Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Tenchi Muyo! � plus Alpha (Original)
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Ryu the Weredragon Katsuhito Masaki had 3 Children, Ryu Masaki, A Powerful Martial Artist, Nodoka Masaki, a Beautiful Woman who's Sword Capabilities are plentiful, and Achika Masaki, who was pure and lovely, as well as being skilled in the family art... All three got married and had a child, but Achika eventually died...
Genma Saotome (Nodoka's Husband), eventually takes two of them, Ryu & Chun-Li's Son- Sho Masaki, and Nodoka & his own son- Ranma Saotome, training...But, he gets himself and his family in BIG Trouble...
How will a Street Fighter's Son handle Ranma's Lifestyle? How will Ryu handle Ryoko & the other women when they come into Tenchi's life? Find out!