By: headfullofpotter Our eyes locked, I closed my eyes and leaned into him. I felt Blaine�s tear soaked lips touch mine, happiness surged through me like a wave, a smile spread throughout my entire body like a wave. I grinned like a fool as I ran my fingers through his beautiful black mane. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as he touched my face, his cold hands felt like a breath of fresh air against my skin. He gently bit my lip and I laughed and opened my eyes, he was looking at me like no-one has ever looked at me before, he looked at me with understanding and� love. I try, but I can�t stop the tears from streaming down my face as I look into his face, my heart feels like it�s inflating, about to explode. Beaming like a Cheshire cat, I look at the ground before my heart bursts due to feeling. Blaine lifts my chin and kisses me again, he holds my hands tightly and I clutch his even tighter, afraid that if I ever let go I will lose him forever. Our finger interlock and he kisses me on the forehead and I think, I think he feels the same way about me, I hope so.