Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ It All Starts With A Crush
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: Sailor J-chan 
Botan fell in love with Yusuke when she first saw him. But there's a big flaw with her romance: He loves Keiko.
Warning: Some Keiko-bashing and OOC-ness for Botan.
Prolouge: Botan thinks over her feelings and makes a decision. (Song used: 'Crush' by Mandy Moore)
Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance /
Drama /
Angst |
Type: Songfic |
Uploaded On: 05.11.2003 |
Pages: 2 |
Words: 909 |
Visits: 746 |
Status: Completed