Kritiker School [T] by: AnnaHibiki Anime/Manga: Weiss Kreuz Fan FictionGenre(s): Supernatural / Romance | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: May 20, 2004 09:15 PDT | Chapters: 2 | Words: 4.4K | Visits: 983Summary: Some bishies thought that the real world would be based in Harry Potter, but when they go to the Kritiker School of Witchcraft they see how different things are. AU, Yaoi, NOT a HP crossover.Review(s): 7 Reviews
Halloween Night [T] by: AnnaHibiki : Weiss Kreuz Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: November 02, 2003 17:41 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 5.6K | Visits: 1.1KSummary: (AU) The boys spend a Hallowen night at Brad's place. With the help of a movie and a little too much alcohol some of them realized things they had never thought they'll learn about, while others confessed things they would never dare say. (Heppens a read moreReview(s): 2 Reviews
Ilusion [A] by: AnnaHibiki : Weiss Kreuz Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: July 09, 2003 17:15 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.8K | Visits: 1.0KSummary: Schwarz don't approve, Weiss don't know, but until one of them dies, they'll continue together... One-shot. R&R please!Review(s): 1 Reviews
You're Crazy [T] by: AnnaHibiki : Weiss Kreuz Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: SongficLatest Revision: June 07, 2003 07:31 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.2K | Visits: 882Summary: Ken thinks about his ex. Oneshot. R&R please!
Mrs. Hikada (A VERY FEMENINE KENKEN!) [T] by: AnnaHibiki : Weiss Kreuz Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: OtherLatest Revision: March 06, 2003 02:16 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.8K | Visits: 883Summary: Youji broke up with Ken. Now Ken wants to be near him and Omi, and to do that, he asks Schuldig to transform him into a woman. And now there seems to be something between Youji and Ran... *Prologue up!* R&R!!Review(s): 3 Reviews
In absence of you [T] by: AnnaHibiki : Weiss Kreuz Fan FictionGenre(s): Angst / Romance | Type: SongficLatest Revision: January 16, 2003 02:10 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 955 | Visits: 809Summary: Deathfic, shonen ai, OOC for Omi. A lot of years after his lover's death, Omi's still blaming himself and suffering. OmiNagi R&R please!Review(s): 1 Reviews