Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yukina's Twin ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of its characters. I also don't own any other characters that show up in this fic. I earn no money from this at all; it is only for entertainment. I just thought you might want to know.

Author's Note: This fic is also a sequel to Kurama no Kanojo, so there'll be a couple of my own characters in there, namely Sakura and Nadeshiko. There is also a minor little change in detail that I would like to make for the sake of this fic. In Vol. 7 of YYH, the Two Shots at the end of the volume say that Kurama met Hiei about a year before the beginning of the series. However, based on their height difference in the animé and manga, I'd actually say that it was around six years, if Kurama is about a foot taller than Hiei and grew at a rate of about two inches a year. That's about it! Enjoy, minna-san! (^_^)

Acknowledgements: I'd like to thank all of the people who've read and reviewed my other two fics.

Yukina's Twin

By Kurama no Miko2003

Silence. The temple was in complete silence; a strange occurrence, if one really thought about it. Complete silence . . . in the middle of summer. The sole witness was the full moon high in the sky. A tree branch suddenly snaps, waking up a nearby black clad person up in a tree. He instantly wakes up and pulls the white bandanna from his forehead to reveal a jagan, emitting a faint neon green light. The person suddenly frowns and disappears from the tree branch only to reappear as a black shadow amongst the strange creatures, slaying each with his sword, a malevolent neon blue arch as it slices the creatures in half. He stares down at the dismembered corpses of the creatures and simply shrugs as black flame appears in his right hand and sets the corpses on fire, leaving nothing but dust; a quick gust of wind blew the ashes away. A candlelit shadow appears behind the door of the bedroom, catching the black clad figure by surprise. He instantly darts away as a young girl with light blue hair and ruby eyes looked around to see that nobody is there.

"Ara? I thought I heard some noises . . . I guess I was dreaming." She looks around some more, but could not see her black clad protector anywhere and goes back inside to sleep. The figure sighs with relief and sadness as she turns away.

"It's been the third time this week . . . what does the enemy want with Yukina?" he whispers as he sees the candle blown out from a tree branch. He stands there, just scanning the terrain, for another hour before deciding to put his bandanna back on and going back to sleep.

"Ohayo gozaimasu, Genkai-baasan!" Yukina cheerfully greets as she carries breakfast out of the kitchen the next morning.

"Good morning, Yukina. Did you sleep well last night?" Genkai asks as she sits down to eat.

"I did, but I thought I heard some fighting in the middle of the night. I checked outside, but I did not see anything," she replies as she blows over her miso soup to cool it.

`Looks like Hiei was here again last night . . . I wonder what is going on,' Genkai thinks as she eats her breakfast.

Meanwhile . . .

A tapping noise from the balcony door wakes up Kurama and Sakura as both of them yawn and check the clock to see that it was seven in the morning. "I'll go get it," Kurama replies as he gets out of bed. "It's probably Hiei, although I wonder what he could possibly want at such an ungodly hour on a Saturday morning."

"Okay; I'm going back to sleep, then," came the sleepy reply as Sakura fell asleep again. Kurama yawns as he opens his balcony door.

"Oh, good morning, Hiei. What is so important that you cannot wait to tell me later this morning?" Kurama asks as he yawns again.

"Shut your mouth and listen," Hiei bluntly replies. "Someone's been attacking Yukina in the middle of the night." Kurama suddenly looks serious. He knew Yukina was the most important person in Hiei's life. "They've already attacked three times this week."

"Any suspects?" Kurama asks in reply.

"No," Hiei curtly replies.

"I see . . . I'll call Yuusuke and Kuwabara in a couple of hours and we can all talk about it then. Until then," he yawns again. "Until then, let me sleep." With that, Kurama closes the balcony door and crawls back into bed.

"Hi, Kurama, Sakura, and Nadeshiko-chan," Yuusuke cheerfully greets as Kurama, Sakura and Nadeshiko approach him and Kuwabara. "What's this about Yukina? Kuwabara has been ranting for the last fifteen minutes about what he's going to do to whoever is attacking her."

