By: gogetax5 I have decided to write a fanfic story of my own but mines a little different. This story takes place digimon session 3. It starts at the end of the episode “A World Apart”, the one where the pig dava Vikarlamon
is rampaging throw Japan. At the end of this
episode the monkey dava Kurumon takes off with Calamon, but my story takes a different “turn”. Just before he gets throw the portal, a Veedramon flies over and Hammer punches Kurumon. Kurumon then drops Calamon, and I just happen to be there to catch him. I hand him over to Rika and I tell Veedramon to uses V-Nova blast on Kurumon. Kurumon then is turned to data and up loaded be my partner Veedramon. Meanwhile Impmon still goes to the digital world with the dog dava Caturamon. (don’t worry he still becomes Beelzemon, he just comes in later) Anyways sense Calamon stayed in the real world there was no need to go to the digital world. And here is where my story takes place. (oh and Leomon don’t die in this story)
Anime/Manga: Digimon Fan Fiction | Genre(s): | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 05.27.2005 | Pages: 4 | Words: 8.2K | Visits: 1.8K | Status: No Chapters