Harvest Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Wolfdogzgirl123 Harvest Moon More Friend of Mineral Town Fanfic part 1
Reinako come here I need to tell you something said Jenny. Yes Mom ? said
Reinako. In four days you¡¯re going to a town to begin farming life said Jenny. WHAT Why didn¡¯t you tell me?! Yes I know it might be shocking, It will be a fun life on a Farm replied Mom. I would¡¯ve of been packing by now said Reinako. Reinako has Silver hair that goes to her knees also she has two black streaks in her hair her bands are down to her shoulders she has deep chocolate gray eyes.
Also she has been called weirdo because she has a lot of strange powers.
(to be continued)