Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Namekian Saiyan
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By: punker182biatch Hey peoples, now I know I'm not going to get many reveiws for this but trust me, this intro's gonna come in handy later. Think of it as a sneak peak into the future plot. And on another note, ur not going to see too many more "G-rated" fics from my section. But I'm pretty sure I didn't see ANYTHING that parents need to make sure their kids r old enough to be reading for this fic so it's G. I'll try to upload the other fics fast so no one gets bored, but u need to remember, I'm a procrastinator. ^_^
Okay, I know u've all seen the female saiyan "mary sues" before, but just read it. I promise u, if I'd really made her a guy, then it wouldn't be as funny.
Lunatii(her namekian name) was sent to Namek when she was a baby almost in the sense that Kakarott was sent to Earth. Nail's been like a big brother and father to her ever since. But a female saiyan growing up on a world of peaceful, uni-gender, plantlike aliens and no moon can cause a few problems in the long run...
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 01.02.2003 | Pages: 3 | Words: 843 | Visits: 486 | Status: Completed