By: Love-is-god One crazy dream indeed. Normally I don't dream, or don't remember them. However, this one was vivid enough to stay with me. Since I woke up way to early, couldn't get back to sleep, and was bored, I wrote it down!
Now, anybody who's had an odd dream before knows that it can't be related quite right in just plain English. There are concepts and thoughts in dreams that don't lend themselves to rational discourse, so I had to insert a few details and draw a few connections, but these are just to keep it together, and all the basic ideas are the same.
I sent it to my editor to give her a laugh, and she told me to post it, so here we are!
Anime/Manga: Mai-HiME Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 09.17.2007 | Pages: 1 | Words: 4.4K | Visits: 852 | Status: Completed