By: yamikirby 
Yugi VS Kaiba
Kaiba:Hey,Yugi,i want to duel you.
Yugi:Lets bet star chips.
(Throwing Star Chips.but falls down)
(Falls down on Weevils head)
Yugi:I put my dark Magician Girl in atack mode,and i put this faced down.
Kaiba:Then i put my Judge Man in atack mode.
Yugi:Wait,i have a dark Magian(Powers it atack and defense by 500,2500 atck points).
Kaiba:Darnet,i have been albilberated,oh no,300 life points,1700,im nowhere near dead.
Kaiba:He he he,i put my blue eyes white dragon in atack mode.
Yugi:Man,im in big trouble,ratz,i need,i draw one card.
Yugi:Gaia the feirce knight,i have my Milus radiant,atack mode,2800,then Sword of deep seated,3300,enough to kill that dragon,20O life points.
Kaiba:Crud,he is gonna use an ultimate atack.
Yugi:Thats Right,Dark Magician girl,atack his life points,1500,lost.
Dark Magican Girl:Im a dark magcian girl,who lives in a magician world,Yu Gis hair is plastic(Weevil:What THE HECK).Its Fantastic.
Kaiba:Sagi The Dark Clown,POWER CRUSH!!!
Viruses infect card.
Swordstalker,go!!!In defence Mode:
Sword touching virus.
Blue Eye Dead,
Kaiba:Here is my Dark Hole
Kaiba:Oh no,my deck,its sparking death,i have no cards,Life Points reduced to 0.
Yugi Wins,but a shadow who looks like a weevil says:you lost your star chips,sneaks into Pegasuses castle.
Weevil battles Pegasus.
Cocoon of Evulution
Dragon Piper:Pegasus won,Weevils soul tooken.
Link:Here is a sword on your power card,Ganondork!!!
Weevil:I am finnished,im ripper to heaven,put me in the dumpster.
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Action /
Adventure |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 07.31.2002 |
Pages: 1 |
Words: 280 |
Visits: 739 |
Status: Completed