That Sunday Morning [T] by: Ishida Miyako Anime/Manga: Fan FictionGenre(s): Action / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Horror / Martial Arts | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: January 07, 2004 22:48 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 10.4K | Visits: 752Summary: Kitamura Ryuhei's "Versus". A timeline of events leading up to that morning in the Forest of Resurrection.
And She Was Standing There [T] by: Ishida Miyako : Fan FictionGenre(s): Romance / Angst | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: January 17, 2003 16:35 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.5K | Visits: 984Summary: Harry Potter slight AU. Told in the P.O.V. of Angelina Johnson, she watches Katie Bell one of her best friends let go of her childhood dreams, Oliver Wood, and move on to an unlikely however realistic new love: Marcus Flint.
The Screams of Many [T] by: Ishida Miyako : Weiss Kreuz Fan FictionGenre(s): Angst / Drama | Type: SongficLatest Revision: September 25, 2002 21:39 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.8K | Visits: 787Summary: Schreient revisited, and their lives after Takatori Masafumi's death... and their rebirth. Takes place after OVA.
Always On My Mind [P] by: Ishida Miyako : Weiss Kreuz Fan FictionGenre(s): Angst / Drama | Type: One ShotLatest Revision: September 25, 2002 21:25 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 472 | Visits: 586Summary: The POV of a Schreient member. And her struggles with the men she loves.
Last Christmas [A] by: Ishida Miyako : Digimon Fan FictionGenre(s): Drama / Romance | Type: SongficLatest Revision: September 25, 2002 21:19 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 2.3K | Visits: 654Summary: A YAMAKO Christmas music video-fic! Sappy romance, all welcome! Enjoy!Review(s): 1 Reviews