kurama. I missed you. I'm glad you kept my moon crystals."
Our lips met and I kissed her gently, then I broke the kiss. Kikiteno's looked at me pleadingly. Asking for more. Those familiar pink, kind, gentle, shy, pleading, loving, eyes of hers. I'm glad to have her back with me in my arms. My heart ached for her to be by my side and in my arms. Now she is and I'm glad of that.
"Kikiteno, here are your crystals." I took her crystals off my neck.
"No." Kikiteno answered.
"Yoko, you keep the silver one." She took the pink one and handed me the silver-white crystal.
I nodded and took it. Our friendship is strong and so is our love.
I kissed her again and pulled her closer to me. Kikiteno responded by kissing back. We'll be together forever. She broke the kiss and layed her head on my chest again.
"Yoko....." She whispered my name so, quiet that I can barely hear her.
My ears strained to hear her whisper.
"I...... love..... you...." She whispered softly.
I could barely hear her but I knew what she said.
"I love you too, my little one..." I whispered back.
I kissed her and put my hand under her clothing, exploring her body. I touched it gently. Kikiteno grabbed my hands and pushed them away.
"No. Yoko." She said gently.
"Now, now, Kikiteno." I scolded gently.
Kikiteno's eyes looked up into my golden ones, begging me not to do it again. I knew she's not a toy. At least not 'that' kind of toy. Why am I talking about her like this? I should kick myself. She's not a toy at all! I don't deserve her at all. I really don't. But then again.... I do. My mind is mixed with emotions and everything. I love her deeply.
"Kikiteno, I don't deserve to have you or your love." I took her hands and put them at her side.
"Yoko, you do deserve me. I have always loved you and now that I know you love me, I feel happy. I'm happy when you're around. Yoko, please don't leave me." Kikiteno cried, "Don't leave me again like you did when you got reincarnated."
"Kikiteno, I will never leave you."
"Well, then don't say that you don't deserve me or my love. You do since you kept those crystals for so long. That shows you have changed from that cold hearted fox that I knew, to a kind hearted one that you are now." Kikiteno kissed my lips gently and smiled.
Kikiteno..... I pulled even closer and kissed her for the third time. My old friend encircled her arms around my neck this time, allowing my hands to explore her body again. Kikiteno's gentle hands touched my ears and carressed them. I growled a bit. Usually no one can touch my ears or my tail but I'm allowing her to because I love her. My growl became more meaner but Kikiteno remained calm and just growled back. I know what her growl meant. It meant: "Calm down, I'm just petting your ears because I love you." For some reason, I did calm down. Her gentle touch to my ears made me calm and soon I purred, well growled gently, in a good way. I loved her so much that I will protect her. I broke the kiss and layed her down on the ground. Luckily we were in the woods of the park where no one can see us. We kissed and soon we fell asleep after an hour of making out (I really don't know how to put this a love scene on without any bad scenes in it).
Kikiteno cuddled up to me an fell asleep. We both did 'it' and now I feel tired but happy. Kikiteno is too nice for this kind of thing but at least I love her. I fell asleep after placing a kiss on her head and summoned a bed of rose petals for the both of us to sleep on.
I had to rewrite this....