"Let's wait for Hiei to explain, shall we?" Kurama replies, indicating to Yuusuke that he did not want to talk about it right there. "He was the one who called this meeting by waking me up at seven this morning." Just then, Hiei arrives.

"Hiei, what's this about Yukina?" Kuwabara exclaims as Hiei jumps down from a tree. Hiei gives Kuwabara a cold glare before starting.

"Someone has been attacking her in the middle of the night during this past week. I have no idea who it could be, but it could be ghosts from any of our pasts, with the exception of this baka here. I don't think his name is notorious enough to warrant any youkai to want his life," Hiei bluntly says, ignoring the protests and insults that Kuwabara is shouting at him.

"What do you mean by I'm not notorious enough?! Of course I am! I am the great Kuwabara Kazuma and all youkai shall have weak knees in my presence!" Kuwabara shouts, full of pride and egocentrism.

"Uh-huh, but my knees aren't weak," Hiei simply replies, once again provoking Kuwabara. However, Sakura cut in before Kuwabara can respond.

"That's nice, but are we going to do about it? We can't just sit back and relax," she replies, concerned for Yukina.

"I say we find whoever it is and beat the living daylights out of them!" Kuwabara replies, determined to defeat the enemy.

"It would be pointless to do that if we don't even know who the enemy is. I think we should set up a watch on Yukina at all times and we'll probably find out who is the one behind this," Kurama replies. Suddenly, they all hear Yukina's voice.

<Somebody, help me! Kazuma-san, Hiei-san, anybody! Some youkai attacked us and Genkai-baasan tried to defeat them, but she failed. I am hiding underneath the temple right now, but I am afraid they will find me any minute!>

"Kurama, let's go," Hiei coldly says as he clenches his right fist and disappears. Kurama, Sakura and Nadeshiko follow close after with Yuusuke and Kuwabara far behind.

"Yukina! Yukina!" Hiei shouts as he reaches the shattered doors of the temple. He sees Genkai on the ground, unconscious, not far from Yukina's bedroom door, but no Yukina. He checks under the temple and sees nothing at first, but then on closer inspection, sees hiruiseki pearls scattered on the ground around a shallow depression in the dirt where Yukina was hiding, but still, no Yukina. Just then, Kurama, Sakura, and Nadeshiko arrive.

"Hiei, where's Yukina? And what happened to Genkai?" Kurama asks as Hiei emerges from underneath the temple with a small handful of the pearls in a pouch that must have been a part of his cloak pocket.

"Kidnapped," came the cold reply. Hiei appears calm, but, in reality, is raging with anger. Kurama instantaneously notices it in Hiei's reply.

"Don't worry, we'll get her back," Kurama replies, hoping to console his friend.

"Hiei-san! Come here! I found some drag marks and frostbitten plants with some strange pearls!" Nadeshiko shouts as she continues to inspect the dirt with Sakura. Hiei and Kurama run over to see that Nadeshiko was right.

"Frostbitten plants?" Kurama asks as he arrives.

"Yes, and the trail leads towards this hole in the wall," Sakura replies from a section of the wall that had been blown up. The wall had a strange burn marks all around it.

"That means that Yukina must have been trying to defend herself," Yuusuke replies as he arrives carrying Genkai.

"Where's Yukina?" Kuwabara demands as he runs up to Kurama.

"She's been kidnapped," Kurama replies.

"Kurama, could you take care of Baasan?" Yuusuke asks as he sets Genkai down on the ground

"Sure thing," Kurama replies as he starts to check to see if Genkai was still breathing. Meanwhile, Hiei was inspecting the wall.

'This crater was created by black flames . . . could it be Resshin . . .? But that's not possible, I killed him a long time ago . . . still, it doesn't change anything. The kidnappers must have known that Yukina has a connection to me . . . I guess my first instinct is right.' Hiei turns around and says, "This wall was destroyed by a Makai flame master." Everyone suddenly turns around to look at him.

"Are you sure, Hiei?" Sakura asks.

"Yes," Hiei simply replies, not bothering to explain. With that, he flits off, leaving everyone else to further investigate.

