Dream for a better future [P] by: Dark fire angel Anime/Manga: Slayers Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: ContinuationLatest Revision: January 27, 2003 15:02 PST | Chapters: 2 | Words: 3.3K | Visits: 934Summary: Xelloss falls asleep and has a strange dream... does it even mean something? Menawhile, after being waking up, he noticed Filia had the same dream... or one similar. How will it end? Filia/Xellos, of course n_nReview(s): 3 Reviews
To haunt or not to haunt, that is the question [P] by: Dark fire angel : Slayers Fan FictionGenre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: January 25, 2003 13:35 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 5.2K | Visits: 677Summary: A certain blond dragon girl decides to enter a contest that involves spending a night in a haunted house with the other finalist
Dark and light as one [P] by: Dark fire angel : Slayers Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: January 25, 2003 13:15 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.5K | Visits: 735Summary: Let's see... Filia thinks about her life, Xelloss does the same and.. ACK! >..>Review(s): 1 Reviews
Faith's secret [P] by: Dark fire angel : Slayers Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance / Comedy | Type: ContinuationLatest Revision: January 24, 2003 14:52 PST | Chapters: 11 | Words: 24.6K | Visits: 2.7KSummary: A sumary of this story, ne? Well, how about this? Xelloss as a babysitter for a 5 year old Filia... and a snake who holds the key to eternal youth!Review(s): 4 Reviews
A curse for the better? Or for the worse... [P] by: Dark fire angel : Slayers Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance / Comedy | Type: ContinuationLatest Revision: January 23, 2003 14:03 PST | Chapters: 10 | Words: 32.3K | Visits: 3.1KSummary: Filia suffers from a curse, the only way to break it? Spending time amongst mazoku! Xelloss takes her to WPI, where she gets to meets the dark lords (Joy of joys!!). Zelas, Phibby, Dynast, Dolphin, Xelloss and Filia all living under the same ceiling. read moreReview(s): 2 Reviews
A twist of destiny [P] by: Dark fire angel : Fan FictionGenre(s): Supernatural / Romance / Adventure | Type: OtherLatest Revision: January 22, 2003 15:52 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 8.5K | Visits: 483Summary: Angels and demons always fight eachother, isn't it so? But why... Kaila, a young arcangel thinks about this and decides she wants to find out the answer. What she doesn't know is that not only will she find out the answer, but she'll fall in love read moreReview(s): 1 Reviews
Another chance [P] by: Dark fire angel : Slayers Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance | Type: ContinuationLatest Revision: January 19, 2003 14:22 PST | Chapters: 13 | Words: 23.8K | Visits: 3.7KSummary: After the Slayer's world is destroyed, Filia is reborn, and lives happily until the day of her sixteenth birthday... for she meets an old aquaintaince of hers, turning her new life upsidedown... Xelloss/Filia *Chap 13 up, now complete*Review(s): 9 Reviews