Zatch Bell Fan Fiction ❯ Simple Amenities ❯ Prompt 025: Sting ( One-Shot )

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Prompt 025: Sting
Disclaimer: Konjiki no Gash Bell belongs to Makoto Raiko and its respective editors. I do not own it.
“Unu, Kiyomaro! Help!” Gash yelled, running to his fifteen year old partner. He was clutching his right index finger tightly, out of breath, tears streaming from his eyes.
Kiyomaro glanced up from his book at the little demon. “What is it, Gash?” He asked. “If it's that girl, Naomi, you're on your own.” He started to lower his eyes to the book when a cry of desperation came form Gash's mouth.
“But Kiyomaro, it hurts!” Gash declared, pointing at Kiyomaro with the same finger he had been holding. Kiyomaro looked at it hesitantly.
Why is he pointing at me? He asked himself uncertainly. “Gash, what hurts?”
“I got bit by a bug!” Gash complained. Kiyomaro closed his book and put it down, kneeling down in front of the child.
“What kind of bug, Gash? Did you see it?” Kiyomaro asked, taking Gash's hand and inspecting it.
“Well,” Gash said. “It was yellow and black, and it landed on my arm. I wanted to pet it,”
No wonder it bit you. Kiyomaro decided in his mind.
“So I went to touch it, and then it bit me! And now it hurts a lot!”
At last, Kiyomaro realized why it was hurting so much. The area around it was enflamed and swelling; a natural reaction to a foreign object in the skin. Judging by the distension of it, there was most likely a small amount of poison.
“Gash,” Kiyomaro began. “This yellow and black bug, did it fly?”
“Unu,” Gash said. “How did you know, Kiyomaro?”
As the boy asked, Kiyomaro squeezed the finger slightly, forcing the small object out of it with some difficulty. The boy didn't even notice it. The object fell into his hand and Kiyomaro smiled.
“Just as I thought,” He said. “It was a bee. And it didn't bite you, it stung you,”
Gash looked at the stinger with interest. “What's sting?”
Kiyomaro looked at Gash hesitantly. You're kidding…He tried to think of an example. Something Gash had felt before. “You remember that time we were boarding up the house during our first battle and you got that splinter?”
Gash nodded briefly, sucking on his enflamed finger. He was surprised that Kiyomaro remembered that; and that the teenage boy, barely fourteen, was able to remove said splinter in the condition he was in after that fight.
“Well, that's a stinging feeling. A sting is pretty much when something that isn't supposed to be in your skin or body, is. If I were to prick you with a needle, that would be considered a sting,”
Gash mumbled something that Kiyomaro couldn't understand, and automatically, Kiyomaro bopped him on the head. “Take your finger out of your mouth so I can understand you, idiot,” He commented. He dropped the stinger and absently buried it under the dirt.
Gash removed his finger instantly before speaking again. “I said, why does this hurt so much when the splinter only hurt when I touched it?”
Kiyomaro considered this. “Because.” He said cautiously. “A bee has a poison…”
“Poison!” Gash said, panicking.
“Relax, Gash,” Kiyomaro said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It's not going to-”
“Unu, Kiyomaro! I don't want to die! Fix the poison!” Gash yelled, ignoring Kiyomaro.
“Gash, it's not-” Kiyomaro tried, reaching into his pocket.
“Kiyomaro, hurry!”
“Unu! I can't feel it anymore, Kiyomaro!”
Giving up, Kiyomaro snatched Gash's hand and took a bandage out of his pocket. He quickly unwrapped it and placed it around the sting, then crossed his arms in annoyance. Gash looked at his finger innocently, then back up at Kiyomaro.
“There,” He said. “The numbness is just the poison taking effect. It will wear off soon. Think of it as one of Papipurio's spells,”
“Which spell, Kiyomaro? That acid one isn't a very good example,”
Again, Kiyomaro struggled to keep from yelling at the boy. He was so short minded; there was no point in explaining anymore.
“Forget it, Gash, you'll be fine,” With a sigh, he stood straight. “Now, I think you've had enough excitement for one day.” He turned to pick up his book from the bench he was seated on before.
“Unu! Kiyomaro!” Gash said as Kiyomaro lifted the book up.
Yes, Gash?” He asked, his voice cracking from the attempt to hold back his annoyance. He's a child. He's a child. He repeated in his head several times to keep himself calm. He was more then shocked when he felt the demon's small arms wrap around his leg in a tight embrace.
“Thank you,” Gash said simply. “I hope I have a big brother that's like you back in the Demon world,” With that, he released Kiyomaro and ran off toward the park exit.
Kiyomaro remained rooted to the spot for several moments before a small smile crept onto his face. Any annoyance he previously felt drifted from his mind, and he walked patiently after him.
He's a child. He repeated in his mind once again. He's just a child.