"Hiei-san!" Nadeshiko shouts, preparing to go after him. Just then, Kurama puts his hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"Nadeshiko-chan, don't. Hiei is very angry right now, and there's no telling what he could do. I wouldn't put it beyond him to try and kill you. He just needs some time on his own. Don't worry, he'll come along when it comes time for us to rescue Yukina. Until then, I think it's best we let him be." Nadeshiko looks back with pleading eyes, but then turns away as she looks down at the ground.

Meanwhile, back to Hiei . . .

'I should have been there for her . . . I'm her older brother! It's all my fault! The one thing that I swore I would do . . . and I can't even follow through with it!' Hiei thinks as he runs deep into the bamboo forest. He stops by the hot springs and looks at the pearls, remembering the first time they met after the fighting tournament.

(Start flashback)

"Oh, Hiei-san, I didn't know you were taking a bath here," Yukina says as she walks out. Hiei was putting his black cloak back on and turns to look at her.

"It's okay, I was just getting dressed anyway. What are you doing here?" he asks in reply, putting his white scarf on around his neck.

"Just exploring. I've only been here for a week and I'd like to see what's around here, that's all," Yukina replies with a smile. Hiei nods, and leaves.

(End flashback)

A twig suddenly snaps, and Hiei turns around, shouting, "Who's there?"

A figure steps out from the forest of bamboo, chuckling. "Long time no see, Hiei. Or should I say the Forbidden Child? You have changed since I last saw you, 450 years ago on that frozen pond. I knew you must have survived. We never found your body when we dragged the frozen lake."

"You b******! What have you done to Yukina?!" Hiei shouts, getting angry.

"So, my spy was right. Yukina is your sister. I thought Yukina was your long lost girlfriend, but it looks like Kurama was right." Hiei's eyes grew large as he heard that it was Kurama who had supplied Resshin with the information.

"Ku-Kurama?!" Hiei shouts in surprise.

"That's right. We told him we had information about Sakura's whereabouts. He was so gullible, it was easy," Resshin replies with a chuckle. "I'll be waiting for you here with Yukina," he pauses as he throws a note at Hiei. "Bring your friends, just come by yourself, it really doesn't matter to me. I'll be seeing you then," he says as he disappears into thin air. He lands on top of a bamboo plant, unnoticed by Hiei. `Haha, he'll never figure out the truth . . . this shall be interesting . . .'

Meanwhile, Hiei had finished reading the note and decides not to go back to his tree by the temple. He looks down at the pearls again, and his vision blurs as he feels his own tears rolling down his face and onto the ground as perfectly clear pearls. Kurama . . . how could you betray me like this? I thought we were friends . . . you've helped me so many times . . . was that just to gain my trust? Just then, Hiei hears the sound of paws against dried bamboo leaves and wipes his tears away. He whirls around to see a four-tailed fox. Noticing Hiei's gaze, it reverts into its youko form and transforms back into a human. It was Kurama. Barely controlling his anger, Hiei demands, "What do you want?"

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, Hiei, but it wasn't me who told that guy about Yukina," he says as he pauses. He looks down on the ground, and then quieter, he continues, "I'd never do that, not to a friend."

At that, Hiei explodes. "How do I know I can even trust you?! You say you wouldn't, but how do I know that it wasn't you who told him? How do I know that you're just trying to convince me other wise and then hand me over to him when you get the chance? How?!"

Kurama sighs. He knew there was no way he could. "I guess I can't, but you'll just have to trust me. We've been friends all this time, you'll just have to believe in that," he calmly replies.

"I can't trust you anymore, Kurama, nor can I consider you as a friend. Leave, before I kill you," Hiei says as he turns away. Not hearing any fading footsteps, Hiei whirls around and pulls out his sword, "Go away before I kill you!" Seeing that it was futile to say anything else to convince Hiei, Kurama turns around and leaves. Once Kurama was out of sight, Hiei looks out over the spring again, sits down, and buries his face in his knees.

~ To be continued ~

Kurama no Miko2003: There you have it, chapter 1 of yet another long fic. And for anyone who cares, it's the same as the one that's posted on ffnet under the same name. I hope you all liked it!