Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho Re-Written: Back to Basics ❯ Chapter Two - Suspects and suspicions ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: ^_^ Please Read, enjoy and review.

Reminder: Any and all important Author’s notes are at the end of the chapter, review replies included. ^_^




Chapter Two:

Suspects and suspicions.


It had been a few hours since Samosa called them to his room. After assigning them their ‘rookie’ cards as he called them he had continued with Kat’s right hand. Another two days and she’d be able to move it. Whilst her visit to Samosa had been a disappointing one over all, he had formulated a potion that would keep the side effects caused by his healing at bay till nightfall.

She now found herself among children who were the age she was when she had first met Samosa. She was dreading what was to come. For new-comers to the dojo a student-teacher was the one who laid out the basics for the first six weeks. She had been allowed to skip this when she first came due to her having been trained by several other mages. She wouldn’t get out of it this time.

Juu walked up right beside her, a heavy frown on his face. "Help. I’m surrounded by midgets.." Kat gave him a ‘Shhh’ look as a few kids glared at him. "If you’re going to make insults be more mindful of who hears them. When going through basic training you have to make allies in order for you to make it through." Kat’s brain then clicked in. "Or so I’m told." She didn’t want anyone to notice she’d been through more than basic training. Juu was about to open his mouth when a young man with brow hair whistled loudly, getting the attention of the small crowd. Kat turned to look at the young man and nearly fell over, she felt short. He looked to be sixteen and had just hit six feet tall. The young man was handsome, but she didn’t care for looks. His eyes were a blue-green color that stood out from his medium skin tone rather nicely and agreed well with his sharp facial features.

Kat watched as the male clad in white mage robes looked over the group, pausing on Kat and Juu before moving on again. Juu fidgeted lightly. He shrugged as Kat looked at him. "Well. Its an interesting group Samosa has entrusted me with this year." The young man said. "I am Masahito." everyone but Juu bowed to him in respect. As Kat got back up from her bow she managed to hold back a yelp as green-blue eyes met her own. Why did she want to run away just then?




The morning and afternoon passed quickly, Kat and Juu had skipped lunch in favor of talking things over. It was now nearing sundown and Kat figured it’d be best to get back to her room. She’d managed to fail every test that day. In attempting to hide her strength she’d come out looking like the weakest. Samosa may have had a good reason to put her back in basic training after all, she couldn’t gauge her magic’s output.

As she walked into the building that housed her room she wondered why she felt so nervous all day. She was sure she’d pass training in any case, and she was actually comfortable around Juu who stuck by her the whole time. If it wasn’t that what was it? Could it be she was afraid of Samosa’s potion failing? Or perhaps she was afraid of the murderer. ‘It doesn’t matter, I’m strong enough to fend off any of the students in this place.’ Kat told herself. She wasn’t too sure she was right. Not with the gut feeling of impending doom she had.

In one of the other buildings Juu had headed back to his own room. He had been keeping an eye out for anyone who acted suspicious. The only person that was acting odd was Kat. She seemed on edge and shaky. Could she have figured out who the killer was? With that last thought he laid down on his bed to sleep a restless, dreamless sleep that he had every night.


Kat awoke to the sounds of someone else’s breathing in her room. She kept her eyes closed and her breathing even. She didn’t want to scare the person off just yet. Not when she could catch them. She moved her right hand in anticipation of what was to come. She froze. A light jingle was heard from around her wrists. A bracelet? Where had a bracelet come from? She had a vague memory of a small, silver bracelet with a tiny bell come to mind. She felt a swift movement near her as she sat up with her eyes now open. She gasped as she saw brilliant ruby eyes shining in the dark before she felt her lungs crushed and her world going black.

"Birds..." Kat said with a tired groan. She heard the sweet chirping of birds and the feeling of wind on her face. She had left the shuttered window open when she went to sleep. "Hello? Are you okay?" A familiar male voice said. Kat opened her eyes and turned to the owner of the voice. Masahito stood outside her window with a concerned look. She realized she’d had a nightmare as she took a deep breath. "Yeah, I’m fine." Kat said as she sat up. Masahito smiled good-naturedly and reached in to put his hand on Kat’s. "You shouldn’t eat too soon before bead. You’ll have nightmares." with that he walked off, Kat watching as he went. She’d have to move her bed away from the window. She didn’t know why she felt so insecure about it now, but she did.


AN/ ^__^ He he. short. but there’s a lot of clues in this chapter to future events. Next chapter will be longer I promise. ^__^