By: dreaming_bout_Inu ‘Love, the single most everlasting promise a soul can make. Love, the only truth that binds the world together in unity and peace. Love can overcome all other emotions because love comes from the soul and is the purest emotion of all. Love is a feeling that was given to all to share and to treasure. If humans hadn’t abused it we could have lived in a world of true happiness and purity and love. The strongest love of all is in which one would sacrifice his life for another. That’s the most powerful thing in all the world and it shouldn’t be abused but so many do because their minds can’t understand it. Love is a feeling that no one can even fathom, it’s intangible. There is no way to understand it. You just love others and live your life filled with it and that’s the most you can do. Love, use it, give it, but don’t abuse it…….