Zero No Tsukaima Fan Fiction ❯ Zero No Tsukaima Darkness Rising ❯ Foresight, Hindsight, and a New Life Together ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Foresight, Hindsight, and a New Life Together
The sky has been dark ever since they entered the land of Germania its grown increasingly difficult to even tell what time of day it is. None of that seems to matter as they are facing an army that out numbers them one hundred to four. Though the group has four others it is already quite obvious that they will be of little help again such overwhelming numbers.
Saito turns to Louise, who still hasn't woke up, “Take care of her Tabitha.” Tabitha nods and turns back to the supply cart that they have been using. Tabitha returns with a pouch.
“Saito, its dragons breath, just throw the pouch.”
He nods in understanding though he is obviously skepticle of something in a small leather pouch being any use at all.
Seth removes the sleeve from over his left arm letting his rune show and pulls on a pair of fingerless leather gloves, “Airo, Zion, you guys ready?” They both nod and Seth turns back to Rain. The silence shared between them holds more emotion and meaning than any words of love or any embrace could ever. As Seth turns back around and begins to walk towards the waiting army Zion and Airo begin to follow. Saito turns back and runs back to Louise her body still cold and the only sign of life is her shallow breathing.
“Louise.....” Saito takes her into his arms, “Louise.....” Her skin is cold to his touch, a tear runs down his cheek and lands on hers as he gently places her back down. “Louise...” He closes his eyes and takes in a deep shaky breath and turns and chases after the three ahead of him.
When he catches up he notices that Seth though walking ahead of everyone else seems to be having the most trouble as his arms are both burried deep in his pockets but he is shaking.
Saito speeds up so that he catches up with Seth, “Hey are you okay?”
Seth whole body is quivering and his face has begun to perspire, “I...don't want to die,” Seth looks over at Saito his eyes are filled with fear, something that Saito has never see before, “What's it like Saito, you died once.”
Saito tries to remember but only the moment before and the moment after are in his memory, “It is not so bad, its like falling alseep,” he lies...
“That don't sound too bad,” Seth's face remains the same, “How bout this Saito, let's try to not die, how's that.” Seth smiles but his demenor is telling a different story.
Saito smiles and puts his hand on Seth's shoulder, “Yeah that would probably be the best stratigy, it's easier to win if we don't die.”
Airo and Zion walk along beside Saito and Seth both trying there best to be strong for not just themselves but the comrads that they are standing beside. Seth lifts his head still filled with neviousness, and fear but with a loud roar he charges forward. Saito and the others follow suit and they meet the first line of the army at the same time
“AHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Zion sits up so fast that he give himself whip lash and has to lay back down, “haaaa.....haaaaaaa......haaaaaaa.haaaaaaaaaaa............” His blanket has been kicked off and he is cover in a cold sweat, “Was that just a dream.”
“Zion?” He turns his head to find Tabitha closing the distance between her bed and Zion's sleeping bag, “Are you okay?”
Zion is a little taken back, in the few days that they have been together she has never said something with that kind of worry, “It was just a dream, I think.”
Zion rests his head on her shoulder trying to find some comfort from anything at all, “It felt so real.......Like I was really there.....” His breathing still hasn't evened out, his dream, if it could be called that, continues to weigh heavily on his mind.
Tabitha puts her hand against the back of his head, “dreams can sometimes feel real,” her voice is like silk to his ears, “don't worry, I'm here,” she cooes as she runs her hand through the platinum mess Zion calls hair.
“I love you........”
Zion's breathing has returned to normal but now Tabitha's has grown more irrigular, “”
Zion pulls back from her and looks into her eyes, gems in the dark of night, “I love you,” his face has turned a shade of red.
“Thank you.......” Tabitha gets back up and walks to the door, “I think I'll take a walk.”
She opens the door and disapears from sight. Zion puts his hand against his face and then runs his fingers back through his hair, “” Zion gets up and chases after her.
The morning of has come and Rain has sent Seth to fetch Saito and Louise to get their answer. Just as Seth is about to knock on the door to Louise's room an explotion cause the door to fly open and smacks him right in the face knocking him down on his butt.
“Bakabakabakabakabakabaka!” Louise's voice is acompanied by Saito's apologies and screams.
“Lousie, I told you I was asleep.”
“You perveted dog, trying to voilate me!”
The smoke clears and it reveals Saito on the ground is shirt has been removed and his body is covered with lash marks, Louise is seated on top of him in her nightgown making the situation seem rather unapropriate.
“You BAKA!”
Before she hits him again Seth loudly clears his throat getting both of their attention.
