Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho Bloopers ❯ Part 9 ( Chapter 9 )
Yu Yu Hakusho Bloopers: Part 9
By: Cece Williams
((Disclaimer: Okay, don't own, don't sue, okay?))
Cece: Okay… since I got a lot of reviews…
Kurama: Let me guess… we're going to answer these?
Cece: Yes! (looks at the reviews) Okay… starting from the very first one…
Kuwabara: This could take a while…
Cece: (ignores Kuwabara's comment) Rowan Girl, yeah, I think you're right on that note. Vitaralastla, aww… thank you… and keep reading. Firelung06, yeah, I know, I like embarrassing my favorite character…
Kurama: Maybe a little too much.
Cece: Shut it, fox-boy! (rolls her eyes) Anyway… DemonandGoddess, glad you laughed your butt off. BlackPanther, glad you like them all… I'll read that when I can. Sakayora, thanks a bunch! Ash_chan, tell everyone how good it is.
Yusuke: And how much chocolate she eats before each chapter…
Cece: (shoves a sock in his mouth) Anywho… anime12, yeah, I agree… I got about 20 reviews on ff.net. Bladergirl, thanks for the sweet review. Mybuttisonfire, thanks; glad you laughed really hard. Dark_fire_demon19, oh, yeah; keep reading. Toffe, thanks a lot! Dionysus, I think someone else said that Kurama was hers…
Kurama: (sweatdrops) Oh, dear. Not another catfight!
Cece: You never know… now stop interrupting me.
Kurama: (smiles and sweatdrops) As you wish.
Cece: Thank you! Anyway, back to you guys. Dionysus, before I was interrupted, read Chapter 8; it's silly! YYF12, thank you so much. Kurama fangirl #9,000, Oh, I will keep this going for quite a while. Kori, thanks for reviewing… twice; I don't know much about LOTR, but I could try a few. Trisscar, aww, I like Hiei, too, but I'm not competition. Skyfox, thank you for laughing! BP, thanks for loving it.
Yusuke: Whew! That's all of them?
Cece: You never know. (gives everyone a chocolate bunny)
Hiei: Not again with the chocolate!
Cece: Aww… shut up while you're still ahead.
Yusuke: Now, on with the funnies!
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(Episode 38 - It's really cold in herre…)
Kurama: Your own climate control; that's very impressive.
(As Kurama tries to move, he slips and falls on the ice, knocking Touya to the ground.)
Touya: (rubs his sore behind) That wasn't.
Director: Cut! Kurama… (shakes her head) Sometimes I worry about you.
Duo: Like you usually worry about…
Director: Aw, shut up!
(Episode 51 - when the girls go nuts… literally)
(Karasu appears behind Kurama and lightly hold his neck)
Karasu: When I see something I like, I like to take it away.
(Karasu pops Kurama on the butt, sending a large horde of very angry Kurama fangirls back on the set)
Kurama fangirl: That's it! How dare you touch our Kurama! Get him!
(Kurama jumps out of the way while Karasu is running for his life)
Director: Cut! STAMPEDE!!!!
Karasu: DOY!!!!!
Duo: Well, now we know who's queer…
Director: Like a certain braided Gundam pilot I happen to know…
Duo: Hey!
Director: Just joking.
(Episode 37 - Kurama with … make-up?)
Yusuke: Kurama! Get rid of the outfit!
Gama: Don't be naïve; even if he had the strength to, it wouldn't change a thing. Nearly 2,000 pounds of weight's chained directly to his skin!
Kurama: (sarcastically) Once again, something that could have been brought to my attention YESTERDAY!!!
(Laughter offset)
Director: Cut! (tries not to laugh) That just didn't sound right.
Duo: (rolls his eyes) Doy!
(Ending credits - what were they doing?)
(During the first part, all four start dancing disco to the music)
Duo: (tries to stop laughing) Weren't they supposed to stand there?
Director: (starts laughing) Aw, the hell with it. Just let them have their fun.
(Kuwabara starts dancing the Macarena)
Director: On second thought…
(Kurama dances the Funky Chicken)
Duo: Now, that's disturbing.
(Laughter offset, Duo falling to the floor, holding his ribs)
Director: (sighs) Sometimes I wonder…
(Ending credits - again with the crazy things…)
(During the first part they stand there, until…)
Yusuke: First I was afraid… yeah right.
