[T] by: Niphridell Non Anime: Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction Genre(s): Romance / Psychological / Angst | Type: Continuation Latest Revision: October 25, 2002 22:28 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 2.1K | Visits: 455 Summary: Um...both a song-fic and a continuation fic. Much like when Cloud went cazy after getting mako poisoning, it's about Vincent's dreams and how they all point to his atonement, and him finding himself through the fog of his retrospection. Don't expect an upl read more
[P] by: Niphridell : Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction Genre(s): Angst | Type: Songfic Latest Revision: October 09, 2002 14:09 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 537 | Visits: 404 Summary: Set to the song "Darkest Days" by Stabbing Westward. Vincent reflects on his past...nuff said. Review(s): 1 Reviews