By: rin_sama1989 In the not so far off future a new religion arises, lead by the god whos name is never mentioned, but promises the most wonderous paradise. In a time of war and famine, were happyness is so far from thier hearts, the humans greatfuly accept this false god, and join the ranks of its army to surpress all those others who have caused uffering.
200 years later, deep in the forest known as Lesterling, a powerful army grows, intent on topling the one who blinds his followers and traps souls in their own dead bodies. All they need is a leader. One who has faced the harshest of surpression, yet holds no malice for those who surpressed. A kind heart, the farthest from the false paradise.
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Adventure / Action | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 12.26.2005 | Pages: 4 | Words: 3.8K | Visits: 406 | Status: Completed