By: Kasianne This piece takes a look into the more obsessive side of Knives’ nature, giving reason to his attacks on Vash and humanizing him— making him more than the pure villain the anime seems to suggest. There are some manga references herein, as well, and anyone who has followed the manga will pick up on them Knives ‘assimilation’ ...technique, and a vague reference to Tessla.
I don’t really want to put any more than that since saying any more would be spoileriffic. Besides, you’re here to read the story, not my babbling.
Written for the "Adversary" prompt at the TempsMort community on LiveJournal.
Anime/Manga: Trigun Fan Fiction | Genre(s): / Angst | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 07.12.2004 | Pages: 2 | Words: 1.2K | Visits: 661 | Status: Completed