Director: Cut! Oh, geez!!
(Ending credits - where's the tune?)
(Everything goes as planned… except for one thing)
Singer: It's raining men! Hallelujah! It's raining men! Amen!
All four characters: AHHHHHH!!!!!! (run off the set)
Director: (ear plugs in ears) Duo, what the hell happened?
Duo: (ear plugs in ears as well) Huh?!
(Kurama slices up the boom box playing the song with his Rose Whip)
Kurama: (shouts to them) IT'S OKAY!
Director/Duo: (still can't hear) HUH?!
(Kurama shrugs his shoulders)
(Episode 46 - Kurama's a fish?)
Uraurashima: Hook, line and sinker! And you're the stupid fish!
Yusuke: (offset) Uh, don't you mean Kuwabara?
Kuwabara: Hey!!
(Both start a fistfight; Kurama and Uraurashima sweatdrop)
Director: Cut!! Break it up!!
Duo: (holds out his beam scythe at them) Now you want to start fighting again?
Genkai: Took the words out of my mouth. (glares at them harshly)
(Episode 46 - same scene)
Uraurashima: Hook, line, and sinker! And you're the stupid fish!
Juri: (panics) This isn't in my job description! Isn't there someone who can break me out of this thing? I'm not supposed to be in here!
Kurama: (holds his head) Ow… I'm feeling a headache.
Director: Cut! Kurama, here's some aspirin.
(Episode 46 - same scene … again)
Uraurashima: Hook, line, and sinker! And you're the stupid fish!
Kuwabara: (sings the jingle, wearing a fisherman's hat) Trust the Gorton's fisherman!
Duo: (offset, holds up a sign) Once again, shameless plug!
Juri: Does this mean that someone's going to eat me?
Random cat demon: Mmm… fish…
Juri: HELP!!!!! (runs off of the set with the cat demon after her)
Director: CUT!!
(Episode 79 - Geez, Kurama)
Kurama: You can't do that with all these innocents standing around.
Sniper: Fine, not that I ever miss my target. But if it's a change of venue you want, I'm game.
(Sniper snaps his fingers and land on the set of "Gundam Wing", where he hits Relena with the pebble, knocking her out)
Kurama: Merciless coward. Why didn't you attack me?
Sniper: Because she's annoying.
Kurama: Okay… o.O()
Director: Cut!! Is she really annoying?
The rest of the cast of "GW": DOY!!!!!
(Episode 9 - Kuwabara on karaoke…)
Kuwabara: (sings) What the world needs now…
Simon Cowell: (offset) is as-pir-in.
(Laughter offset)
Kuwabara: Hey, screw you, Crowell!
Simon: It's Cowell.
Kuwabara: Tell someone who gives a damn!
Director: I beg your pardon?
Kuwabara: How did this jerk get on the set?
Simon: Who ever told you that you could sing must be really deaf.
Director: (ear plugs) Who's dead?
Simon: Not dead, deaf. You know… the best thing you were for that brief moment of time.
Kurama: (pulls out the ear plugs) Being deaf was good?
Simon: If you had to hear Kuwabara sing, yes.
Hiei: Nicely put.
Kuwabara: What's the matter, Simon? Still bitter about the breakup?
Hiei: At least, he HAD a girlfriend.
Director: You guys…!
Kuwabara: Do you two have the same mother? 'Cause you're both jerks.
Genkai: SHUT UP, YOU TWO! >.<
Director: Thank you! Dear Genkai, thank you! (hugs her)
Genkai: You're crushing me.
Director: Sorry. I was about one second from killing them both.
Hiei: (glares at her) I wouldn't try.
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(Cece starts tearing up again)
Yusuke: Aww… what happened now?
Kurama: Her parakeet died suddenly. (lays a dozen roses on the burial spot)
Cece: Aww… thank you, Kurama.
Hiei: We all die in life; hopefully for the ugly one in the group, it'll be soon.
Kuwabara: HEY!!
Cece: She was a good bird… (sniffles) A little annoying, but…
Hiei: Thank God she wasn't as annoying as Kuwabaka.
Kuwabara: KuwaBARA!
Hiei: Tell someone who gives a …
Cece: Uh, Hiei? PG-13. Anywho, R&R.
Kurama: This chapter was dedicated in the memory of Sweetie, Cece's parakeet. May he fly in Heaven freely and happily.
Cece: Thanks, Kurama.