My Angel,My love [T] by: Androidgirl18 Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan FictionGenre(s): Comedy / Romance / Drama | Type: Shoujo-aiLatest Revision: November 21, 2007 14:22 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 195 | Visits: 823Summary: She was my Friend,Wife,and the Mother of my child.She made sad days seem bright and her smile made my heart dance.Why did she have to go?Why did My Angel return to heaven? When 18 dies Krillin's world stoped.He would not sleep or train.He ga read more
Dragonballz:The new Enemy [A] by: Androidgirl18 : Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan FictionGenre(s): Comedy / Action / Romance / Drama | Type: OtherLatest Revision: August 06, 2007 14:29 PDT | Chapters: 8 | Words: 7.4K | Visits: 2.1KSummary: I suck at summarys...but here goes nothing...After the cell saga and after trunk killed the androids, eveyone retuned to there lives.Little do they know that a new theart is about to appear.Who is he? And why is he here?Why is he chaseing a girl found by T read more