
A Way Home
[T] by: Inugurl14
Anime/Manga: Nightwalker Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: August 22, 2005 16:26 PDT | Chapters: 5 | Words: 7.3K | Visits: 2.8K
Summary: Riho assists Shido in a case when yayoi is sick. The Breed's powers are unknown to them. Riho gets hit with some beam and is sent back in time! She runs into a few familiar people who don't know her and some that do!Riho now needs to find a way home!
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Review(s): 4 Reviews

My Girl
[T] by: Inugurl14
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Drama | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: August 22, 2005 16:23 PDT | Chapters: 13 | Words: 18.0K | Visits: 14.7K
Summary: Kagome is hurt badly and could possibly die! Inuyasha does somthing to save her, but something wierd happens to Kagome! OK I forgot to put this in my 6th chappy.Disclaimer I do not own Clay Aiken or any of his songs. ch.6 Clay Aiken- "Perfect Day"
Review(s): 14 Reviews

Kagome's Crush
[P] by: Inugurl14
: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Comedy / Action | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: September 22, 2004 15:12 PDT | Chapters: 15 | Words: 16.4K | Visits: 23.9K
Summary: Kagome is saved by someone other than Inuyasha and she, WHAT?! has a a crush on someone! Now she must help the YYH gang recover a stolen artifact.(Inu YYH X over.)the pairings are a secret!
OK all of my stories originated on Fanfiction.Net first. I read more
Review(s): 13 Reviews