“Are you two done having your morning 'fun time' yet?”
“Fun time?”
Saito and Louise look at each other and realize how they look with Saito shirt less and Lousie barely dressed and she quickly scurries off of him and hides behind her dresser cabinet and quickly changes.
“Seth why are you here?” Saito sits up cringing at the stinging marks across his body.
“Saito, we are leaving today, I was hoping you'd give us an answer sooner but we've had some trouble obviously, with Hernrietta calling you and then us getting attacked by that Griffin guy. I know you both already agreed but, I want to ask one more time.”
Saito turn and looks at Louise who has finished dressing, “What do you say Louise? They say they could really use our help.”
Louise shrugs and makes the decision seem like a large burdon, “If they need us then how could we say no.”
“I'll take that as a yes before this gets anymore complicated.” Seth turns to walk away but is stopped by Tabitha and Zion. He looks very confused he starts blink really fast and rubbing his eyes, “Zion why are you hear so early in the morning?” Seth runs his hand over his face, “You know what nevermind, Tabitha are you coming with us, like I asked before?”
She nods, “We have to tell Headmaster Osmond.”
The group walks down the hall and out of the student living building and enter the administation building. After a short while they reach Osmond's office. Saito nods and a new female secritary opens the door his skirt just about her knees and he chest, well it was noted, by both the men and women in the group.
Osmond looks up from his papers and welcomes everyone.
Seth doesn't seem to want to be the talker this time for some reason so Louise steps past him and bows politely to the headmaster.
“Headmaster Osmond my familiar and I hav.......”
Osmond raises his hand and Louise stops, “I already know and I approve of this. This is a very grave matter and if you and Saito can be of any help than on behalf of the whole academy please do.”
Seth steps forward and leans over on the table using his arms to keep himself up, “Hey how do you know!? No one is supposed to know!”
“Seth's anger seems to be misplaced,” Osmond jokes, “Miss Kirche's family is quite powerful and in an attempt to better our relations with Germania have begun to share information with us that could become dangerious for us.”
“So the Zerbst family told you?” Louise seems to understand as her family and Kirche's had always been until recent times, bitter rivals, and even enemies.
“So you are leaving today with a small unit of people.....of Gandalfr's?”
“We call ourselves the Holy Knights, we have no titles like Saito.” Seth seems to have calmed down now that he's realized that the situation hasn't gone completely out of control, “Does the Queen know?”
Seth's eyes grow and his face turns pale.
“Don't worry I have personally assured her that this not an act of the Germanian Government. She is a young Queen but she knows who's words are to be trusted.” Osmond takes a puff from a smoking pipe he pulled out in the middle of Seth's explination of the Gandalfer.
The words don't seem to put much ease to Seth's sudden mood.
“So is that all?”
Seth and Louise nod and turn as the majority of the group heads for the doors, until Tabitha says, “No.....”
Seth, Saito, and Louise stop and turn back around and notice that Tabitha and Zion are holding hands.
Zion looks at Tabitha and then old man Osmond, “Would you please conduct a marriage ceromony for us?”
Osmond almost chokes on his pipe while Louise and the other are completely dumb struck.
After shaking out the cobwebs Seth spins Zion around and gives him a very stern look, for about five seconds and then starts to laugh and gives his friend a hug, “You and Tabitha, I knew it.”
Maybe talking to her in the passageway actually did some good
Osmond finishes coughing and asks Tabitha and Zion if they both wish to be married to each other. After, Osmond stands up and walks over to a large cabinent and pulls out two jars with one flower in each of them.
Though no one askes, the idea that Osmond keeps those kinds of things handy seems to be scratching at the back of their minds.
The flowers remind Saito of his and Louise's, though his was destroyed the day he died and Louise seems to have hidden hers.
Osmond begins the ceromony by having Seth be Zion's witness and Louise, Tabitha's. After a few words Osmond takes their hands and puts them together and steps back.
“You may now finish the ceromony, with a kiss.”
Zion looks down at Tabitha with adoring eyes and he reaches up and take off her glasses. Her blue eyes meet his grey and they slowly move toward each other until their lips finally touch. As they kiss the flowers behind them suddenly bud and glow. Tabitha's a sky blue color and Zion's a pure snow white color.
They break the kiss and turn to the small group of witnesses, both blushing.
Louise jumps up and gives Tabitha a big huge and starts laughing and Tabitha, to Saito's disbelief seems to completely change as she hugs Louise back.
Seth shakes Zion's hand and then laughs and gives his friend another hug, “So you finally found the one you where looking for huh?”
“Yes....I have,”