[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: KiariSlayer Summary: Every night Kagome cries Inuyasha to love her. But when she finds Inuyasha in the arms of Kikyo. Something clicks in Kagome’s mind “can she really love someone that loves another”. Then Koga shows up wanting to take his “woman”. But worse of all is that SHE GOES with him, and then the tables are turned when Inuyasha finds Kagome is gone with Koga. Inuyasha finds his true feels for Kagome. But is it too late!
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Pairings I/K S/M Kou/Kag (Kinda)!!
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Drama | Type: Self Insertion | Uploaded On: 10.04.2003 | Pages: 3 | Words: 2.6K | Visits: 796 | Status: Completed