InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life, New Home, New Friends, and a New Love
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: inuysashaluver1893 1. INUYASHA AND KINGDOM HEARTS CROSSOVER!Kagome has heard Inuyasha confess his feelings to Kikyo and kissed her.Brokenhearted,Kagome runs back to her era and seals the well.Her mom enrolls Kagome to a New Shcool...FULL SUM INSIDE!Better then sounds.Read.
2. Summery: Kagome has heard Inuyasha confess his feelings to Kikyo (and kissed her). Broken-hearted, Kagome runs back to her era and seals the well. Her mom enrolls Kagome to a New Shcool, so she has to move to a New Town so she could start a New life and forget about the Feudal Era. She goes to live in a Boarding school and meets New Friends, but she finds herself falling in love with one of her New Friends after she promise not to fall in love ever again so she wont get hurt. Will Kagome move closer to her New Friend or will she get her heart broken all over again? Does he feel the same way about her? Will Kagome trust him? And why is Inuyasha back and how did he break the seal?! Kagome X?.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance | Type: Crossover | Uploaded On: 08.24.2007 | Pages: 44 | Words: 55.1K | Visits: 3.1K | Status: Work in Progress