Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho and the Witch ❯ Akiko's Secret ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We soon arrived at Kurama's house. It wasn't as big as other houses that I've seen but was close to it. His parents weren't home and he said his little brother might be at one of his friend's house but he didn't know for sure. So we walked inside from the pouring rain and into the warm, clean house. Kurama took of his shoes and ran up stairs while, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei walked in and sat on the couch nearby. I just stood there in the door way looking around his house.
"You should really dry off," Kurama said to Yusuke and the others on the couch.
He threw them some towels and they dried off. Kurama looked over at me and handed me one also and smiled.
"You wouldn't want to catch a cold now would you?" he said to me.
I took it and started to dry my face and hair. I then took off my cloak and put my broom off to the side and patted my cloth dry. I wore black pants that were ripped at the bottom and a navy blue shirt that was also ripped at the bottom and in the mid section also. Just then my stomach growled. Everyone looked at me and I began to blush.
"Um... I guess I'm kind of hungry," I said smiling.
Kurama smiled back at me.
"Would you like something to eat?" he asked.
I nodded.
"That would be great."
Kurama brought out some food and I ate. The others watched surprised at how much I ate but still kept my manners.
"Man Akiko when was the last time you had a descent meal?" Yusuke asked.
I stopped at thought about it.
"Hm...A descent meal? I would have to say about... three weeks. Last time eating something four days," I said smiling.
They all looked at me oddly.
"You didn't eat for four days and you ran from those guys?" Kuwabara asked surprised.
I nodded.
"Yup, if it wasn't you for guys coming though I would have passed out and been demon chow," I said smiling.
"So why were those guys chasing after you?" Hiei asked.
"Oh so you're finally talking to me now?" I asked happily.
"Just answer the question," Hiei demanded.
I looked down and sighed.
"Ok I'll tell you, but you have to swear you won't tell anyone, especially Koenma," I said.
They looked at me oddly.
"What you mean he doesn't know?" Yusuke asked.
I shook my head.
"He has ideas but he's never gotten it right. And to think I'm a part time detective," I stated shaking my head.
"Well what is it?" Yusuke asked.
I took a deep breath.
"I'm a witch," I stated looking away from them.
Kuwabara laughed.
"Oh come on you're not a witch. Witches are ugly people, and you're not ugly," Kuwabara said.
"Ok number one that is a HUGE lie, not all witches are ugly. My mother was very pretty and my father was handsome also. Second thanks for the complement," I said smiling.
"So you really are a witch?" Yusuke asked surprised.
"Yup! Why do you think I ride a broom?" I asked them smiling.
"Then why were those people chasing after you?" Kurama asked.
"They're witch hunters. They hate witches and killed off most of my people. My father and I were the only ones to survive and my mother wasn't around at the moment. We thought she was all ready dead. Then they soon killed my father leaving me alone. When they found out I escaped, they hunted after me. They won't stop chasing me either, not until the day I die," stated with my head lowered.
"So why don't you cast magic or something on them?" Yusuke asked.
I shook my head.
"They have a special barrier or something around them that neutralizes my magic. Anything I bust their way, they just absorb it and chase me," I said.
"So nothing could stop them?" Kurama asked.
"There is one way but only powerful people that don't have any magic in them can defeat them," I said sadly, "I haven't met anyone able to do anything for me and I don't think you'll be able to do much either."
Yusuke slammed his hand on the table in front of me. I looked up at him, his eyes blazing with bravery.
"Listen hear, I fought against demons trying to take over the world with stupid bugs, a demon eating the souls of little kids, Hiei because he stole some artifacts, a huge freakin army of demons being controlled by some butt-ugly human, and some monster-sized freak that can change his power level when he pleases! I also lived through grandma's evil boot camp which was no walk in the park either! So I don't want some witch saying I'm not strong enough for anything!" he shouted at me.
We all stood in silence the only thing able to be heard was Yusuke's breathing. He was still looking at me angrily but I looked away from him upset.
"Why won't you look at me in the eyes?!" he shouted annoyed.
"Come to think of it, she won't look anyone in the eyes unless it is an emergency," Kurama pointed out.
"So why is it? Are we not good enough witch?" Hiei stated in his normal tone of voice.
I shook my head.
"No, no it's nothing like that... It's just... you people remind me of the first couple of people who tried to help me. There was one like all of you: Akira, brave and rash at points in a fight, Leon, always wanting to fight even if it means putting his own life at risk, Kane, the silent killer who trust only people he fights with, and Ronin or as I liked to call him Roni, the strategic one who I..."
I trailed off after that and then looked up smiling.
"It's not important. Just please don't fight them, or the same fate might befall on you guys," I said looking away.
"What happened?" Kuwabara asked.
"They tried to protect me as best they could, only each one of them died. Soon it was Roni who fought the leader of the witch hunters to protect me but then he..."
I couldn't bear to finish. I looked away from the others and felt a hot tear stream. I looked back at them smiling.
"I'm sorry I don't mean to cry but whenever I think about these people, I just start to get like this," I stated whipping tears from my eyes.
"It's all right. Not everyone can hold in emotions," Kurama said.
"Hn," Hiei said looking away.
"Well I'd rather not talk about it anymore," I said and got up.
I looked out the window and saw a flash of lightning, and then the power went out.
"Oh great, hey Kuwabara you mind?" Yusuke asked him.
Just then a flash of orange sword-shaped light appeared in front of Kuwabara. It illuminated the room and I looked over at him.
"How are you able to do that?" I asked him looking at the sword.
"Oh this, it's just something I would call a Spirit Sword," he said proudly.
I looked at it closely and was about to touch it when Kuwabara pulled it away.
"I don't think you want to touch it. This things been known to kill a lot of demons you know," he said proudly again.
Everyone looked at him oddly as I raised an eyebrow at him.
"You killed demons?" I asked.
"Yup a whole army of them."
I just turned my back and walked away.
"Sure," I stated walking towards my wet cloak in the door way.
"Hey what do you mean by that?" Kuwabara asked angrily.
"I mean sure what ever you say," I said pulling out the stick from before.
"Hey are you saying I'm weak or something?!" he shouted angrily.
"Not that you're weak."
I waved my wand in a graceful motion muttering words. Just then the stick lit up and made the room glow.
"Just that everyone in here is stronger," I finished looking around.
"Oh so is that your wand thingy?" Yusuke asked looking at it.
I nodded.
"Yup this is the wand my mother gave me. I've wanted to buy one best of my fitting but my mother insisted on me taking it," I said as it flickered on and off.
I placed out my over palm and whacked the wand in my hand.
"Oh come on, not again," I said whacking it on my hand.
"Anything we might be able to help with?" Kurama asked.
"Yeah you..."
Just then a blot of energy raced out of the wand, bounced off the wall, and came back towards Kurama and me.