Maximum Ride Fan Fiction


After Armageddon
[T] by: Zellerose
: Maximum Ride Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Adventure | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: October 11, 2008 20:29 PDT | Chapters: 14 | Words: 44.5K | Visits: 4.7K
Summary: What if Max hadn't saved the world? It isn't pretty let me tell you, and things are getting steadily worse under the Director's reign. However, the rebellion is growing steadily stronger, but will they be strong enough to stop her, or will they be to late?

Who am I to say?
[T] by: Fluffymiyster
: Maximum Ride Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Songfic
Latest Revision: July 12, 2008 08:52 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.2K | Visits: 808
Summary: Fang leaves Max once again when they dispute over their differences of their situation. Being the tough girl she is, Max refuses to acknowledge any feelings she has toward him...but for how long can she keep this up? Can she make Fang come back? Will he wa read more
Review(s): 2 Reviews