Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Universe ❯ Chapter 22
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
3rd Round Cont. Cail all out
Lee takes Lance's downed body and puts him a few feet from the ring for protection more than anything. Meanwhile Cail jumps up onto the ring and takes off the over shirt he was wearing to keep his body warmed up.
On the other side of the ring another humanoid like the rest of his team jumps into the ring making less of a show of it as Gage did. The two meet in the middle of the ring even after Cammi calls out to make them begin. As Cail walks toward his opponent he begins to size him up.
`Hair short, clothes slightly loose, no implants on his body, no tape or anything to help stabilize him, and he is just as tall as me. There isn't anything on him I could use to my advantage.'
They meet in the middle of the ring keeping their unspoken piece treaty until what is wanted to be said is done so.
“The boy; how long has he been training?”
Cail looks back at Lance who seems to just be peacefully sleeping, “Less than a year under Daisuke Kenai.”
The man seems slightly taken back by both parts of the statement, “I will not hold my tongue and say what I mean. I am completely amazed that half breed has taken a student given his predicament I can understand though.
`What predicament?'
“That boy, Lance is `special' isn't he?”
The word held a special meaning between the two of them and Cail had no reason to lie about the power Lance has and will eventually have, “Yes when he dies Yusuke will finally have a perfect rival.”
The very name of the teenager who beet the, at the time, youngest Togoro made the man fall into memory then he slowly came back slightly surprised his at his opponents ability to remain a noble fighter when his opponent is wide open to attack.
“I am Switch, and now that what was said is said we should begin Cail.”
They both jump back a ways then charge in both landing their first attacks simultaneously slamming their fist into the other man's face. They skid on the ground but don't loose their footing and once they finish the ricochet they charge again.
This time Cail lets Switch hit him slightly so it would seem he has the upper hand. Switch cocks his arm back and brings to toward Cail's bent body but roll side steps and slams his own fist into Switch's gut then does a leg sweep.
Switch does a handstand back flip to avoid the leg sweep and makes Cail defend for a faint punch with his left and slams his right into Cail's side then brings his left around and screw punches Cail in the side of the hair finishing the combo with a jumping wheel kick sending Cail down to the ground neck first making his standing up more of a challenge than he'd like to admit. Cail closes the distance between them quickly and dodges a low calf kick with a cart wheel like flip and end up behind Switch. Cail puts his hands into a V-shape and slams them into Switch's spine making him skid forward before falling to one knee. Cail jumps up and at the apex of the jump flip and brings his calf down on Switch's neck making his face bounce of his knee and he fall back on his back.
Cail jumps again this time using his Soul Stealer technique to finish the fight but with a spiraling handstand like a whirlwind Switch kicks Cail in the side making him also spin and then again making Cail spiral down onto the ring floor with a powerful thud and a slight bounce.
Cail slowly pushes himself to his knees blood running from his nose and a gash in his cheek from Switch's heel. Switch kicks Cail slightly to make him pop up to his feet and he follows up with a boxing like combination of attacks ending with a haymaker into and spinning back kick to Cail's gut making his legs kick out from under him he lands with his head at the end of the ring slightly hanging.
Cail gets to his feet slowly now with a swollen eye and a cut just above his eyebrow on the other side with blood running just a half inch from his eye down the side of his face. “Hey I finally figured out your weakness want to know what it is?” Cail waits but only long enough to get another breath, “You have no spirit energy!”
Switch just stands his ground.
“You rely on you physical strength and powerful fighter style which is okay is didn't open my eyes to something very useful against you. Except this has been in my bag of trick for over five years so I have mastered it! Spirit Boost!”
His spirit energy grows very visible and then just flies back into is body. Cail takes off towards Switch with speed only to be matched by Drew in his demon form. Cail begins to slam into Switch from what seems like every direction.
Finally Cail reappears on his knees behind Switch his arm cut open and Switch drops a knife then falls himself and Cammi counts him out with a very bad-tempered crowd when she reaches ten.
Cail reaches the other side of the ring, “I'm sorry Lee but it seems to be all up to you now.”
Lee gives him a knowing frown then heads towards the ring.