Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Just A Little Bit Different
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Angel Jaganshi Cossette was always timid and quiet, unlike her wreckless twin sister, Reila. Even though they are so different from eachother, they share a common love for dancing and anything that challenges them. Reila is good with martial arts, and Cossette is the perfect little gymnast.
Cossette Dionna is a nineteen year old Italian/Japanese girl; born and raised in Kyoto, Japan, that has a passion for any form of art; but mostly dance. Dancing to her brings out her inner beast. She is a different than other girls in the sense that she was born Albino. There are many people who back her passion, her gay best friend since childhood Choi Yoochang and Reila being her biggest supporters.
Her passion for dance brings her closer to a secret goal in life. To be apart of the SM Entertainment family; even if it just the position of BoA's backup dancer. The love she holds for the boy band SHINee drives her to this goal.
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 02.11.2010 | Pages: 2 | Words: 4.7K | Visits: 400 | Status: No Chapters