Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Rue the day, wake up in
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: gossaem running running, gotta keep runing the shadows will get me 'aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh"
i jerk up, awake, hearing screams around me, but i'm alone. where... what... the room is dark. whats' going on? i shake my head, pushing my hair out of my eyes, it's longer and ... darker than i remember it being. it's original color? was my hair color black? i dont' even really remember anymore... no... it was brown. that's right... but i never kept it that way... what's. my mind wanders as i glance around the darkness, i can't see there isn't any light? no... there is, dimness... something... on the right of me? i reach out to the sides, feel cold slimy walls to the side of me, both sides of me. right next to me on the left, just at the tips of my fingers on the right. i reach back and feel nothing, forward and.. more stone. up? i stand up, leaning against the right wall, can't reach the ceiling. i jump, landing with a soft umft, something moving away as a land. i wasn't able to reach the ceiling...
the sounds stoped. i dont' hear screaming anymore. wait... is that... shuffling? coming towards me? i head the only way i can move, staying quiet. i trip on... a blanket? i grab it and tie it around my waste, i might need it. what... i'm wearing heals? i hate heals... i... i take of my shoes in confusion, grip the spiked heal like a weapon in my hand. i know i'm wearing some kind of shirt and maybe some gauchos or something. i run into a wall... but it's a door? it's wood.
Miscellaneous: Original Stories Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Suspense | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 04.20.2007 | Pages: 5 | Words: 3.9K | Visits: 444 | Status: No Chapters