By: Supurrkitty Yay! Hurray for editing! I started this one a ways back, but forget that! I'm gunna give y'all a summary now!
Duo disapears after having his heart broken and is presumed dead, suicide... But, we all know that's not true, that wouldn't be very fun. Anyways, while he's off being 'dead', Quatre finally finds the chance to snag Duo's devoted lover. That's a whole other story, though( a juicy one at that, it'll be up soon...)
But, when she finds out Duo's alive. Will she leave Quatre, even though she said she'd marry him? Or, will she pretend Duo's still dead and stick to her promise, even though her love for him never left?
Ooh, tough decision...
~Supurrkitty, a real anime cowgirl
Anime/Manga: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Drama / | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 07.24.2003 | Pages: 17 | Words: 13.6K | Visits: 1.1K | Status: Completed